Dragging a hay field


I have a 8 acre field that only gets used for hay. Not used for pasture. I am in the process of dragging it to thatch it. I
Am l alone in doing this?
How soon or late in the year do you drag your fields. Again no animal droppings to spread her.
I have a few hundred acres in hay and we use this field to winter feed the cattle on.
Have 50 feet of diamond harrows I drag over it once the snow and ice are gone.
Does a nice job of busting up and spreading the turds and leftover feed.
Tends to wake up any dead spots and encourages dormant seed to start doing it's thing.
Well worth doing and flattens out ay mole or gopher holes and mounds in the process.
I do the same as "Determined" drag pastures to spread manure and thatch grass.

You don't say what type of drag you are using, I prefer the type that looks like a chain link fence. They do a very good job of hugging the soil and breaking up pies. If conditions are damp they will roll dead grass into piles so dead grass must be dry.

Good Luck.

I pull a 12ft chain harrow behind the tractor as i'm spreading clover seed, gets the thatch up so the seed makes better soil contact

I have never done any dragging of a hay field. Have never seen anyone doing that around here so it must be a regional thing. Most farmers around here want to stay off their hay and crops field as much as possible due to compaction. I doubt that dragging would do much to improve any hay stand. Happy farming.
Now going just a little of track. If you want your lawn to come up really nice and thick try this. I rake it with a spring steel finger rake first so the surface is all loose. Spread your lawn seed pretty heavy but not like a carpet. Last is the trick, I spread a very thin layer of grass clippings over top. Shake them in a very gentle breeze and just enough that it looks like a green fog on your ground. Keep watered daily just enough to keep it wet for several weeks. Have always gotten very nice results. Also buy the correct seed for what your light conditions are.
I drag the fields and winter pasture, first drag then over seed with 3 pt. seeder. Perennial Rye Grass 15 lbs/acre (establishes the easiest) then re-drag.

Pics last Spring April.



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