call for a charitable contribution


Well-known Member
It was for breast cancer victims. I asked if she worked for an organization that is paid to collect for this charity. She said yes. I then asked how much goes to the charity. She said 15%. So if you give them $100 the charity gets 15%. Which means that you just gave someone $85 to do as they see fit. This is why I will not give to phone call solicitations.
a lot of charities very little go to help who they claim to support. do your research on where to put your money. there is a lot I will not support after finding out less than 10% will go to help who they support, even giving directly the the charity.
I sometimes prefer donating to more local charities. I have read/heard that the big nation-wide charities farm out the fundraising (phone calls, mail, etc) to private outfits who take whatever percent donated through those drives for themselves. I can understand that, they're in business, but being in business through the good will of others seems a bit tacky to me. I suspect they take over half themselves, maybe more. But for the charity, even if they get 10% that's better than nothing right? Maybe somebody has some numbers that explain this all more clearly.
This might be a bit wordy but you'll get the idea. Mind you, it's from an internet search so as usual, it might or might not be totally accurate. You know what they say ...... what info you glean from the web is worth what you pay for it. Anyways, here it is ......
Where do your donations go ????
That's a common practice. Even donations directly to a charity go through a couple of CEO's and presidents, and advertising agencies...

Maybe 10% gets to where it says it will go.

Christmas is coming, look around at the local food banks, churches, shelters. Find an angel tree and adopt a family that otherwise would not have gifts!
I have started asking the callers for these charities to send me a break down of where my money goes and how much gets to where it?s supposed to. You would be surprised how many never send me the information and never call again. I have started only giving to local charities. I do believe that more of my contribution gets to where it needs to go.

"Shop with a Cop" is a good one here- deputy sheriffs and local cops each take a kid shopping for Christmas- Gives the kid a good experience with a cop, in addition to the obvious benefits. Money donated goes 100% to the cause. The cops, of course, donate their time.
A friend's wife listened daily to a radio preacher from California. When she died, she wanted contributions made to this preacher, in lieu of flowers. So - we wrote a modest check and sent it off. That was over eight years ago, and we get something asking for money from this outfit every week. They have wasted every penny that we gave them on postage and printing. I pitch it all in the trash, but there must be a return from this or they would have folded by now.

Our local food pantry gives the best bang for the buck - 100% volunteer workers, and entirely non-profit.

By the way - when they interviewed the local long time florist about why he was closing up shop, he said, "In lieu of flowers".
Crazy Horse, a very good point in the article, dealing with a telemarketer.

Real good chance the person has no affiliation with the charity. Just another scam, another way to get personal information to use for personal gain.
I just hung up on one of them jerks. I think Make a Wish is a great thing and I don't mind supporting it, But I am not going to pay the telemarketers jerks 85 dollars for the privilege to donate 15 dollars to Make a Wish. I also gave up on the Red Cross. Now I know the RC does a lot of good but if they can pay the top hogs of the RC all that money out of donated funds they don't need the little bit that give. Most all the workers donate there time but the people that run the RC get pay packages that are way out of line. Let me know if you think I am wrong. >> The Old Scovy <<
Some time ago I donated 100 bucks to a charity. they had 25-50-100 donation bracket. next year I got a mail from them. there brackets were 100-150-200. done with them. when I ever get a call from anyone asking for a donation I always say send me a letter and don't call back. You just never know who is on the end of the line do you.
I like Salvation Army and our local John 3:16 Mission. They do a lot of good.

Unfortunately the scam artists have taken over the veterans and cancer fund raising.
I always ask them--What are you wasting your time for calling me? I don't have any money. If you were smart you would make one or two calls to the right people and get it all taken care of at once. Think Waltons or Rockefellers.
(quoted from post at 11:13:58 11/07/17) It was for breast cancer victims. I asked if she worked for an organization that is paid to collect for this charity. She said yes. I then asked how much goes to the charity. She said 15%. So if you give them $100 the charity gets 15%. Which means that you just gave someone $85 to do as they see fit. This is why I will not give to phone call solicitations.

CharityNavigator is a good resource to find out out how a charity operates.
The have a group called United Way they bring into work every fall to solicit donations from us. In their speech they tell you up front they are just a company that re-distributes your money to charities who need it. They take their 12% then hand off the other 88% to a charity who then takes their cut for expenses and gives the rest (hopefully) to someone in need.

Personally I like groups like Operation Comfort Warriors who are a subsidiary of the American Legion and because of that the Legion covers all the administrative costs so 100% of your donated dollar can go to a military veteran in need. I have been a part of the Tractor Relay Across Nebraska for two years now (9 days on a tractor across Nebraska) and they raise money for this organization as they go from town to town.

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