Free at last YaHoo

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
Had my follow up with my Dr. yesterday for my hernia surgery. he uped my weight lifting to 25 lbs. and told me I can get on a tractor but use common sense. If it hurts, don't do it again till I'm healed more. He told me that I broke what God made and he has tried to repair that, BUT he isn't God and can't fix things as good as God made in the first place. Pretty much summed it up didn't he. I said now I can go mow hay & he quickly told me the twisting and looking back would make me pretty sore and if I don't have to, I shouldn't do it. Have someone else do it if possible. Sounded like he's been around a farm before LOL.
Glad to hear of your progress. As a veteran of 8 spinal surgeries (3 neck & 5 lower back) by some of the best Drs. in the USA I have said for years that no matter how good the Dr is they can't fix you as good as God made you. I told my current surgeon this and he agreed completely. My lower back situation is largely my fault from "bulling" heavy stuff and not stopping activities after my early surgeries. Listen to your Dr.!

Really - do try to still take it easy.

I had my gall bladder removed back when they still cut a 6-inch gash in your abdomen.

Thought I was feelin' pretty perky... and the weeds in the garden had gotten out of control during my convalescence.

Went out and weeded some serious quack grass.
Did great the first half dozen rows.
Bugged me a bit during the next half dozen rows.
Was determined to "get 'er done" for the last half dozen rows.

Almost had to crawl to the house afterward.
Had to lay down and rest - danged near cried...
Woke up two hours later feeling just like
when I awakened in the recovery room after my surgery.
Felt just like a fresh surgery... I hurt like All-Billy-Heck.
I think my over-doing it, set me back a week and a half in my recovery.

So truly... take it a bit easy... and have no regrets.
I've had a number of assorted surgeries over the years, and the surgeon, whoever he might be, almost always said, "If you feel comfortable doing something, do it. If you don't feel comfortable, don't do it". Pretty common sense advice.

When I was discharged from the hospital after a neurosurgeon operated on my back, he told me not to drive a car for two weeks. My wife's parents were still living, and about 8 miles from us. A simple drive on pavement. About 10 days after I was home, we went to visit them and I said, "Aw heck, I'll try driving". I found out the surgeon knew what he was talking about. I really didn't feel all that comfortable driving yet.
Both times I had hernia surgery I followed the Drs. advice to the letter and my recovery was a breeze. I even took it a step further and stopped doing something before I felt any discomfort. I don't know how old you are but another couple weeks of taking it super easy is a small price to pay considering you are going to live 20-30-40 more years.
Someone said something about not knowing my age. I'll be 70 October 3rd. so I'm not a spring chicken to a lot on here and a young'un to several more LOL. I've decided that after going to Huntington, WV. (80)miles on Monday and Chillicothe, Ohio (65 miles) on Tuesday and Wednesday (all 3 for Md. visits at V.A.), I really don't feel like running out and getting on a tractor and working all day. I think I'll take it easy for a few more days. I really don't have anything pressing at present time. I thought I had a lot to get done but I really don't have anything that HAS to be done, it can wait. Thanks to all of you for the words of encouragement.
I thought that was where you are from previous posts. And remember when you are at work all you need to use is your voice and have younger helpers do the actual work.
Not any more, I'm totally retired from working out on the job. All I do now is put up some hay and buy & sell a little farm equipment. Keith
Good to hear that you are coming along with your recovery. at least with the rain we are having today and tomorrow you will get a few more days until you get the urge to go out and mow some hay. John

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