Possible store closings 2017

JC Penney just announced a lot of store closings also. Where are people going to go to try on the clothing/shoes that they then go home and order from Amazon?

I've been a loyal Sears hard goods shopper my entire life.

I will miss Sears.

Agree, amazon is the big elephant in the room. Have you gone to Wal-mart on line? You can buy things Wal-mart doesn't have in the store and they ship it free to a Wal-mart store. I've found a back up camera for truck cheaper at Wal-mart on line than amazon.

All stores have to adapt or they will die.

Does anyone remember as a kid getting a sears catalog? Ours was required reading in the bathroom and could be used if we ran out of TP.
Yeah but they keep your credit card number, don't ask if you want them to, and they add to your cart when you checkout......if you browse something but don't add it they will add it for you and you have to chunk it. If you are in a hurry and miss seeing it, you get it. I don't like either and shop as a last resort! Did both to me so this info is "1st person, singular".
I still haven't figured out why people think Amazon is so great. A couple of years ago I tried to order a digital scale from them to weigh my house cats. Spent several hours on their site looking for a phone number to call and place an order. Only thing I could find was they wanted you to send in your email and then maybe they would contact you. I don't do business that way. You want me to buy something from your company you provide a phone number and a location address so I can contact you. Several companies have lost sales because they don't provide a phone number for you to call. I won't play internet email tag and I will not put my credit card number out over the web.
Remember when Deere was closing so many stores? That was a good thing wasn't it? They were "positioning themselves for the future".
catalog was too slick. corncob worked well red one them white to see if you needed another red. The old Prairie Farmer newspaper type would work except the black ink would sometimes rub off.
I buy on Amazon all the time, anything and everything from books to car and pickup tires. With PayPal, your credit card is secure and the seller never has access to it.

As an example, my latest issue of "Naval History" magazine had a review for a book I thought would be a good read. The publisher's price was $29.95. I bought it on Amazon for $11.00 with free shipping. It's become almost a joke in our family that for any occasion our daughter automatically sends me a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.
wilson ind- "The old Prairie Farmer newspaper type would work except the black ink would sometimes rub off."

How could you see if it rubbed off? Did you have a mirror to stand over? LOL!
To us the catalog was the first Christmas. Then the 25th was the great day.

I think most of the stores have killed themselves. Last time I was in Sears it was a ghost town. I could have walked out of the store with my new tools. No one would have known.
I'm hearing that it's not just Sears. With online shopping and drones delivering to the front door after hovering over the neighbor girl tanning at her pool and taking pictures of her, who needs "big box" stores when you can sit on a sofa in front of your smart TV eating a bowl of ice cream while someone watches and listens to you through your smart TV, while turned on or off? Sears? Thing of the past like buggy whips. Grin.

Sorry to see Sears go too, weren't they known as the "worlds largest store" at one time? You guys are right they were all set with catalog sales and a large distribution network, they could have moved right over to internet sales and been on top.
I used to like Amazon, but they are playing too many games with prime shipping and costs based on whether you have a prime account or not. Amazon has forgotten what got them where they are today. I hate to order something from them with regular shipping and they just sit on your order for about a week before they ship it. The thing that I have been impressed with is that Amazon, Ebay And Walmart all have little vendors that sell thru their websites, and those vendors usually don't play the "hold your order to make a point" game, so I try to order thru them when possible. The last order I placed thru Amazon. one item was shipped by Amazon prime and the other was filled by an outside vendor with free shipping. I got the outside vendor item in 2 days, the prime item took 4 days.
Well, I've never been in any of those stores other than Sears and Penney's.

Last time I was in Penney's was looking for a mattress they had on special. Went to the local store, they didn't stock mattresses... Asked which store does, they called around, found a stocking store, yes they have it, drove across town... "No, we don't stock that one, but we have this $800 one!"

As I said, "the last time in Penney's"

About all I've bought from Sears is appliances, just so they would match what I already had. They do have some good deals at the Outlet stores if willing to shop and compare.

Another store closing is Radio Shack. But they deserve it! Horrible management decisions, already in financial trouble, they decided to build a sprawling home office complex. Barely got it occupied and had to lease it out. Constant turn over of CEO's, each one bilking the company out of millions in bonuses. Multiple bankruptcies.

But I will miss them, good source of fuses, diodes, electronic doo-dads. I probably spend $10's of dollars a year there!
Jeff, one year before Christmas my gramma gave me the sears catalog and said, JUST CIRCLE WHAT YOU DONT WANT!!!!!!!! My mom got a good chuckle out of that one. Iirc, I got socks and under ware again that year.......
. But the index always went first. We used Sears and Spiegel and Monkey Wards in the back house and the index got gone first.
I helped shut down the generators at Radio Shack. Headquater's real sad to look down from the office tower and see the cracker box they were moving to.
In the regional shopping center 30 miles from here, mall anchor Sears is closing in April. That was big, lawn and garden, big tool section. Along with all the clothes and appliance and so forth.

Gordmans and Gabder Mountain are located in the fairly new building that Kmart built and then left. Both of those are going into bankruptsy.

Several of the smaller storefronts mentioned in the article are in the mall that Sears is in.

The Target in my town closed a couple years ago. Kmart closed a while ago.

Radio Shack in my town turned into a verison store, and does still have some electronics.

Sure are some shamus out there.

Menards was extremely busy in the shopping center 30 miles away. So much so that they built one in my town, they wanted to take some pressure off the big store, they had a full parking lot and couldn't take more business. Wow!

