Ultradog MN

Well-known Member
Twin Cities
This post has nothing to do with the pressure and volume of gasses so if you were going to correct my spelling, not this time.
I read a biography of Karl Marx once.
He used to get boils on his backside so badly that he wrote most of Das Kapital while standing up.
No wonder he was so mad at the Bourgeoisie or whoever the heck it was.
Doctors call them a sebaceous cyst. And I manage to get one every couple of years.
And of course they always sprout up right in the middle of your back where you can neither reach or scratch the thing so you you go around like an old hog scratching your back on concrete walls or door frames or reaching back there with a claw hammer to scratch the thing.
That's boil's law.
Meanwhile, my wife had choir practice tonight so when we talked on the phone after work I asked her to have a look at it when she gets home.
But she said it might be late and I might be sleeping.
So I told her to just find the boil and give it a good hard pinch and I would wake up instantly.
But she was afraid I'd come up swinging so she said she's gonna try hollering at me instead.
I wrote it and I'm sticking to it.
Awake or not, I'm gonna nominate your wife for sainthood!

On a similar note, back in the 80's a friend used to brag (in front of his wife) that she applied his hemorrhoid medication for him.

Some guys get the helpful ones, I guess???
My uncle used to repeat a saying when commenting how unattractive someone was ... "I've seen better heads on a boil".
Way back, probably in the 30s, an old BIL told me he had recurring boils. He told my dad of this and my dad suggested he take 1/4 tsp of brewers yeast. BIL said he thought a whole teaspoon would work way better. He told me he almost blew up and thought he was going to die. But after he recovered he never had another boil or even a pimple and that was 40 yrs since. Ed Will Oliver BC
Sounds like you are describing the same thing that I had many years ago. If you are male, about 30 years old and drive truck or operate machinery, then you are in the group known to develop a PILONIDAL CYST. It is an infectious mass caused by an ingrown or infected hair follicle. It comes and goes until finally treated by surgical removal. They usually develop in a embarrassing spot at the very bottom of the tail bone. Look it up on Google

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