Vermeer 605H


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I have a 605H that I have not used much. I am replacing the belt guides and noticed in the manual this baler was to have 2 10" outside belts and 6 4" middle belts. this one has 3 8" belts instead of the 4". Half the guide pipes. An issues with this?

Also, was there ever a rubber coated roller on these? none of the rollers look to be coated.

Well I'm no expert but I do have a MF1440, a Massey branded 504F. None of the rolls are covered, they are all just metal. On mine it originally had the two 10" belts on the outside and three 4" in the middle. The middles kept breaking on me so when I replaced all the belts last year I replaced the middles with two 10". I like it better this way. The belts seem stronger and the bale shape is better in that it has less bulges, caused by the gap between the belts. It had smooth belts when I got it and I was having some trouble starting a bale. The new belts are semi-rough and they grab the hay better and gets the bale spinning really easy.

My 2 cents
We had a 605C which we bought new. Came with all 4" belts. One of the times we replaced we put 10" on the outside, taking the
guides out appropriately. Worked well and helped keep the bale from walking inside when starting.

Only rubber roller that machine had was the upper feed roller. The equivlivant on your machine has paddles instead of rollers.
You want the belts to slip a bit till you get the bale started anyway. Matter of fact probably the best update that was put on
our machine was a pair of 3/8 bolts that held the tighteners up and kept the belts loos for the first foot of the bale. Helped
when getting started. That machine would go pretty much as fast as you could drive once the bale was going but could be pretty
finniky to get one started.

I have 2 605H balers, one working and one for parts. Mine came with 2 wide and 6 narrow but I am converting them to all wide as I break a belt. The parts baler had 5 wide belts on it all fairly new (that is why I bought it.) Talked to Vermeer dealer and he said that they started telling folks to replace with the wider belts so that they would not get jammed and folded up as much.

Forgot to add - no rubber coated rollers. Only roller with rubber is the feed roller that has rubber flaps on it to feed hay into the throat of the baler.

One caution - do no try to bale too green of hay. Just will not work. It wraps on the feed roller. We do the twist test on the hay to insure it is ready to bale. Grab a hunk of hay and twist it like bicycle pedals. If it twists apart in 1 to 2 revs the hay is ready to bale. Daughter tried to bale some tall green hay a few days ago (she knows better but did it anyway - impatient) and it took me 2 hours to get the jam out. A real bugger! Even sheared the bolts on the feeder drive sprocket.

Thanks John

The wider belts make sense.

I do see one belt is not as loose (baler open) as the rest so it might be one to watch if I have trouble starting a bale.
I had tractor trouble last year so I don't have much history with this one yet. Mark

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