Hoofer B

Well-known Member
It has been harder and harder to get on and off the farm tractors and semis. Went to the doctor to get my hip checked out, and one hour later I am scheduling a total hip replacement for Aug 8th. I am just a bit shy of 47 years old. Any advice???
I've had two, one year apart, at age 59 and 60. Surgeries at the end of February and I was stacking on the hay wagons come June. My besr advice, DO THE THERAPY. It works.
Well, you are still a young man. I know of men and women in their 70's and 80's who have had hip replacements and done well. Listen to the therapist on how to exercise it to regain your strength, and barring an infection (God forbid!), you will do fine. The oldsters are up and walking with a cane in 3 days and without it in a week to 10 days after the surgery. You have a doctor who will fix your condition. Get it fixed.

I'll be having surgery to remove a box-full of hardware from my knee on August 17. I need a knee replacement but the orthopedic surgeon says that I'm too young for a knee replacement (57 in a few weeks) even if the joint is bone to bone. He says he will treat me with injections and pain medications until I'm older!

Good luck with your surgery!

Do the prescribed exercises! First hip in "09, second one a year ago. Both fine. Put up with bone on bone grinding for years on each one.
Yep. Do what they say. Do what the doctor says. and ESPECIALLY do what the discharging nurse tells you, when she gets up in your face, you old farmer you, and shakes her finger at you and tells you to STAY OFF THAT TRACTOR and do your excersises! Go to them for medical advice, go here for tractor advice.
My late wife had two hip replacements. Dr screwed up on the first one. Plan on lots of time off. You won't be able to do the things you used to. She was 34. Infection damaged her hip following child birth of daughter.
(quoted from post at 17:15:57 07/17/16) It has been harder and harder to get on and off the farm tractors and semis. Went to the doctor to get my hip checked out, and one hour later I am scheduling a total hip replacement for Aug 8th. I am just a bit shy of 47 years old. Any advice???

Where did you find a doctor that diagnosed the problem and scheduled the surgery all in just one visit?
I'm 35 and needed one last year, but I also had a childhood disorder that had something to do with it. Do what the Dr. and therapists tell you too, you will be amazed how much better it is. The short term pain is worth it. Hope all goes well for you.
Had my left hip "rebuilt" at Ann Arbor VA May 2012, did the PT and got along fine, fully mobile and off dope in 2 weeks. I was 76 then. They hesitate to do them when you are younger than 65 because the replacements can wear out in about 10 years is how it was explained to me..

2X what Dukester said about replacement wearing out. I had first knee done at 62. Younger than most, but the doc said worse than most. At my one month check up for mine there was a woman there for her six month. She was having trouble getting around, while I was back to full service. She told another lady there that she didn't use hers enough and it "froze up" necessitating "manipulation" under sedation.

2X what Dukester said about replacement wearing out. I had first knee done at 62. Younger than most, but the doc said worse than most. At my one month check up for mine there was a woman there for her six month. She was having trouble getting around, while I was back to full service. She told another lady there that she didn't use hers enough and it "froze up" necessitating "manipulation" under sedation.
I got a ceramic replacement, Doc told me if all goes well I may not need another one, I got mine just shy of my 34th birthday. There are a lot of options when it comes to bearing surfaces now, most are good for 15 to 25 years, some even longer than that.

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