TV personalities going to see me

wilson ind

Well-known Member
Alex Trebeck just signed off with see you tomorrow. Many other news casters say the same. I know they are not going to see me, however I may see them on recorded program. I know I am a bit different however I have no element of trust in what they may say about news items. When they know well that they will not see me that is a lie!! If they lie so blatantly will they not twist or misrepresent any thing else? Maybe that's why about the only news program I normally watch is Robin Mead.
My guess is they think it's more friendly and inviting to watch by saying see you tomorrow as opposed to we'll be back on the air tomorrow? I don't think it's to blaitently lie.
Bill, little do you know they hacked your TV. When you are watching them, they are watching you too. See you the next time you see me. geo.

Not really, it is the Fear-Mongering that persists about the Ruskies becoming the big hairy BOOGEYMAN who caused SO MUCH SORROW.....!!!!

Can you think they "Really" believe we are swallowing this...?

Besides, it all upsets my Ignition Timing and causes my tractor to BackFire out it's Butt...!!

I wish the Ruskies would go back home and leave me alone..!
Are we really so afraid of the Russians?
I know Mr Putin is trying to expand his empire but come on, They have the 8th largest economy in the world. Behind Germany, Japan, China, India, Great Britain, Italy and others. They are no bigger than California even - as measured by GDP.
All this talk about Russia is just fear mongering.
> All this talk about Russia is just fear mongering.

You mean the wild allegations that Russia annexed Crimea? Or that Russia troops are in the part of Ukraine they didn't already annex? Or perhaps the tall tale that it was a Russian missile under Russian direction that shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17?

Yep, it's just fear-mongering when you hear stories about the Russkies backing Bashar al-Assad as he murders his own people.

Our NATO allies in Estonia sure take it seriously, even as our incoming Commander-in-Chief has a man-crush on Vlad the Impaler.

As our beloved President put it, "Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave."
The US had a GDP of about 16 trillion in 2012.
Russia had a GDP of about 2 trillion in 2012.
That's an 8 to 1 difference Mark.
That's a 4020 John Deere against my 11 hp garden tractor.
I know your side wants to make Russia out to be a big, scary boogieman and is doing all it can to taint our relationship with Putin, and scare the low information crowd.
And I also know that little Russia ie Putin has done a very good job of emasculating our current CIC and former SOS but there is no reason to believe they will continue to do so when the incoming BMOC takes the reigns.
8 to 1 Mark.
Your fears are unfounded and your "sky is falling" warnings are unheeded.
On another note;
Care to wager how many votes your side will peel off in the electoral vote tomorrow?
I'll concede you may get a couple but not enough to get past the laughing stock stage.
If you think Not trash talking someone means he's being a toy boy so be it. But that's not the case.
Who is the greater threat to our interests/security? Siria, Russia or Isis?
The bigger picture is to bring Siria and Russia into the fold to defeat Isis.
Look at the appalling mistake we made in Libia.
No one loved Gadaffy. But he kept his region Isis free. Now that he is gone Isis runs that region.
You want that in Siria too?
Your failed SOS wanted a no fly zone there even if it meant war with little Putin. Very contrary to our interests.

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