David G

Well-known Member
FYI, the Feds are holding all new CRP requests right now, state USDA's are trying to find out, but so far no answers.

I was trying to put another 20 in, so am planning on corn right now.
I'm in ohio and was told there is no crp program anymore.The new program they have requires grass that gets 6 ft tall,wild flowers and some other stuff to attract birds.If you have crp grass cover it has to be burnt off or plowed under. They say it's to thick and the birds have to fly around to move.They want no ground cover.It cost several hundred an acre to seed.A certified arborist must be involved.I'm putting mine back row crops.
I really truly hope that the CRP program is DEAD!!!! That program is one of the most abused ones out there.

Many farmers trying to survive the 1980s where kicked off rented ground because of CRP payments that were double what the current rent was. Then add in the "CORN" bonus and you had fellows drawing more in one year than they paid for ground just a few years earlier in the low of 1984. $2 a bushel times your ASC yield paid in the first year on top of the rental bid. I know of two farms close to me that sold for $400 an acre. They both got put into the CRP program just two years after they sold. ASC yield of 145 and a rent of $130, that's is $420.

Really screwed over most livestock guys too. Most of their land was not eligible because it was already in hay/grass. Guys that had grass waterways and headlands got screwed too. IF your already had them, at your own cost, they could not go into the program. IF you had plowed out everything fencerow to fencerow then you where the golden child to the ASC office.

CRP Crop Farmer, Retirement, Plan.

Like one of the other posters said: Rich farmer/landowner welfare.
AH come on ! Just signed 50 acres for fourth time. ASCS makes good renters. No fences to repair, no wet or dry years. This ten years the rate was raised again. Five acres of trees they payed to plant were not offered anymore. SOB CRY but Now have great little woods to build cabin in. Half pine and hardwood. Life is good !! OK OK Started the week getting most all stirred up. Back to more coffee.

That might explain what was done to the land across the road from me. It has been in CRP for at least 2 periods. Recently was sprayed with something and burned down.
Was just a way to seed the country with weed seeds as every weed had to be left to go to seed. And then how many farmers did it put on welfair?
I hate to see what some people say about people that rent land. Renting it to the government is pretty much the same as renting it to the some guy down road except its more work but the payments are usually made on time.
(quoted from post at 09:37:42 10/09/17) I hate to see what some people say about people that rent land. Renting it to the government is pretty much the same as renting it to the some guy down road except its more work but the payments are usually made on time.
Difference is, when the gov't is renting your land, it's taxpayer dollars that are paying you that rent!
...I'm not totally against the CRP program, as well as many other programs. What I'm against is the abuse of the programs on our side, and the flagrant OVER-use of many programs by the gov't! Means nothing to them, as they didn't "earn" that money. I've said it before and I'll say it again, gov't needs to be more frugal with the money that is "entrusted" to them! (that's a nice way of saying '[i:0b644241d5]the tax dollars that they take[/i:0b644241d5]') :wink:
But they are also using your tax dollars to pay the land owner over twice what the ground would rent for so it puts the farmer that would want to rent it out of luck and makes him not able to have an income to live off of and there fore have to get goverment help to live. So it is back to us paying more tax dollars to put somebody out of work. And I do not believe there is an overabundance of crops, just a distribtation problem that they should put the money toward solving.
Just went over this in the fsA office last week with my 95 year old mom. She has 2 options - 1 to burn off 1/3 of hers every year or 1/3 can be disk 2 times. This is rotated - 1/3 must be done every year. Has it in the wild flower program. My neighbor has 17 acres across the road from my house. Since he could not get it rented this year, I am going to recommend the program to him. Hope he agrees to it.
Not against the law that I know of here BUT try that and you would have the fire department out to put it out as danger of it traveling way to much to let it burn.
Ok, let say they just end CRP today? That happens to you, the farmer? Prices are already in the toilet. Those land owners are not going to sell the place. They are going to want to rent it out and a few retired farmers will start planning their own grain crops. The markets are already flooded and even more will be produced.

Now this doesn't mean I'm in favor of CRP. I'm not. So how about another option? Basically the government is renting that land. So while it's being rented that land should be open to the public for recreation. Camping, hunting ECT. Do that and see how many people drop CRP.


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