Some Michigan soybean harvest pics

Nick m

Apparently my wife has been sneaking some pictures over the last few days. My 3yr old sidekick is with me in most of these. Figured I'd share. 81 1460 with 20ft 1020 and 77 4430.





Dry. Had as low as 9. Highest has been 12. There are some spots with some green plants yet though.
Much breakage at that moisture?

Some folks here are limiting combining to nights, trying to get the moisture up, but very little dew.
Just curious if you"ve ever trying combining beans at an angle, like 30-40 degree to the row. It doesn"t bunch on the header, cuts evenly across the entire cutterbar, (instead of wearing out only the sickle sections over the row) and tends to push little rocks between the rows instead of scooping them up. I did that for many years, see others around here doing it as well. Got the idea from FarmShow mag in the 80s. First tried it late at night, expecting a long night, and knowing I could straighten it out before the neighbors could see it in the morning!
Was my first time ever combining 30in rows. Going on an angle was suggested by a neighbor, but they were feeding ok so I just kept going straight.
Seeing that here as well, no frost to kill everything evenly, lots of green patches here and there.
One guy north of here plants them at that angle, about like 30?, then just combines them straight with the fencerows.
Nice pics.Looks like the 1460 is working good for you.Thursday and Friday the combines were rolling here in ne Nebraska but showers on Saturday slowed them up.Gave me a chance to get my 1460 ready.Raining pretty good this morning and they talk about rain most of the week.My son rode with me in the combine allot too. Good times!
I used to combine milo at an angle when it was muddy. The drive wheels would get traction from crossing the stubble instead of going down the rows.
It's been working well. Had to tinker with a few things, but nothing terrible. Radio quits working from time to time but a solid smack gets it going again.

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