Anyone have a fool proof skunk trap bait?

Philip d

Well-known Member

Got 2 of them that made a nest under a bench in a parts room. They haven't sprayed in the barn but if I shoot or poison them they will and that smell hangs around for months. Going to borrow or buy a steel box trap and if I can catch them move them release them in the yard and take care of them there, Anyways just wondering if I should try baiting with ham bacon or something else? Thank you
Sardines, stink good and all you have to do is punch a few holes in the can. lasts a long time. if you get the ones packed in oil, they will not freeze in the cold.... stinks better!
Husband said skunks will eat anything... husband said they love day old donuts (or any other kind of food).

Only problem is if you have cats - they will also go in the live trap.
Also, husband takes the trap outside the approaching the live trap from the blind-end, and carefully picking it up and carrying it out (making sure that HE is NOT on the down-wind side of the cage - in case it does spray) then dispatches them while they are IN the live trap.

He has done this countless times over the years... and has never been sprayed yet.
He said the key is to remain calm and move the cage slowly and smoothly... always approaching it from the blind-spot created by the door.

He got NINE skunks here one summer. We think they were residing in a neighbor's abandoned barn - but coming here to munch on catfood.
I baited a live trap with cat food, trying to catch a stray cat that had been getting into our cat's food. (Our cats were penned inside the garage over night). I got a skunk instead.

I nailed it inside the trap with a 30-30. Blew it all to hell, but I didn't want to take the chance of needing a second shot. It never did spray.
Not sure on the bait, but if you catch them in a live trap hold a tarp in front of you and gentle lay it over the cage, pick it up and carry it where you want to. Because it is covered it will not spray and the exhaust pipe from a vehicle under the tarp will put them to sleep with no stink. I have done this several times. Bud
Philip,E-mail me and I will tell you what to use for fool proof trapping,my E-mail should be open if you look to the right on this post. Mike
I have heard the best bait to catch a skunk is meat from another dead skunk . If you can find some road kill somewhere

I had a skunk in my basement. The bait is easy and there are a lot of good suggestions posted. My problem was removal: I used a live trap which I placed inside a black (light proof) garbage bag. I rigged up a string arrangement to pull the garbage bag closed, once the skunk was trapped inside the cage. The string ran to the top of the stairs, from which I closed the garbage bag. Once the skunk was closed inside the garbage bag I could carry it outside without it spraying. Once outside you have multiple options.
My mother's side of the family is from west central MN around Alexandria. Swedish ancestry so my uncles told Norwegian jokes relentlessly. They are all gone now but I remember them fondly.
Bought a jar of natural peanut better. It was mostly oil so I put it outside for the critters to eat Next morning I say a big skunk, friendly fellow, with the jar stuck on his head. He was laying there like he was dead. I pulled on the jar but it wouldn't come off. He started to move and I made a hasty retreat. Since he wouldn't get it off I resorted to my 22 to put him out of his misery. A 22 or larger caliber will make a final part of the trap.

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