early to rise


A lot has been made lately of the research that suggests that teenagers need to get up later and start school later. According to this site, it is not unusual, due to the biological makeup of teenagers, that they do not fall asleep before 11pm and need 10 hours of sleep, arising at nine am.

I thought a bunch of farmers would have fun with this. Even if that is their makeup, the practice of sleeping in that late, despite alleged harm not allowing them to do so, would not serve them well later in life as not many employers desire workers who arise at 10am.
LOL send them to work with the Amish for a week they would be dead. Up at 4am do chores 6am breakfast go to work 3pm chores 5pm dinner more chores bed at 10 then start all over.
Just call them ganola people, nuts, fruits, and flakes. Can't take credit for this, I saw it on this site earlier.


Teens and millennial need to get their computer game time in during the evening and night. My neighbor across the street told me that her thirty year old son who lives in the basement plays all night against friends in the Mid East and Far East. So of course he needs to sleep most of the day. I rarely see him, but now and then when his parents are doing yard work or shoveling snow he will peek out the door and looks like he is intrigued with this activity that people call work.

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