Nobody knows how to rough it anymore.


Well-known Member
Rochester, NY
A lot of the northeast got hit by a wind storm last Wednesday, wind gusts to 70+. Understandably, it knocked out power for tens of thousands of customers.

But man, the whining on TV. All the TV stations are running around putting people on TV to whine about how they don't have power back on yet.

All I can figure is they're going into withdrawl because they can't use their "connected devices."

After showing the whining middle aged person with no obvious health issues complain that he's been without power for a whole THREE HOURS, they cut back to the studio where the anchors sternly promise a "full investigation." Great. Crucify the power company because it takes time to fix massive damage. Those aren't men and women out there working 16-hour shifts, risking their lives to get the power back on because you can't live without your ipad for a day. They're mindless mules to be ridden hard and put away wet.
Yep, TV loves to drag out "victims" and let them whine n cry what a bunch of usually (NOT always and all cases) wimps and likely will blame it on the President or AlGore will blame global warming........ Wonder if they will interview the Amish near us who don't have power ???

John T So proud and happy to be among what were called the basket of deplorables who clings to guns and religion
(quoted from post at 07:38:19 04/06/18) A lot of the northeast got hit by a wind storm last Wednesday, wind gusts to 70+. Understandably, it knocked out power for tens of thousands of customers.

But man, the whining on TV. All the TV stations are running around putting people on TV to whine about how they don't have power back on yet.

All I can figure is they're going into withdrawl because they can't use their "connected devices."

After showing the whining middle aged person with no obvious health issues complain that he's been without power for a whole THREE HOURS, they cut back to the studio where the anchors sternly promise a "full investigation." Great. Crucify the power company because it takes time to fix massive damage. Those aren't men and women out there working 16-hour shifts, risking their lives to get the power back on because you can't live without your ipad for a day. They're mindless mules to be ridden hard and put away wet.

Well said! Thanks to all those who were hustling to repair 1 storm's damage before the next one hit. Many of whom were working in unsafe conditions. I wonder if any of the complainers ever worked out of a bucket in blowing snow or rain, let alone for 16 hrs.
One of my grandsons works for Duke Energy he spent about a month in FL.after the last hurricane I assume the folks down there are more sympathetic than others he worked a lot of 16hr.days and after power was restored they would be working another area and people who had gotten their power restored would bring them food and water where they were working and thank them for what they were doing.
That may be. Florida gets a few tropical storms and/or hurricanes a year so they're used to the power going out periodically.

Up here if it's out for 3 hours a year, that's a big thing.

Same thing across the nation. Some warm weather area looses power for 2 days and it's national news. We did 15 days with no power in sub zero January weather and it was only news for a day at the national level. Puerto Rico is still without power across much of the island 6 months later, but that's not news.
It's the error of Whine. Every time there is any disaster people sit down and wait for the government or somebody make the problem go away. It's like the recent hurricane in the Philippines, the government couldn't get relief to people because of debris on the roads. Then they showed people just walking around without purpose walking around the debris on the roads. None of them were trying to clear the roads.
I live on a farm with gravity flow water available,generators,stored food etc so power out is not a big problem,but if I lived in an apartment or house on a small lot it'd be a whole different
deal I'd imagine.
People did tend to solve their own problems in the past.......this picture was posted on Agtalk recently.....
I totally agree with most of what you said with I have worked with a lot of mules through the years and have yet to meet one that was mindless. One of the things Grandpa Beaty taught me was the reason a lot of people cant work a mule is you need to be smarter than the mule. lol
Barney ...... looks like another YT forum "people put down" post. No kidding, I visit several web forums on various topics, this one takes
the cake for criticizing and putting down people who are somehow different then we are. Nothing comes close for second place that I
While I agree on the "unhardiness" of most folks today, myself included, I want to disagree on part of the discussion.

The motto of the electric utility I work for is "No urgency of service ever justifies the safety of the worker or customer". This concept leads to longer outages, according to one of our trainers who started as a lineman in the early 1970's. We have virtually eliminated climbing poles and working lines hot in favor of the safer bucket trucks and line de-energization/grounding. Yes, much safer, but also more time-consuming. And required to keep your job, no one wants to work with an unsafe coworker, no "cowboys".

This guy watched his mentor get electrocuted working a line hot that could have been grounded, but he was cutting corners, as they "always" did. The cost of a life is way too high for that. So we slow down and do it right and it all gets back on eventually.

Still long days, dangerous work in tough conditions, but performed as safely as possible.
Well said, K Effective.

If more people understood how dangerous it was to deal with electricity, and had a clue about logistics in general, they would not be on TV embarrassing themselves whining about their power being off.
Several years ago we had an ice storm here, covered everything in up to 1/2" of ice. Took down powerlines everywhere. My house was without power for 21 days, some even longer than that. We just broke out the grill and extra blankets and moved on with life.
There is 2 groups of people that fit this description.

First every spring they stress to us on the gulf coast get a plan.
Have a weeks worth of food and water.
Know where you will ride a storm out.
But some never listen so they resort to plan B.
Sit on the curb and cry who is coming to help me.
I have no water and food and all the stores are closed.

