The year of the Falt. How many Flat tires for you this ye...

Bruce from Can.

Well-known Member
I am up to 10 flat tires so far this year ,had a front tire go flat on my 730 Case yesterday while cutting hay,no big deal just
a puncture , patched the tube and good to go. Hard to get a good day in though , when yo have to stop and fix a tire.
So it is like this .
2 tractor tires , one front one back
1 power feed cart tire
1 cultivator tire
4 hay wagon tires
2 skid steer tires
And still plenty of year left for more flat tires ,lol. only had one tire blow on a hay wagon last year . Only have 3 of the 8
original hay wagon tires left, they where all 8 plys , and 12 ply tires have been going back on. I am thinking maybe I should
just pull the last 3 wagon tires off , and throw they away. What is your flat count ? Btuce
The more I thought about this the higher the total went. Used hay accumulator first time few weeks ago went back couple days later to move it one was flat. Buddy's 10" auger is sitting here for the summer moved it to pile hay last week and one old nasty looking tire blew in the sun I guess. Used a hay wagon back in the winter and it had a flat changed it the best looking tires on it were the ones that kept going flat so I replaced the other two that were old and looked worse. So I'm at 5. Going to stop thinking about it 'cause may have forgotten one or two more. All the blowouts this year were sitting not when being used. I always figure tires and batteries go on streaks when it comes time to replace.
"[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]What is your flat count ?[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]"

Our equipment trailer has 6 tires.

Drove over to Arkansas to pick up a John Deere 640 hay rake last Spring.

Had one blowout on the way over and "limped" the last mile to the destination.

Had a second flat at the destination.

Mounted a spare that was low on pressure.

Loaded our tractor and the rake and headed home.

Had another blowout before leaving Arkansas.

Somehow made it back the remaining 60 plus miles to the farm on 3 tires.

Bought 4 new tires the next morning.

Replaced 2 rear tires on the Ford 445C within the last two months.

Once heard it said "[i:654c4848f0]Money is like manure, you got to spread it around before it can do any good.[/i:654c4848f0]"
funny you bring this up Bruce. I had four yesterday in four different states. But then again we have over well 800 tires on the ground. Summer heat creates havoc for us along with picking up nails screws and bolts that find their way into our tires. It is never ending.
We have 800 tires on the ground?!?!?

I must have missed some history over the years....what sort of company do you own/work for? Or do you fall into the Mega-farm category?
Last week has been 2 tractor fronts, a rear, rake tire, wagon tire, two lawn mower tires, baler tire and the flat free bushhog tire broke off the mower.
I have been worried this summer as the county gravel roads around our cabin all have new crushed rock on them. The area has run out of natural gravel and has gone to drilling, blasting, and crushing bedrock. It lasts a long time but is hard on tires, and noisy to drive on.
Give me old fashioned tires with tubes. I have some old Firestone Transport 1 truck tires that are regroovable and they have to be 40 years old but no weather checking, made from a good rubber formula. I always thought that rubber was rubber but they have different formulas for rubber these days. I put tubes in all my farm equipment, they dont go flat from sitting.
Just one this year and I had one replaced so it matched the new one last year on the otherside,, man I do not care for tire years
I don't keep count. If a tire is flat I fix it and go. I finally bought a tire changer a couple years ago, thinking I was wasting my money. Now that I have this changer it's surprising how often it's used. It has saved me many hours in lost time.
Had a flat last week. Two nails. One was leaking. Firestone put inside patch. Musta come from my trip to Home Depot last week. When they come to HD in their pickups they drop the tailgate to load and they(nails,screws etc) come tumbling out on the parking lot.

Such a (not) funny thread.
I had a experience with flat that is kinda different.
I had went a few weeks between being upstate with my Jube'.
Well when I got there the Jube' had two front tires flat and my LGT2554 Mower had a right front flat.
Well I got to lookin' and I could only find a thorn in the mower that was the problem.
I aired all the tires up and did the best with the mower and ran it til I saw it going flat again.
I went back down state and before I went back got all the stuff I would need to repair all the tires...
I went back in a few weeks expecting the worst and hoping for the best and yes the mower was flat but when I got to fixin' the Jube's front tires they were still like I left them.
So I would like to take this time to thank the tire fairies for not making me fix the Jubes
I haven't had any. My wife has had several. I swear that woman can look at a car and the tires start going down.
I haven't kept up with the flats this year but it hasn't been too bad. I've got something over 100 tires in various sizes, Most of them were bought new in the last 3-4 years. If they averaged $200 each that's $20K, At least 10 of them were near $1000 each the total is probably closer to twice that much. No wonder I'm broke.

I'm running about normal for the year. My hogging tractor fronts are multi-rib and are getting pretty bald. They work great that way, but are easy to puncture. I patched both once this year. One of my new trailer tires picked up a 6" screw the other day, always fun to change on the road. Had a tubeless 4 rib front let go from stubble damage, put a tube in it as tread was great...will see how long that lasts. Got lots of other flats around here, but they will just get aired up when I need to use them. No rears yet this year (knock on wood).
I haven't had that many flat tires in the last 15 years. I got one flat last year. This was the last one. What I hate is now unless the nail is within about a 3" span down the middle of the tire the tire people won't patch it anymore.

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