I can't stand these!


Well-known Member
Every winter I get splits on my fingers, 4 out of 10
have then now, my right index finger is painful and
the iPhone won't work to type with that finger. I tried
super glue, but it don't seem to hold it together. I
hate to we're gloves, so that probably dosent help, I
should use hand lotion more, any other tips how to
prevent this? Anyone else get them?
Get a new pair of Jersy gloves, and before you go to bed goo your hands up with vasoline then slip the gloves on,, you will be surprised with the results..yor hands will heal as you sleep..
I have udder balm, I guess half my problem is not putting it on daily! I also have Corona and hand lotions.
jayinny- "I also have Corona and hand lotions.".

I don't really want to hear about that outcome! LOL! LOL!
I can try, but don't know if I can sleep with gloves on! Lol, for some reason I cannot sleep with socks on, yet I also can't sleep without a shirt on!
my great uncles on dads side had that trouble , and swore by Vaseline,any kind of salve and gloves while sleeping ,,. so far my hands are not nearly as bad as theirs or dads, or jays ,,. but I have gotten agood taste of it ,.,.
Lol, I ment the ex left stuff here called renew, made by melaleuca, prolly 5 bottles of it, like i said I guess I need to put it on every day, but I don't like the greasy feeling on my hands, I also have Burt's bees lotion, and I found baby bee my mom gave to my daughter seems to absorbe with out the greasy feeling. Let's try not to get a hand lotion thread poofed! Lol, by the way the cat does move, but she's good at sleeping!
My wife keeps a product on hand called "New Skin Liquid Bandage" 'cause she has problems with cracks in her fingers. It comes in a small bottle with a brush built into the cap.

I've tried it myself on occasion and it really works.
Don't use any hand lotion that contains alcohol. It will dry them even more. You'd be surprised how many lotions have alcohol as a primary ingredient.
I forgot about that stuff, my ex had that here awhile ago too, I think it did work pretty good.
That's a good point, I do use hand sanitizer a lot after touching gas pumps shopping carts etc. that contains alcohol. Your darned if you do your darned if you don't!
jayinny- LOL! I wasn't the one that brought up Corona and hand lotion...you did. LOL!

