Who prefers rusty tractors?


New User
Dont get me wrong, restored tractors are beautiful. However, I have always had a preference for tractors in their original, abused, worked, etc state. Does anyone else here prefer to see original tractors when at shows?

If it is straight & no big dents I say keep it that way. If it's all smashed up
the fix it so it looks presentable... & I can Add Sweetfeet likes the original state..
Agree. Here's my recently rehabed NAA with my son's 58 MF 65 on the right and my cousin's 60ish MF 50, both working tractors. The ford was pretty straight but had been repainted an almost white gray and a very orange red.
I like to see a well cared for original paint machine whatever it is. Very hard to find in Ohio !

I hate to see rusted out abused and beat all to heck junk. This stuff is all over in Ohio.
My dad bought a new unstyled G in 1938. It is now rusty but otherwise in tact and still starts and runs really good. He always said he preferred to see the old machines in their"work clothes" so I have not had the heart to paint it up. I enjoy seeing some of the add ons and modifications to old tractors at some shows. Indicates what a farmer did to make the machine do the job he needed. Some are good and some not so good. I saw an old A at an auction once that was modified by extending the front out. The steering wheel had a gear on the end with a chain that turned the original steering box. A bit primitive but I suspect it worked. We had a large platform with sides and a tool box on the back of the G where we always carried some chains and tools. Made a handy step also
I like a nice restoration,but if something is a sharp original,leave it alone. Just don't show me a dented up paint job and tell me something is "restored".
Yes for sure. I like them in original as well as all painted up nicely. There is nothing nicer than to see and hear on old classic tractor working with an original muffler on it just doing it's thing. Go to Loren's house and feast your eyes on some older tractors all painted up like new. Now that's something to feast your eyes on. Or a Farmall Super M all painted up real nice setting over there under the old Maple tree on a nice summer day. And then stop by the side of the road and watch an old framer with a JD A and a #5 mower cutting Rye. Yes I like them both ways.
Yeah, when you compare the price of milk compared to the price of paint..............................Spiffy paint jobs are the last thing we are worried about. Hard enough to keep ahead of the mechanical stuff.
thats me, rustyred's as that is how i keep mine. anything that is a nice original unit i collect, plus its worth more money in original clothes than any painted unit. i can tell the difference from nice original units from junk.
anyone can have their tractor painted, however they are original only once. I have quit having mine painted, if folks don't like original, they can look at someone else's tractor.
I look at the original first. Their life and care is on display. Sometimes the clear coats are just too over restored. I wouldn't paint over a nice patina, but a cheap faded sloppy repaint has to go!
I like seeing them painted but much prefer seeing them working. Seems like a lot of nicely painted tractors never see work again. On that note I painted my H up all nice once and couple of weeks later buried it in mud try to plow.
Originally they came from the factory they were clean and had a nice fresh coat of paint on them. I relate it to old cars, do you want to see them at a used car lot, a junk yard or at a fine museum??????
This one is going to stay like this. The boy put a new clutch and clutch shaft in this winter and a friend rebuilt the mag. Want to get it on the plow soon.
Rust is OK as long as they are not rusting away, that is kept under cover and not getting wet and rusting out original sheetmetal and such.
this one has never set a day inside in its life but then I do not live in the rust belt either, this one has less rust sitting outside here than my friend in MI units get from sitting inside, I may not raise corn or beans like he does but I will take my drier climate any day of his, I painted the wheels as I once used them on my "S" when pulling, other than that she is 100% as she came from the factory

There is a BIG difference between "restored" and "customized" A tractor with a high gloss, super shiny coat of paint is NOT restored, it is customized. Most of the tractors I have seen at shows have been customized. I prefer to see tractors wearing their work clothes.
Original no doubt.

In example, say there is a line of WD45 tractors identical with each other all repainted flawlessly and one original tractor. Sure your going to admire the shiny new paint, the work each person took in their job well done. But that original tractor your going to study, your going to see how it has survived all of these years, your going to see if this one certain part is still intact on that tractor, your going to look at the drawbar to see if it has had a lot or little use. Paint covers up the story.

(quoted from post at 06:47:22 05/12/17) Original no doubt.

In example, say there is a line of WD45 tractors identical with each other all repainted flawlessly and one original tractor. Sure your going to admire the shiny new paint, the work each person took in their job well done. But that original tractor your going to study, your going to see how it has survived all of these years, your going to see if this one certain part is still intact on that tractor, your going to look at the drawbar to see if it has had a lot or little use. Paint covers up the story.


Farmall Hs, John Deere Bs, Allis-Chalmers WD45s, how many can a guy look at before they start to look all the same and you lose interest? Eventually, you start to look for the one that stands out from the rest, and usually THAT one is dressed in her working clothes.
I really like the originals. My favorites are the clean, straight, no paint ones that run like a top.

The ones with the ORIGINAL paint and decals are great too.

Absolutely hate the over the rust/grease rattle can spray jobs with chipping paint.

Showroom quality ones are nice but there's so many of them out there you just can't beat original.

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