Lots of rumors that my little town Menards was in trouble and going to close. Been those rumors since it opened several years ago. Well, this winter they started renovations on the local Menards, adding a large 2nd floor, the housewares and grocery and other areas all getting much bigger. Does t look like they will be shutting down, with that much more floor space being put in.

Wife and I shop a whole lot at Menards, Runnings, and a long time grocery store in town. We go to Walmart when we have to.

The Walmart in town drove out Kmart and eventually Target, but it didn't affect the 2 large grocery stores so far. Our grocery stores have been 24/7 for decades. Oddly, the Walmart closes over night....

Most places keep your card info if you call and use your card over the phone.

Where do you think your card info goes when you swipe it in a store? Right out over the internet to the processing center.
(quoted from post at 15:23:02 03/11/17) I still haven't figured out why people think Amazon is so great. A couple of years ago I tried to order a digital scale from them to weigh my house cats. Spent several hours on their site looking for a phone number to call and place an order. Only thing I could find was they wanted you to send in your email and then maybe they would contact you. I don't do business that way.

I guess you miss out on doing business with them then. I've been dealing with Amazon for years and they have been amazing, to say the least. Just about anything is available from them directly or their "partners". Never a problem with credit cards. They've even built a huge data center and two big fulfillment centers in my area (almost 2 million sq. ft) and brought hundreds of jobs.
(quoted from post at 15:38:53 03/11/17) It's become almost a joke in our family that for any occasion our daughter automatically sends me a $50 gift certificate to Amazon.

That's my standard request from the mother-in-law, Amazon gift cards, for birthdays or Christmas.
Sears and JC Penny's killed themselves. My daughters, when they were teens in the 90's refused to shop there for clothing. As teen girls they were interested in being in style. Then they started to have issues with providing warranty support for things like appliances. Then came several scandals with Tire centers getting caught selling things like shocks that the customer didn't need. Then the problem with tools. They drove their older customers away with poor service and poor quality and were too stupid to understand that old people have a limited shelf life and are gone. And that if they failed to target younger shoppers who would be customers for the next few decades.....

Me I quit shopping Sears when they dropped the quality of the tools.

(quoted from post at 09:02:46 03/11/17) Yeah but they keep your credit card number, don't ask if you want them to, and they add to your cart when you checkout......if you browse something but don't add it they will add it for you and you have to chunk it. If you are in a hurry and miss seeing it, you get it. I don't like either and shop as a last resort! Did both to me so this info is "1st person, singular".
I have no idea who you are talking about.

Got a clue?
Where we live, we still cannot get a land line phone, and it was literally a session of yoga-master any time we wanted to use the cell phone. Now the cell service affords us internet (still no land line available) and dependable cellular phone.

Our nearest Wal-Mart is 70+ miles away. Nearest McDonalds is next to Wal-Mart. Nearest gas station is probably 25 or so miles away but we rarely go that direction.

With Amazon, we pay the $99/year for Prime shipping and any time we need something, just look it up and it's hear in a couple of days. We also order from Wal-Mart.com but their website (for me anyhow) is difficult to use. Plus, last time I ordered, they sent the order to the local Wal-Mart instead of our house. Hmm...how far was that again??

Funny thing is, back when I was in the USAF, I had a chance to buy penny stock in one of the home shopping channels on TV - I think it was QVC. I just couldn't imagine buying something that you couldn't first hold, inspect for quality, etc., so I happily passed on the "sucker" investment. ...I think my forehead still has permanent indentations from all the head-banging I've done since then!

Another nice thing about Amazon is how well they have been with us. Any slight little problem and they have gone overboard to correct it!

Haven't been in a Sears store for many years, so can't say I will miss them much. The only one nearby was just a small shop anyhow and barely even had push lawnmowers for sale. Took in some old damaged Craftsman hand tools (lifetime warranty) and they didn't even carry any tools!! And this was several years ago - the last time I stepped foot in one of their stores.
(quoted from post at 07:02:46 03/11/17) Yeah but they keep your credit card number, don't ask if you want them to, and they add to your cart when you checkout......if you browse something but don't add it they will add it for you and you have to chunk it. If you are in a hurry and miss seeing it, you get it. I don't like either and shop as a last resort! Did both to me so this info is "1st person, singular".

That sounds like you didn't review your order properly, not Amazon's fault. You can have them remember your credit card info, you can also have it removed.
(quoted from post at 07:23:02 03/11/17) I still haven't figured out why people think Amazon is so great. A couple of years ago I tried to order a digital scale from them to weigh my house cats. Spent several hours on their site looking for a phone number to call and place an order. Only thing I could find was they wanted you to send in your email and then maybe they would contact you. I don't do business that way. You want me to buy something from your company you provide a phone number and a location address so I can contact you. Several companies have lost sales because they don't provide a phone number for you to call. I won't play internet email tag and I will not put my credit card number out over the web.

It's great, credit card (with low limit just for internet) and email used for online purchases only. Add to cart, enter shipping address, email and credit card, and get item in 2 days. Less than 2 minutes to order 24/7

The days of you calling up someone and having a great chat about the weather and how Mrs so and so has a new flowerbed while you ponder buying something are done.

I am guessing they are not missing your business at all, but you are missing some deals or items you need.

Before the online shopping made it obsolete, you had to call up a business during business hours, hoped someone answered the phone, read what you wanted several times, repeated your address over and over, mailed the cheque and then waited for them to cash your cheque before they mailed the item or and had to repeat your credit card over and over.

Been there done that...no thanks....

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