Torndao in Mayfield Ky


Well-known Member
Go to show you how biased the news is, tonight on national news they showed a pic of a
double wide trailer gone. Blown into a tree and on the neighbors house, which is still

BTW, there were many other buildings damaged and people killed. I think the news like
to show the damage a twister does to metal building.
my sara and I rounded a bend on ind 150 about 10 yrs ago,and drove right into the debris circle similar to that of Mayfield,. It was the tornado that beat up Marengo ind pretty bad , I knew it was out there somewhere . but had no clear idea where ,, then as we topped the hill and come out of,the trees ,the rain and hail hit crazy and there it was to our left about 500 foot moving parralell to the road , but it was now a baby about petered out ,. quite a site ,.. seems like a tornado is magnetized to run after trailers around these parts.. larry cable guys comment ,.. "I am happier than a tornado in a trailer park "//comes to mind,lol /// BUT ,. this aint funny at all! it is very sombering ,.especially if you have ever had to clean up after one cuts thru a trailer park ,, I did that as junior in hi school in borden ind 74,,we cleaned up rite beside the one where a lady was killed ,..seen the same sorta thing after the Henryville ind tornados a few yrs back,both achieved a f-4.rating ,.when they are babies it is a neat thing to see ,,BUT , when you get a monster bearing down on you and all you care about ,,,. HELL HAS NO FURY TO MATCH THEM ..
I have gone in shortly after the hurricane lets up several times, stateside and Puerto Rico. Also several times after tornado in Laredo and Wichita Falls, Texas, and many over the years in Indiana. I have gone into schools hoping to find no people. Also done the same with trailer parks. Tornado path can be very erratic and hard to guess until it is right on you. With a hurricane, it will take a very wide path and does not let up. I have seen a wheat straw sticking out both sides of a telephone pole. I have also seen cows and horses with boards sticking out the same. People that want to get as close as they can for the thrill should be locked up for insanity reasons. But first responders going in as soon as safely possible to help with search and rescue should be commended. They are true heroes.
News people seem to be the least informed people around.

A few years ago a tornado went just south of me. It jumped a row or houses on the west side of the highway and hit the houses on the east side. It was strange that it tore up a brick home and older wood framed shop building ad turned over a truck and grain trailer as well as picked up a 4wd JD tractor like it was a toy. In the middle of all that was a well house and C farmall that looked untouched.
Things the news people can show that is a big mess makes for better news. Dead people do not make for better news since that takes away those who can see what a mess looks like. Just goes to show the news shows what is easy to see and easy to hear but not what is really going on
They would also have you believe that we are having more and more severe tornadoes (and hurricanes) when we've been at near-record (for the short time we've had records) low numbers for both since 2005.

Bill Nye the (anti) science guy is blaming every tornado we get on global warming now.

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