It happens every year

While returning from Chicago. during a normal sunny afternoon, We had to stand on the brakes and then we had a few miles of stop and go traffic, until we passed a trailer house on the side of the road, with flat tires. Now add slippery roads and that will happen.
I had to go about 65 miles NW of here (Mid Michigan) to get a round bale feeder at noon. Lake effect was kicking in already up there. Slippery roads,steady snow. Got home,bare ground and occasional peaks of sun. Then there was a huge pileup with fatalities on 96 south of Lansing,about the same distance from me except SE. I've been right in a dry slot all day.
30 vehicle pileup, 3 deaths just east of Lansing, Michigan this morning. Black ice and visibility problems.

Two more police officers shot. Can't turn on the news with out getting heart broken.
There won't be 50 cars on my road in 6 months. I don't envy those city dwellers that have to fight traffic daily but it's not for me. Most days while working (retired now) I drove 4 miles and would meet 0 - 4 cars.
We don't usually get much Ice or Snow around here. Today we got a dusting of snow and immediately got about 1/4" of ice on top of it. I was coming home on the freeway with lots more traffic than normal for that time of day. Had 4 jacked up- big tired 4/4's pass all of us. They had 4 wheel drive they could go anywhere. The last one got a little past the guy in front of me when she lost control. She came into my lane just in front of car in front of me. She caught it and over corrected, shooting back into the left land just behind the PU that had been behind her. She caught it again, over correcting again, spinning a 360 before catching it and parking on the shoulder.
Fortunately, Several of us had safe following distance, and turned on our 4-way flashers to alert others.
No paint was exchanged, all went on their way other than the driver who probably had to go home to change her clothes.
Keep your eyes open.
Tim in OR
I don't get it. People seem to not care anymore if they are in a wreck or not. They change lanes assuming you see them and will stop for them to fit in. Then add in the idiots with cell phones and you don't have a chance. This year I was rear ended twice. I was backed into when parked once and my daughter was rear ended by an uninsured driver. The uninsured driver pretty much got off Scott free. They just had their car towed which they had to pay the towing fee and then had to get insurance to get their car back. They didn't have to pay us a nickel.
In addition to people in general being stupider and money being tight to buy good tires, I really think that the pretreating of roads makes them slipperier.
According to the weather predicters in Cleveland, that is an area that is swept by cold air coming off Lake Erie and freezes quickly. This happens every year several times and it seems that nothing has been done to alleviate the situation . At least start salting by prediction instead of after the fact. Usually starts with a semi jacknife and other piling into the mess due to low visibility. No one around that area slows down for anything. I sat along the area last summer for an hour and a half with a broken down trailer with not one person moved over or slowed down, no not one.
(quoted from post at 18:02:15 12/08/16) 30 vehicle pileup, 3 deaths just east of Lansing, Michigan this morning. Black ice and visibility problems.

Two more police officers shot. Can't turn on the news with out getting heart broken.

That stretch of I96 is one I take most days. Like a lot of roads here, there is nothing but flat fields on both sides of the road. The wind chills things down, creating a icy glaze on the road. Having said that, it seems that every year, people forget how to drive in the snow. :roll:

I took that route Monday, and Tuesday this week. I had the cruise set on 81? and I was getting passed but much of the traffic. Lots of folks weaving in and out. My wife was bored and decided to watch the cars going by, after a couple minutes, she said "the last 12 cars have all been using a phone".

I think the 2 lane north / south roads here ice over worse. Of course, without a lot of traffic, few accidents result.
Boy, Spook, that 40 car pileup with 3 fatalities happened on I 96 between Fowlerville and Webberville. I would guess that's not too far from you!
That's a bad stretch of road. East of Rt.44 is uphill, crosses some valleys and gets a lot of traffic. It's usually crosswind and whiteouts that cause the wrecks. Most everybody in this area knows about it so maybe it's out-of-staters. Makes sense to slow down a little when you can't see what's in front of you but it only takes one to get it started.

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