Now THAT was a storm


Well-known Member
Whew. A good one just blew through NE Kansas from Nebraska - probably headed toward Old. Hang on. 70 mile an hour wind and rain by the buckets. It was running in this hundred year old house in three places. It had just blown over and I was headed out to survey damage when some teenage joy riders stopped and said one of the heifers was out on the road. She was a one eye from pinkeye and must have boogered up the other on the fence during the storm. She could see the headlights on the mini truck but that was it. Finally got her in. Drove through water by the bull pen that was deep enough to run in the doors of the little truck. The little thing kept on running.

There are trees on the power lines to the machine sheds, trees down into the yard, and trees down in the steer fattening lot. I unhooked the old Farmall M from the grinder so it can do tree dragging duty. It's the lightest thing here with some power. I'll get up early and drag everything to the road and start loading it in the grain trucks with the loader tractor. We got 2 1/2 inches yesterday so I don't dare drive a big tractor near the yard. Now I get to see where I will have flooded out beans. I've still got 200 acres to plant but I might have to do some replanting if I can get in the fields in time. And I thought I was ahead of the game this year...
Seems like this year its either no rain in places, or way too much at a time in others. We finally are getting some rain after about 3 weeks of very hot and dry here in southern Indiana.
Don't wish too hard. We were getting way too dry. The rain set up and has been training right over us since yesterday morning. 3.4 inches so far,4.3 since it all started Tuesday. I've got some corn that's under water.
Got 1.25 inches of rain last night but no high winds or other such problems. But the weather guesser said by the time it reached me the lion of a storm would turn into a lamb of a storm which it seemed to have done
I think we've had over 6 inches in the past week. Last Wednesday there was an outbreak of 11 tornadoes in the area, one was a little over a mile from where I work, while I was there. A bunch of us were staring out the door watching the clouds (no warning went off until after the damage was done) and looking at the rotation.

Was only an EF1 thankfully, so no major damage to the homes it went over. Only parts of a roofs from a warehouse and the roof of a car wash were the main damage. The Menards across the street from the warehouse looks relatively untouched.

Donovan from Wisconsin
In my part of southern Indiana we were dry for several weeks then got 10" in two days. Worse was it came in just a few hours.
Must be what's scheduled to hit us around 11pm tonight. 90% chance, about 1" forecast, 20 mph from NNW. Great. Got my hay cut and rolled, without a shower on it, in 75% humidity mind you, took 7 days to get it all cured but it happened, and regrowth is about 3" tall. Perfect timing.

I'm glad that you got through it! All we've been getting here is a hot sun and stout winds. Just about all you can do is keep moving water and hope for the best!

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