my kitten the computer whiz


Well-known Member
Just sitting in my easy chair with laptop ,, The new kitten named Forrest Climbs to the top of my chair , then proceeds to walk across the keyboard pressing keys and wrecking havoc of my study of wake Island ww2 history ,, when he got down I was able to retrieve where i was , ,, and low and behold I had a narrator reading everything I would clik on including the tractor posts you guys and I have placed ,, don't know how the narrator was turned on , and I don't want to turn it off till I figure it out ,, most of you fellas are as smart as me or smarter , but are you smarter than a 7 week old kitten named Forrest
wake island was our 20th century Alamo ,.greatly out numbered,, they held for 15 days.. I doubt if the computer whiz cat could a made a difference, then
I sat down to the computer one day a while back and noticed a picture in the printer tray. Full sheet enlargement of a snapshot of my grandparents that I had been trying to figure out how to get the new printer to do. Said to my wife " How did you get it to make the enlargement?" Got an odd look... Just then the cat comes down from her basket on the shelves above my desk, walks across the printer and keyboard and lo and behold the printer starts up and makes another copy!
Some Smart Cats!! LOL!
My cat did the opposite. He turned on something I could not fix. I had to get the computer guy to straighten it out. On the way overseas in 65. The C 130 I was on, made a fuel stop at Wake Island. I did a little exploring. Not much there then. Stan
I agree. I made a fueling stop at Wake Island once on a MATS "Super Connie". We only set down long enough to refuel, snack, and stretch our legs, but as I recall from the control tower on a moonlit night you could see the other end of the island.

And they station people there for a year at a time.
press caps lock and esc at the same time to turn it off. The cat pressed the windows key and enter at the same time.
thanx , just wantedtoknow how the cat accidentally did this , my sara done her magic last nite and got things back to normal

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