Can't get any luckier!


Well-known Member
Just came home from the farm, and went over to check the cows then pulled back into my house driveway and hear a noise I knew I took my truck out of four-wheel-drive get on my driveway put the truck in park and it starts rolling backward! I knew what happened, i put it back in four-wheel-drive and drove up the driveway. So that's gonna be my job for tomorrow replacing the drive shaft, meanwhile I'll be driving around in my 89 Chevy 3500.,
The broken driveshaft is on my 99 f150 with 123,000 miles on it! Cheap steel and good old NY salty winters. I'm just glad it went in my driveway.
Well, I guess that's lucky but you could have been as lucky as my son's buddy ..... last week he won $72,000 at an Oilers hockey game up here in the great white north in a 50/50 draw. Now THAT'S luck !!
Yes, I agree that you were lucky. But $72 G's would have been even luckier. I'm glad that things worked out OK with the issue you had.
I once borrowed a truck with a bad gas gauge. Figured I stop first thing, and get gas. Pulled up to the pump, and ran out of gas before I could turn the key off. Talk about close...
I have a 1965 Ford 1 ton that I broke the drive shaft in it. I managed to twist it off like you twist a beer can. But at the time I had a load of gravel in the bed and hit a hard place and revved it up and dumped the clutch and it in turn twisted the drive shaft in two. So I had to pull the shaft right where it sat and then buy a new drive shaft tube and weld up a new one for it
When I was younger and driving a 1970 VW Square Back. Wanted to see how far down the gas gauge needle would go and then how long it actually ran out. Now I was carrying a one gallon can of gas with me but when it ran out I just flipped on the directional and pulled right up to a fuel pump in a station along the road. FUN! Thank my lucky stars I have never dropped a drive shaft. Had the spider almost blow up. Was vibrating. Pulled into a service station. They had one on the shelf. Said it was a common item on Dodge Vans.
yes ,,. I dropped a lower a frame on m 96 crown vicy just turning around in my drive,./ rite after comin home from indy at rocket speed
Back in the middle 60's was following a 56 Ford car in town and the drive shaft come out from between the back wheels and spun it self over next to the curb.
How did you know which end was dragging w/out looking? If the front was in the dirt it might try to pogo you and tear something else up.
I figured it was the back, I was only going slow, iv seen them rot off at the back on other trucks. Plus I couldent get out as the truck wanted to roll.
(quoted from post at 16:34:02 01/03/17) Just came home from the farm, and went over to check the cows then pulled back into my house driveway and hear a noise I knew I took my truck out of four-wheel-drive get on my driveway put the truck in park and it starts rolling backward! I knew what happened, i put it back in four-wheel-drive and drove up the driveway. So that's gonna be my job for tomorrow replacing the drive shaft, meanwhile I'll be driving around in my 89 Chevy 3500.,
The broken driveshaft is on my 99 f150 with 123,000 miles on it! Cheap steel and good old NY salty winters. I'm just glad it went in my driveway.

22 years ago I had a 90 Chevy 1/2 ton 4x2 when I lived in St. George, UT. I would take a trailer down to Vegas and pick up supplies needed for a project. On one trip my wife was along, we also picked up the outlaws at the airport. Just before the gorge on the way home I felt a vibration, let up on the gas and BOOM....driveshaft dropped off at the tranny. Left a nice slice in the freeway, but was fortunate it didn't damage anything else. Called a friend who came the 35 miles to pick us up and haul the trailer home, went back with a car dolly and barely fit the truck on it, but made it back. It was a long day.....

I had bought the truck used and the seller said he only used it to haul his boat around....shoulda known!
Yes, the good old days. I'll give you another one. Going down the road, and blew the differential out of my truck. Coasted to a stop in front of a junk yard. Pulled the plates, and walked home. Next morning, I called the junk yard, and sold it.
Another bus company (my competition) had "less than stellar" preventative maintenance and driver training. They had a bus lose a driveshaft on the interstate loaded with passengers. It flew out and totaled three cars before ending up in the ditch. It was more incentive for me to replace joints that showed any signs of wear.
I twisted one off of our old 1965 ? Ford dump truck one time. Was off road and had a big load on it and my foot slipped off the clutch.
School buses have loops to catch driveshafts if they fail so they don't fly out and get caught. The 2000 Honda CRV had those too on the rear driveshaft.
They make them thin so they don't vibrate or at least are less likely to. Doesn't take much rust to weaken them.

I saw a chev truck drop the driveshaft at the front once on the road. It must have been shaking as he wasn't going fast but it made a nice scar in the road and skidded him off to the shoulder in a hurry.

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