Dreaded inspector lady finally showed up lol

Philip d

Well-known Member
There were a few minors, the white wall that the cows splatter crap over soon as your finished cleaning needs re-cleaning, a few spots on the milk tank ladder need washed off, the robot room floor needs hosed down (soon as a cow diverts into a bucket there's some milk splashes over onto the floor grrr) and the water tub needs scrubbed. Thanks to a heads up a month ago that they're making their rounds we faired out very well. I was in for lunch when she was here and gone, the yard is horribly muddy and she made no deduction for that so I was very relieved there were only a few minor things. Had we not been tipped off there likely would have been a few more.
same story as here about two years ago. date at the bottom when the items had to be corrected along with a number to call to request a time extension. I called and asked for a two week extension, she said sure no problem, and then I told her when she comes to pull the permit. she was all happy for me and I haven't missed it a bit. 38 years was long enough and life is good.
49716- is that where you are located? Beautiful country up around the lakes there.

Congratulations on retiring from the milking, what are you doing with all that extra time? HA!
I hear ya, I'm still only 42 and too stupid to get another job lol, I just shake my head say nothing and do whatever's on the list,my day will come God willing lol.
yep, zip code is still there, but post office is long gone. got bored last winter and a school district wanted to know if I'd sub drive. now I'm subbing for two districts covering about 250 sq. miles. guess I'm weird but I'm kind of having fun.
Hung up my milker's about12 years ago.....in spite of how
I felt at the time, there is life after cows... Ben
That's what Dad always said too,when it gets to the point that we don't enjoy it or we can't pay the bills on time they're outta here. Most of the time we enjoy it but if too much time passes and you can't get away with our family or just the 2 of us we start to resent the cows.
Congrats on a pretty uneventful inspection. When I had my dairy the inspector would always find something no matter how hard we worked to prepare for it. Never anything big. Normally little nit-picky stuff. We had our own creamery on site and made milk products as well as sold bulk milk. The creamery got most of the attention, so he didn't spend much time looking at the milking operation so much, but went through the creamery with a fine tooth comb.
I remember my first inspection. I was just starting up and started populating the farm. The inspector made a comment about how his parents had a dairy their entire life and never made a dime until they sold it and couldn't understand why anybody would do it, then said Good Luck. His comments made me feel like he expected us to fail from the beginning. We did ok. Weren't getting rich, but loved it and made a living at it. Lots and lots of hours. I remember talking to another local dairy owner about a year into it and he asked how we were holding up? I told him we were doing ok, it's a lifestyle change for sure and he replied with "lifestyle hell, it's a sentence". Years later I sold it and was there when the new owners took over and had their first inspection. Inspector told them the same thing he told me and asked them why a dairy? ( he was pretty negative ) Anyway, I loved it and miss it. Do it again? Nope. I have the deepest respect for dairy farmers. They work way too hard for their money and free time is hard to come by. I will never complain about the price of a gallon of milk, cheese, ice cream, or anything else. It's cheap considering to the work that goes into it.
I do miss the animals. Most were very easy to handle and gentle.

rememeber one time was inpected (every 6 months) it was early january -20f when we were cleaning up. lady inspector came, went into the milk house to stay warm, looked out the door into barn, said it looks good, no marks. grrrrrr, after all that cleaning, didnt even go into barn! another guy wrote on slip flys too numerous to count. another new guy trying to change the world into a better place, came in heat of summer, 95* resting on the wagon after unloading a load of hay with whole family there, he gave us a good inspection,that day and after that. another inspector complained on inspection sheet that we werent there to talk to him when he came, its a suprise insprction, comeon!
Jeez,I never heard them complain about that before lol I don't think either me or my Dad ever followed the inspector around while they nit picked on their check list.
My inspection is coming in December, goes pretty smooth, have a great inspector and he is long winded also. I guess I am one of those too dumb to quit, even went to a sale and got more milkers, have 5 now and going to run 8 through the barn, just need new inflations and hoses.

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