Thinking Christmas

About this time of the year (every year at this time). When I go up to my parents I would pull out the Christmas lights. During thanks giving and start in the light on the Classic Farm Tractors strings and putting them up. You might say I would not stop and till all of them where done. Since I lost my parents this year there house will set with no lighted up tractors in the front yard. A tradition that will no longer be there to be seen.
It's really hard especially during holidays when we loose loved ones,maybe you could continue on the tradition at your own home in memory of them
My Mom passed this tuesday. Dad left us 2 years ago on the 22nd. Thanksgiving has been a tradition at the homestead long before my 56 years, but will not this year. Sorta melancholy about the whole holiday season. Still celebrate with extended family. Moms passing was a blessing as her health had gone down. Sorry to sideswipe the post. I took the 1020 out today to spread the boiler ashes
Except for the 2 grandkids (1200 kms, away), I don't Xmas. Yep , buy the bride a pressy. Don't care, it's all merchandising B.S. Was a day LOOOONG ago that is actually meant something - church, giving and caring about poor folks - not now. Not a Grinch (another merchandizing construct) nor a Scrooge, Just lost the reason because of the overwhelming commercialism. ;^(
Sorry for your loss,it'll be 5 years next month since we lost Dad suddenly to cardiac arrest. The very day after my wife and I got married and 8 days before Christmas
Sorry to hear about you losing your parents. But why not go and light up the tractors. Do it to honor your Parents like always. It probably would pretty nice for you and family members to meet up for a couple hours one day and Light them up. It will make you feel good and put a smile in your heart..
(quoted from post at 16:22:50 11/18/16) Except for the 2 grandkids (1200 kms, away), I don't Xmas. Yep , buy the bride a pressy. Don't care, it's all merchandising B.S. Was a day LOOOONG ago that is actually meant something - church, giving and caring about poor folks - not now. Not a Grinch (another merchandizing construct) nor a Scrooge, Just lost the reason because of the overwhelming commercialism. ;^(

You can bet that if you took a minute to look you could find a half dozen meaningful Christmas eve services within a twenty minute drive. It is still there, but if you chose to you can avoid it.

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