New weed in the corn field

Just yesterday, saw something new in the corn. This time of year, the fawns are usually hiding in the tall grass.
So pretty at that age...
Several years ago, my brother took me to a high volume, local artesian well that nobody seems to know about. It's pretty well hidden and as we walked there, a deer jumped up out of the tall grass and took off. After a few more yards, we almost tripped over a fawn that was still soaking wet with afterbirth. She must have been born just seconds or minutes before we found it.
It's an amazing sight.
A friend of mine owns land next to a farmyard/house rented by a couple of clueless (Cali) city kids who have a (cute) little toddler boy.

My friend has corn planted on that quarter, and the other day stopped by to tell them that as the corn grows they need to keep an eye on the little Braxton so he doesn't wander into the corn and get lost.

Just a simple fact country folks know, the Cali cityslickers, probably not that much. Prevention is better than having it happen!
Last year I found muley twins on a pasture we were spraying. Showed the boss's kids thinking they'd like to see them up close.
The girl wanted to take them home. I made them stay back a couple feet.

Can't say how many times last summer I'd hear a thunk and a god-awful squeal, look back to see I'd run another one over with the 4-wheeler.
Put one of them through the discbine Friday. We've got way too many full grown ones but I still hate hitting the little ones.

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