How to vent engine exhaust


It was cold and rainy today so I worked in the shop. Started the tractor to straighten front wheels and it turned real blue in a hurry. What is good way to vent the exhaust from the stack (on top)? Do the tractor stores have exhaust hose specifically designed for the exhaust? Thanks.
Tractor Supply type stores will not have exhaust hose but a GOOD auto parts store can get it for you.

i use a barn type exhaust fan in one wall to vent exhaust and paint fumes, 20" with shutters. my shop is 32x40. open entrence door to letlet air in, or not it will suck around the garage doors etc
Stainless steel flexible tubing can be purchased in 2.5 or 3" size that could be hung from the ceiling and vented through a wall. hanging from pipe strap and bungies would allow flexible positioning. Jim
You might go down to the local Fire Department and ask where they get their warm-up-vent hose. They run engines every morning to warm up, check oil pressures, etc.
(quoted from post at 03:21:26 10/27/16) You might go down to the local Fire Department and ask where they get their warm-up-vent hose. They run engines every morning to warm up, check oil pressures, etc.

Those systems involve blowers and tracks for the hoses to run forward on when the trucks leave as well as air pressure sleeves that slip over the truck exhaust pipe to create a seal. The cost would quite likely exceed that of your whole building.
Depending on the building, the solution could be as simple as opening the doors for a few minutes while you start the tractor, or installing an exhaust fan in the peak that you can turn on temporarily to evacuate the exhaust.

If I needed to pipe it outside, I would start with a short piece of stove pipe with an elbow to dissipate the initial heat, then transition to metal dryer vent hose for the flexible portion. All of that can be found at the local hardware or big box.

For just starting the tractor for a quick test run or to lift the loader or to straighten the wheels, that should be plenty.
I don't know about tractor stores but the garage where I have my car worked on attaches a hose to the tailpipe to vent the exhaust outdoors.
I used to have one of those roof type attic vents in my barn when I lived in CT. The barn would get so hot during the day it was on a thermostat and it kept the place manageable. They can be hooked to an overide switch and do a good job of venting.

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