Update on Windows 10...


Well-known Member
My wife's desktop was upgraded to Windows 10 sometime over night last night, obviously without her blessing.

There was a solid blue screen with a message that the computer had been upgraded and a box labeled "Next". I had no choice but to click on it. When I did, another screen came up with the usual list of conditions and the usual boxes labeled "Accept" and "Decline".

I clicked on "Decline", and the process was reversed. It took about 20 minutes for 10 to be uninstalled. I thought it ironic that at the end of the uninstallation a popup came up saying, "We were unable to upgrade your computer at this time".

Anyway, the unit is back to where it was. Just thought I'd pass this along.
Why don't some of you guys want to use 10?? I upgraded mine a couple months ago and think it is great. It sure made the computer faster and has some built in protection.
I too was a bit upset about the aggressive push to get everyone on win 10, I suppose I rejected it a couple dozen times, finally said OK when they got real aggressive. This is on a 3 month old computer that I ordered new with the windows 7 downgrade because I heard so much bad about win 10. I tried it for about 3 weeks now and find it a bit different in some places, but some things work better that 7 or XP ever did. My other computer, an older laptop was on win 7. I decided to convert it to Win10 last week, as I dislike having to deal with 2 different working systems, and yes, It works fine for me and should be supported for a long time.
I hear it is full of factory installed spyware, but I wonder if Win 7 that has received all the updates is much less loaded with spyware. All my hardware, printers, weather station and other gadgets seem to run fine on 10.
Thanks for the advice. Mine had a screen this morning that said it would automatically update June 1st. I had to click thru a few screen to get to decline so now I wait and see.
get "GWX", read this article, if you "X" out of the 10 box that pops up, Microcrap has changed the setup so that "X"ing is giving it permission

take a moment and really read this article through
click to read
I had a notice the other day that said mine would be updated 6-30-16 at 11 PM. I wonder if I should let it go through with it or shut the computer down so it doesn't?
Does it bother anyone else that it keeps setting up the upgrade all on its own< I have even said I do not want it installed three times and still it trys,,, I am not against 10 at all but it will not work with my e-mail program, so I will have to go through the big PAIN to get all of my contacts again and I always lose some when this happens,,, main reason I do not want to upgrade,,,, fun---Not lol
casecollectorsc: The SPYWARE MS has built into the 10 system is huge!!!! They try to rationalize it by saying they "NEED" all that information to "customize" your system to meet your "needs" better. They are setting up the biggest SPY network ever invented. They will mine the informational and "SELL' it to whomever they want to.

I have already had issues with other companies doing this. ONSTAR is a big abuser of this. The car the wife drives has that system. She used it for the "free" introduction time and then told them she did not want any part of it anymore. She started getting targeted emails promoting places she was driving near to on a regular basis. One of these was an adult oriented store that she drove by going to one of her doctors. We are pretty sure it came from OnStar. We live 50 miles away from this place and neither of us have ever done any business with that place but they had her email address.

I was told I could not disable the system as the car would not run that way. I was just going to cut the darn antenna wire. So instead I removed the antenna from its factory mount. It now is inside the trunk in an old lead lined box I found on EBay. No radio waves can get to it anymore. The car runs fine but we keep getting notices from GM to bring it in for warranty repairs related to the OnStar system not receiving any data from the car. She stopped getting the emails
as well.

So do you really trust MS with hundreds of times more information than OnStar generated????? If you do any type of online banking or bill paying it would be able to be looked at by MS if they wanted to.

The potential for abuse is my worry about Windows 10. No company should be able to access your information with out your written permission for each and every time they do it. Some small little clause in a ten page online agreement that you can not even read with out the Hubble telescope should not be enough for them to USE You.
Because I want it upgraded on MY decision when I feel comfortable with it, not on some corporation's.

It's not about Windows 10, per se, it's about Microsoft forcing it onto me when I may or may not want it. I don't respond well to someone pressuring me to do something I haven't made up my mind about.
Thanks Guys for confirming what I had already believed on my own for many years and had been ridiculed and laughed at by my for being paranoid,,,
I still run Vista on my laptop, apparently it is not elegible for the upgrade. At any rate, it never offers it to me.

I had enough trouble getting my Autocad LT97 to run on Vista, and not sure if it would work on Win10.
You can remove all the crap from your computer to stop the popups and upgrades. I did a google search on how to stop it. Go past all the response that tries to sell you software. I was told by my SIL, who is a software engineer, that once they got everyone upgraded they are going to start charging a maintenance fee. If our government continues to deteriorate, they probably can with out any problem.
When I did the 7 to 10 upgrade on both computers, all the Email contacts and new / old E mail went right along with it, it's all still there.
(quoted from post at 14:46:14 05/29/16) You can remove all the crap from your computer to stop the popups and upgrades. I did a google search on how to stop it. Go past all the response that tries to sell you software. I was told by my SIL, who is a software engineer, that once they got everyone upgraded they are going to start charging a maintenance fee. If our government continues to deteriorate, they probably can with out any problem.

When I tried the W10 upgrade I lost the solitaire card games. When I found them MC wanted a $9.99 yearly subscription for them. That wasn't what I disliked the most, it slowed my 2 year old laptop waaay down.
My wife's computer decided to upgrade during the night last week also, but the upload was unsucessful and only partially installed, and blackscreened. The wife called Dell, she has their total protection program. She spent an hour on the phone with them and they were unable to get the computer working. They sugested that it had a hard drive issue, so she took it to our local computer guru. A day later he called and said it was working, and it had no hardrive issues. The W10 program had an interuption or something that screwed it up. Mean while she is $150 bucks lighter in the wallet because of this BS.
I wish we could charge microsoft for our losses.
I don't know how I got this info so much sooner that you fellows, I got a message about 4 weeks ago saying my puter was going on windows at Sunday night at 9:00, said if I had it off it would come on when started back up, I didn't want 10 but I didn't know to stop it, Old machine seemed slow anyway, took it down to his shop and had it checked out, he sais that auto hook up is a bunch of BS, puter back home works faster,wallet $100.00 lighter but still windows 7
(quoted from post at 12:20:53 05/29/16) Why don't some of you guys want to use 10?? I upgraded mine a couple months ago and think it is great. It sure made the computer faster and has some built in protection.

Because I don't WANT Win 10! It's that simple. We had it on my wifes laptop. It sux. I was happy with Windows XP, or Windows 95 for that matter. Simple, basic, easy. Thats all I want. I don't need some tech guru deciding what I need and I certainly don't want MS and Google knowing everything I take an interest in.

It's real simple. But then, I don't want or own a "smart" phone either.

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