Drought year?


Well-known Member
Walked some fields to nite, took a few samples. The big ear is from where the corn should look like..8 to 9 feet tall, healthy plant...has 22nd rows of kernels, 10 inches long, filled to the tip. The smaller ears came from corn plants that suffered through the drought....about 5 to 6 feet tall, dried off bottom of the plant....they have 18 and 16 rows of kernels, and were filled to an inch or so from the tip. About half the field has plants that look like the first one, the rest is split with corn short and stressed like the shorter ears. Corn is easily ready for the bunk silo. I am going to guess at 140 bushels per acre.....would never have thought it looked as good as it does. Give me a dry year over a wet one anytime. And oh, yeah, Thank you
, God. Ben
I don't do corn but the last time I heard the subject discussed the yield was more like 30-40 bu/ac around here and that was considered a good crop. So sir, I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, drought or no drought. I know you were happy with what yield you got and were thankful but just letting you know that the corn belt isn't everywhere. No offense intended.
that's about how my corn looks. Now it wont stop raining so I can finish hay for the season. I cut some on Tuesday with a 40% chance of rain, well now its Monday and I raked it today after it got over 3" of rain on it. Hopefully I can get it baled tomorrow.
No, not offended in the least. Weather people have been calling this the worst drought in this area in years, but today's corn seems to be able to handle dry conditions better than before. Average yield for this aera SW Ontario is about 160 bu/ac, so while we won't quite reach that, we will be thankful for what we get. Yes, there are some fields much worse in some places, I just wanted to show how much corn genetics have advanced. Ben
Pioneer and Dow, not sure what these were. There is a test plot in the field, so I will post yields at harvest. Ben
Good luck. We got 1/2" on some alfalfa grass hay last week. Baled dry but most of the color is gone and it has a little dust smell. I lost some 2nd cut grass too. No good for horses now.
All the rain you didn't get has fallen here in Alberta. Was swathing canola today and have patches on dry ground surrounded by areas that flooded out. And the late flush weeds are everywhere. Yeah I will take a dry year over a wet year any time.
Hi Ben ,those cobs look pretty darn good for the amount of rain you have had. I guess we must have got a shower or two that you didn't get , but we are still dry here in South Central Ontario. I don't grow any grain corn , just silage corn , and our corn is all around 9 feet tall, with two ears per stalk. Thinking maybe it is time to start third cut haylage this week, I will try to get a picture or two later in the week . We will still have to wait a week or two before we can chop corn , but it won't be too long. Bruce
I noticed you made a reference to GMO seed production results....."today's corn". I am for it 150%. It does what's intended and feeds the world. I have been eating it most, if not all my life and feel great. The whiners that protest it must not have anything else to do or get paid to protest it "on a full GMO stomach" whether they know/like it or not. Where would this world be with it and commercial fertilizer?

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