BTW, The pic just adds to the levity!
Way, way back I worked as a fueling agent at YVR (in the winter months). Couldn't get the gas caps off small aircraft with gloves on and was thus exposed to 'AVGAS' on my fingers and hands. You ain't seen dried out fingers and knuckles ! ! AND they bled every day. My 'trick' was to soak my mitts in warm water when I got home, then coat them liberally (no political jokes please)with Lanolin. Made a beer slippery, but overcame that dilemma. Worked, but haysoos ! mostly it hurt.
The new bag balm is not as good as the bag balm sold back over 35 years ago. Maybe 30 years ago they changed the formula used to make bag balm. The old bag balm healed better and would take warts off skin. Wife used on warts and it worked but new formula won't take warts off but helps heal skin.
I use very fine grade sand paper. You want to thin out the thickening skin on your fingers. That is why they "crack" The skin is actually tearing. If you touch em up every couple of days it works very well. Also I use NIVEA cocoa butter body lotion. Slimey for a little bit and then just disappears.
Just an aside. At the end of the day we were required to bring the fuel reports to the office and give them to the 'girl'. I walked in one day with fingers and such leaking the 'red', with bloody smudges on the paperwork - lo and behold ! the 'girl' fainted and we had to get the First Aid guy - ME !!!
I get those too in the winter. I find if I remember to apply a dry skin product of some kind right before going to bed at night it takes care of the problem. I have been using something called Dermasil from Dollar General that works well and costs around $2.50 for a big enough bottle to last me all winter. I refuse to use hand sanitizer. I think it just weakens my immune system and makes me more likely to get sick from whatever germs I do pick up.
What's funny about Corona is the old jar we had did not say you couldn't use it for humans, the new jar i have said not to use it on humans. I think they changed their ingredients too or something but I've used it on my hands mostly my knuckles and no problems. You offended the cat, she left to lay by the wood stove! Hahaha
My fingers do the same thing. Of an evening I will put a layer of Bag Palm on the affected part, then wrap with a Band Aide and leave it on. I sometimes use the same treatment through the day. If your hand gets wet remove the Band Aid and wipe the skin dry and reapply. Within two days they are healed up. Once healed its good to rub the stuff in of an evening as a preventative measure. Bag Balm is great stuff and it works.
Put antiseptic cream on the finger, then cover it with a band aid or two. I use Harbor freight rubber gloves around solvent. The local drug store should have some good items. Stan
Neutrogena hand cream was recommended by Paul Harvey for many years as the choice of Norwegian Fishermen. I thought it was too expensive to try. My late wife used Udderly Smooth, came in a white jar with Holstein markings. She bought that at Farm And Fleet. When her feet cracked badly, I had to apply it nightly for her and then she put on a pair of ankle high socks to sleep in.I use Vaseline intensive care or the generic version from Wally, year round just before going to bed. A friend of mine always coated his hands liberally with Vaseline and then put on cotton work gloves when working with concrete. After he showed me that, I did the same thing. By the time the job was done, the Vaseline had disappeared and the hands were no dryer than before the job. Granted we probably never had more than a 3 truckload job. So many of them stink according to my nose. I dislike most Avon products, and don't like the smell of Udderly smooth.
I put a dab of Desitin or Boudreaux's Butt Paste (both are for diaper rash) on the cut and then keep a bandaid on it until it heals. Keep it moist. It splits when it gets dried out.
jay my fingers get extremely cracked in the winter,there is a pair of gloves that you can use a smart phone slide screen with,i use them most everyday,they are made by 'lg' mine are style 20791
There are a number of good products out there just make sure you use the ones with out alcohol in them. Alcohol has a drying effect which you don't want.
I had really big splits on my heels once. Used Bag Balm (from WalMart) and put on socks overnight. I quit using liquid soap in the bathtub after I healed up and it never happened again.
(quoted from post at 09:47:05 03/24/16) I had really big splits on my heels once. Used Bag Balm (from WalMart) and put on socks overnight. I quit using liquid soap in the bathtub after I healed up and it never happened again.
use a heavy duty hand treatment called Corn Huskers Lotion, it is oil free and soaks in to your hands, no oily greasy feeling. I also wear a good quality latex glove when working to prevent grease/oils from penetrating your skin and drying them out, your hands stay much cleaner..
I also have the same problem in the winter,but soon as it warms up there fine. I have found that applying Vaseline real thick on them and then placing the finger cut out of a rubber glove on it all night really helps.
This is the first winter in years that I have not had those. I am not sure why except Maybe it was the mechanic gloves I used in the factory all the time. I bought them by the bundle at Sams Club. It also might have been the warmer winter here in our N W part of Ohio. I also bought the Carheart insulated extra large gloves for chores.

I posted about this last winter. What all the guys are saying about gloves is true, but what I thought of last winter, was applying the cream when I went to my shop to work on a project, then putting latex gloves on. Probably two evenings and they were healed. All of the cream was absorbed by the time I took the gloves off.

Since the discussion of last winter I have switched to Bag Balm and when a crack starts to show up use O,Keeffes on the cracks. In a few nights O,Keeffes starts to heal the crack before its goes to far.

I play wrench every day and ware Latex are Nitrite gloves. I had to force myself to get use to them in the summer if I did not my hands would be in terrible shape no matter what lotion I used. I will not put my hands in any type of solvent with out gloves anymore.

