Old!! Quick!! Get dressed!!


Well-known Member
Pour that coffee into your travel mug and get down to Lowe's! Five star rated bladder tank today, (and probably for the next six months) only $114.00 instead of the usual $400.00. What a Christmas you can have saving all that money!!
(quoted from post at 09:35:28 12/21/16) Old doesnt drink coffee,he is allergic to it,,so,,he can get there faster,,,,lol

:lol: I don't know all the stuff my WIFE is allergic to, yet Larry know's the allergies of a guy he only knows through the Internet. Says something about the tight-knit group known as YT'ers. Even if I read about Old's allergies at some point, I can guarantee I wouldn't file it away as something to remember. (no offense, Old) :lol:
I also cannot drink tea for the same reason I cannot drink coffee. I also cannot eat any type of melons and would you believe that includes cucumbers?? I can eat pickles but not raw cucumbers
I cannot drink/eat a good number of things. Coffee tea cucumbers or any type of melon. I also now have a problem with being stung by bees/wasps. But what is odd is back when I was a kid If I got with in 100 feet of poison ivy I got it but now it does not bother me
I had not heard of those items before.

As a small child I was mildly allergic to egg, oranges, and chocolate. Nothing bad would happen, my wrists would itch, guess if I poured it on mom said I'd break out a bit.

I outgrew that I think long before I got to grade school even, and are some of my favorite foods now of course.

My wife does not like coffee, but likes the smell of it so enjoys if I have a cup, especially hazelnut.


Raw tomato's and onion's for me, cook the tomato's in soup or made into a sauce is ok, onion's are a flat no, to add flavor to foods sometimes we'll add a little onion power but only a little.

I love my coffee, wife drinks one cup of coffee in the morning but says she has to have that one, I finish the rest but we only make half a pot so I get a couple more cups.

Sounds like a good deal on the bladder tank.
My mother can not drink coffee or tea also. As for the melons it has nothing to do with my cooking I have not been able to eat melons all my life
I can not and do not drink coffee. Was made to drink my first cup when I was about 18 and in the hospital. That made me very sick and I spent an extra day in the hospital. That was sixty some years ago. clint
Good one, made me laugh. I thought Old was going to publish a cook book full of all his recepies. It wouldn't sell good if he told people of all his stomach issues.

On the other hand, I had stomach issues too and lost over 30 pounds. I eat smaller meals, lost my gut and now my stomach feels great.

Sometimes I think many Americans need to look at the mirror and go on a diet. Instead they go to the Dr. Want a pill to fix their problems.

Old, get you bladder fixed, bladder tank that is.
Allergies are not stomach issues it is a fact of life and genes. Ya I do have a problem due to being in the Navy with my stomach and now suffer from acid reflex but that to is part of life and boot camp. As for what I cook I eat any and all of it with no problems.

As for the well system it is just as it has been for decades and as long as all I have to do is add air to it once in a while it will stay that way. Now if the larger tank blow out or the pin hole leak gets to big I'll think about a bladder tank

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