Combining in the snow

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Decided to try some corn today. Went pretty good even tho it was not frozen quite enough in some places. Was able to go through everything as long as I didn't try it twice. Lol Combine worked good and did an awesome job again. Was some snow on the corn and was snowing this morning, but at 15° it went through fine.


Ran these 3 loads and one more this afternoon.


Even had some help along. The one in the cab with me rode for a while til he got too brave and had to be evicted. The one in the tank hung on to the side like that most of the afternoon til he went out with the corn, lived too and was running around in the wagon.

You are so used to seeing nice rows of corn and then the stuff that
has been out a little too long looks like total crap. Very glad you
got those nice looking loads. When you guys have no choice but to
harvest when you can. Should have taken your friend home as a pet.
If I remember right ,you are in the PC area. I'm just across the river from you. Have been running the last 2 days under similar conditions with our F2 gleaner. Was cold enough that the snow flurries didn't bother. ground is still a bit touchy though. Like you said , can go over it once good but the second time better be careful. broke through the frost several times, but managed to stay on top. Learned to go around areas that looked like standing water/ice. Wife took 8 loads in to BDC today. Price went up 11 cents this afternoon. 2.85 this afternoon. Still have about 25 acres to go.
Dang Jon,
Seems like it might be getting late - Even for a trucker!
Least you plant nice straight rows!
Jon, you've gotta throw some broken cobs in the tank just to make it look normal. It's too clean the way it is. Keep up the good work.
(quoted from post at 22:40:34 12/09/16) If I remember right ,you are in the PC area. I'm just across the river from you. Have been running the last 2 days under similar conditions with our F2 gleaner. Was cold enough that the snow flurries didn't bother. ground is still a bit touchy though. Like you said , can go over it once good but the second time better be careful. broke through the frost several times, but managed to stay on top. Learned to go around areas that looked like standing water/ice. Wife took 8 loads in to BDC today. Price went up 11 cents this afternoon. 2.85 this afternoon. Still have about 25 acres to go.

A few years agoi learned about tat in the corn fields while chopping some corn that dad bought from a neighbor. Break through the ice and you're done, need to get pulled out before you freeze in yourself. I lost one of my chains in his field too. Had it hanging on the front of the tractor, and all of a sudden I noticed it was gone....

Donovan from Wisconsin
Looks good Jon glad the 1160 is working for you can't wait to get mine in the field next year.
Thanks for sharing good video
(quoted from post at 21:39:29 12/09/16) Decided to try some corn today. Went pretty good even tho it was not frozen quite enough in some places. Was able to go through everything as long as I didn't try it twice. Lol Combine worked good and did an awesome job again. Was some snow on the corn and was snowing this morning, but at 15° it went through fine.


Ran these 3 loads and one more this afternoon.


Even had some help along. The one in the cab with me rode for a while til he got too brave and had to be evicted. The one in the tank hung on to the side like that most of the afternoon til he went out with the corn, lived too and was running around in the wagon.

ow mouse crap ends up in my corn flakes!!!!!
I'm sure you wish it were a month ago and you were driving on dryish 50 degree dirt, but some years are just like that.

I remember a few years..... One I finished corn on thanksgiving day, but there was mid and 5 inches of snow at that time that year. The last
week I could go,out a couple hours each morning, could combine until it broke through, thrn drive to the end of the field, don't try to finish a
round or anything, just get out now! Probably close to what many of you are dealing with this year.

Another year the corn didn't dry down, in the 80s. We left 10 acres stand, I combined it in February. We got little snow, and that was strong tuff
corn, it worked great that year. Nicest corn I harvested that year. Think it was 40% moisture in November still, but came out pretty nice in
February, ground it for cattle feed by the end of April was nice corn.

Every year is different.

Looking good. Forecast probably has you motivated a bit.

I hear as of yesterday, a fella 10-15 miles from me has 500 acres left to go.

btdt,, worx ok ,. keep the gathering chains from hitting frozen ground .///// don't do it beans ,.. the ice will knock the blade and guards to bits ,. had a couple acres to finish just a little froze snow ice patches ,. about 20yrs ago ,,. never wll do thatagain
I see your pictures and it reminds me of my Dad. Him and I harvested alot of corn in the snow. Some with a two row pull type picker. Some with six narrow on my gleaner.In northern Michigan we sometimes needed to wait for the ground to tighten up to harvest some fields. In real bad years we installed TD6 tracks on our combine.All that work for corn that never made us much money. I would go back in half a heart beat to work with Dad and Grandpa again. Many a deer shot from the cab of my old G. Right leg would cook next to the heater. Left leg froze. And your back would never get worm being pushed against the grain tank full of cold corn. I still remember how when done for the day I would take a hot, hot shower and not be able to feel the water on my back from being cold for so long. Also remember daylight doesn't last long this time of year so we ran tons of hours in the dark. Still feels good to remember,,, thank you,,, Al

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