This is why I use a pre emerge


Well-known Member
Every time I get that letter from MDA telling me my pesticide certification is about to expire,that I don't have enough credits and will have to take the test again,I think how easy it would be to just spray it all with roundup and forget the Prowl and atrazine.
Then we get a year like this. The corn will be canopied before I can get in there now. It's not as clean as I like it,but it'll probably have to do this year.

I use an Allis 333 with air units. I used to plant 27,000,but cut back to 24,000 with no real decline in yield.
looks good, I also run a pre, central ohio plant 32,000 with a 7200 12 row finger pick-up yeild should be 150 ish, never know about the growing season
Ya,that's always been my biggest concern. If there aren't any weeds,they can't become resistant. Just seems like I always have a few that escape the atrazine. As long as I spray both,it seems to take them all out. The few escapes this year don't look like they'll be the end of the world.
I didn't know prowl was still around. I use Acuron, which replaced Lumax, which replaced Bicep, which replaced Dual & Atrazine, which...... I can't keep up with the name changes!! I apply it with liquid N. Fields are clean. Last year, when it didn't rain for 6 weeks, was a different story.
That's not crooked. They just have a little curve. Maybe following the lay of the land. I've got CROOKED rows, where I kept nodding off one day!
I use the generic version of Prowl,called Accumen. Funny you should mention Acuron. I went to get Accumen this year and Jerry said he didn't have it in two and a halfs,we'd have to get it from bulk. Lyle had better than 5 gallons drawn off and I asked him if it was Accumen because it wasn't yellow? He said no,it's Acuron. He asked me then what it was that I wanted? I told him Accumen,showed him the receipt that it was what I paid for. All of a sudden he looked like he wasn't very happy with Jerry. He marched over to the other warehouse and started carrying out Accumen in boxes of two and a halfs.
I used to use a post-emerge spray of Prowl and Bicep II Lite. Now I cultivate some and intercrop the rest with the "three sisters." Looks messy but the corns still works out well. But I only have two acres of sweet corn.
I have not used prowl in years and my old pull sprayed is still stained yellow. I would use it in the apache so I would not stain it. The last few years I just call the coop to come spray my corn. I can keep on planting or working ground that way.
I know that feeling Bob. Dad always griped bout my crooked rows. Dad planted straight till we put saddle tanks on a 1370. after that with 400 gal of 28 % N straight rows were a thing of the past. RB
No idea. I grow about the same acreage every year to fill my silo and cribs,and I get it done just the same at either population.
Just curious, what is it that got by the pre emergent? I dont use it. Velvet leaf and some lambsquarter is giving me trouble. I've also got a strange weed, looks like a brassica, bluish leaf and yellow flower. Even with surfactant the spray rolls right off it.
I've used Roundup, atrizine and RealmQ the last two years on my corn and it's worked GREAT. We went to Liberty beans (with Dual) and rotate corn/beans on fields so you don't use the same chemicals/modes of action in back to back years. I've also gone to doing some more conventional tillage om the spring to knock out weeds before planting. Those old Allis field cultivators (1200/1300) do okay if you don't have to much grass or vine stuff to take out otherwise it's the disc. Mike
I've got some on another place that's so low yellow nutsedge can be a problem. I get a few grasses escaping now and then. Just when you think quack grass is extinct,it pops up here and there. There's one little spot of it covering about 4 rows in this field.
Do you have mustard there?

Late last summer, I put in some drainage tile after oats, before planting winter wheat. On the open ditch bank/field edge where I backfilled, several mustard plants came up. They grew so fast so big, they didn't look like wild mustard. My wife, who is interested in cole, kale, collards, etc. picked some and ate it! She agreed it looked, tasted, and acted like some domesticated plant, rather than wild mustard. It was very reminiscent of the canola we tried back in 1991-1992 on another farm.
Drove past my neighbors field this spring and was gonna kid him on the wiggles he had. Then thought maybe his kid started planting and shouldn't start anything.

Then I drove past my field I was planting when the tiny but very sharp thunder storm came up, and saw how wiggly my rows were there......

Nope, not going to say anything about others......

So them skips on the headland, did you ever scratch some out to see what happened? Reason I ask is I planted some organic corn for the neighbor and when came up there were lots of skips, some 2 ft. skips. So an agronomist and I scratched some up and some kind of worm ate the heart out of the kernel. Planted it at 33,000 but only a 20,000 stand came up. Since this is organic it has no seed treatment on it so our only recourse in the future would be to plant it at about 50,000.
It's hard to say. That's right where I drive in to the field,so that's some of it. I ran over some of it when I sprayed the pre,the Avipel won't stop birds entirely from eating it,they have to eat a little to get the idea that they shouldn't do that. Could be any or all of those things.

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