Post from a year ago I took the advice its worked to help control this issue for ... Bag Balm and O,Keeffes stock up :)

At the first sign of a crack I wear a rubber glove on that hand, especially if I'm already wearing leather gloves. Softens the hard skin around the crack right up.
If it's a crack alongside the fingernail, by the end of the day, the little flap will be soft enough to pull up and trim back with nail clippers.
The hardest part is keeping ahead of them. Most of the time you dont feel them then a little bit but at that time they usually do get worse before they get better. Ive used O'Keefe's as well. Isnt it funny that such a little cut can make your whole arm and body hurt? They are nasty to deal with.
My father would get those cracks in the winter.

He was a part time electrician as well as farmer.

He discovered that wrapping his fingers with electrical tape would protect them and heal them as well.

Couple of days with the tape and the crack was gone.

The bottom of my feet dry out and crack, and that is really painful. I put regular moisturizer on them every morning to stop the cracking. When you hurt bad enough you tend to take action!
this will sound silly but we used the bag balm but I altered the deal take fingernail clips and clip the edges off I know sounds silly but removes the pain take gorilla or crazy glue and fill the crack stops the hurt then keep using the bag balm
I use to have the same problem, drove me nuts and hurt like H$#@.
Somebody, probably my wife, told me to start using Eucerin lotion on them. Its not cheap, about 15 bucks a 21 oz. container, but one will last me a year or so. I get it at Rite Aid.
I haven't had your problem with cracked hands since.
Years ago my doctor noticed how dry and banged up my hand were. He mentioned the wearing jersey gloves to bed with a lotion or vaseline trick.

Must work if the doctor said so.

Although he is a Nephrologist so what does he know? lol :)

It used to happen to me when I milked cows. Neutrogena Norwegian Formula hand cream worked. I've got some stuff here now called Heel Rescue foot cream that works wonders. It's made for cracks in the feet,I still get those,but it's even better on hands.
Avon Moisture Therapy is what I use, it works great, usually heals a split in just a couple days. I keep a tube by my chair and use it when ever I notice my hands are dry. I put an extra amount on the cracks and splits and work it in.
Use Dawn detergent to wash your hands. Next is put Bag Balm or Udder creme (walmart) on your hands, just enough to keep your skin's oils from drying out.

Bag Balm still smells the same as it did in the milk barn, Udder creme is more neutral. And, gloves.
I've used Corn Huskers, Udderly sMOOth and O'Keefes with good results.
I should use them more but I can't stand leaving my greasy finger prints on everything I touch like my glasses.
I agree.

As far as hand lotion goes, I found the cheap Family Dollar brand is amazingly good. Moisturizes well, seems to last a long time and very little scent.

I would also suggest getting one of the "travel" size bottles of lotion or a small tube of lip balm/carmex, etc.,and put it in your pocket. That way you can apply during the day.
Humidifier in the house helped me a lot.

Super glue does the repairs for me, not so much to glue the crack together but if you get the glue around the area it traps the moisture a bit and keeps the area pliable so it heals up on its own.

(quoted from post at 19:16:46 03/23/16) I do use hand sanitizer a lot after touching gas pumps shopping carts etc.

Just think about this for a second: How many years had you lived before you got on this hand sanitizer kick?

IMHO hand sanitizer does more harm than good. The low-level exposure to bacteria and viruses that you got through hand contact before hand sanitizer helped build your immune system. Now the hand sanitizer manufacturers are preying on people's inner hypochondriac, you no longer get this exposure and your immune system suffers.
Avon had a product called"silacon glove" that worked good for me. I would put the lotion/balm on before going out.That way my gloves/choppers had some lotion in them all day.
I will second the make sure you are drinking enough water. I hate wearing gloves and rarely do. Never had cracked hands, don't use any type of hand lotion, but do drink lots of water. Not sure if its related, but has worked for me so far.
I use Fruit of the Earth with vitamim E that you can get a Dollar General. Being diabetic, I will heal twice as fast with this plus it really helps with dry skin. It is not oily or greasy.
i have a friend that makes hand lotion that comes in a little tin so i can carry it with me when i need it . her business is simple soaps for simple folks. i use utopia or paradigm . when the tins are empty you can put small items in them

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