Then you have the group that can not be put out for one second.
They are the center of the universe and should be first in line.
Never mind the hospital and fire station does not have power.
I pay my bill so get my power on now.

You never use to hear any of this stuff back when there was no FEMA and people took care of themselves.
Louis ..... well at least one other YT'er agrees with me. Actually, monitoring the site would not take a lot of time, the posts I refer to
are easy to spot. All the negativity and put-down stuff is on this "Tractor Talk" forum, I have seldom if ever seen it in any of the other
forums here at YT. Sure, off-topic stuff shows up all the time and makes the site interesting I think, but the name-calling and negative
comments about others is totally out of line. C'mon boys, junior high was a long time ago.
(quoted from post at 04:38:19 04/06/18) A lot of the northeast got hit by a wind storm last Wednesday, wind gusts to 70+. Understandably, it knocked out power for tens of thousands of customers.

But man, the whining on TV. All the TV stations are running around putting people on TV to whine about how they don't have power back on yet.

All I can figure is they're going into withdrawl because they can't use their "connected devices."

After showing the whining middle aged person with no obvious health issues complain that he's been without power for a whole THREE HOURS, they cut back to the studio where the anchors sternly promise a "full investigation." Great. Crucify the power company because it takes time to fix massive damage. Those aren't men and women out there working 16-hour shifts, risking their lives to get the power back on because you can't live without your ipad for a day. They're mindless mules to be ridden hard and put away wet.
Reminds me a bit of the short story "A Microcosmic God".
Oh and by the way it is not about being "different." This is BAD BEHAVIOR and BAD MANNERS plain and simple.

Far too often and for far too long we have excused bad behavior and bad manners as "they're just different" when they should be called out on it.
Louis ..... well at least one other YT'er agrees with me. Actually, monitoring the site would not take a lot of time, the posts I refer to are easy to spot. All the negativity and put-down stuff is on this "Tractor Talk" forum, I have seldom if ever seen it in any of the other forums here at YT. Sure, off-topic stuff shows up all the time and makes the site interesting I think, but the name-calling and negative
comments about others is totally out of line. C'mon boys, junior high was a long time ago.

I agree! It's totally uncalled for!
If you don't have a place to live, a job or good health you have a real problem everything else is inconvenience. Don't remember who said it but I try to remember that when a "problem" comes up. Crazy and Louis, I ain't taking sides on this but sometimes what might be critical to you might just be truthful observations to others. Over critical? Yes, but in too many ways, truth. Stephen noted when you reach over to help someone all of a sudden it becomes your job, seen it happen to many times for that not to be true. As far as the media goes, sensationaltic B.S. is what they do, none of us should be surprised. DP
Oh and by the way it is not about being "different." This is BAD BEHAVIOR and BAD MANNERS plain and simple.

Far too often and for far too long we have excused bad behavior and bad manners as "they're just different" when they should be called out on it.

Please explain how "Not knowing how to rough it" is bad behavior or ban manners? That is nothing but a put down plain and simple! :roll:
Guess it depends how far down you want to
lower your lifestyle for a time. Around
here we don't even think about dragging out
the generator until the house is too cold,
the animals need water or refrigerator and
freezer food is at risk. Last time it was
candles, and finished chores with a
flashlight stuck in my armpit.
Didn't even think to fire up the Coleman
That reminds me of a ice storm we had a couple years ago. My power went out three days before Christmas and came back on 4 days after Christmas. We did just fine ,watered the livestock, even had family over using our 30 year old 4,000 watt generator. On the last day they took my citified brother, down the road, power out for a couple of hours while they fixed the problem. He and his family was having a fit calling me wondering what to do. I told them to move back to the subdivision in town where they came from.
Sort of like folks that are overly picky about spelling when they aren't too good at it themselves? BTW what are 'Ban Manners'?(LOL)

Not too good at it myself? How would you know that? A spelling error is not when you spell the same words over and over again in every one of your post the same incorrect way! How is that an error? Please find where I continuously spell the same words wrong over and over again like a lot of guys do here! Picky at spelling? Actually I am not picky about spelling. You get your spelling picked on when you continuously go around and call other people stupid and then spell like that! That's what you call Hypocrisy! You get called out on it! :roll:
I agree! Crazy H & Louis need to be stopped from "putting down" the majority here! Where are the PC police? :twisted:
Not really TF, you've obviously missed my point and don't get it unless you're not getting it on purpose. Your comment above regarding a spelling error in another reply is an example of what I originally referred to. A guy would keep pretty busy here correcting spelling and grammatical errors, it really is a moot point.
On every website there are those who need to come off as a tough guy by posting put downs of others, makes them feel superior. Can?t see why you?re surprised at it becoming a regular occurrence on YT. People like this need an outlet that they obviously don?t have in the real world, could be lack of a decent looking woman or friends so pity should be shown, not scorn.
Where i live we usually do not loose power but when we do she is a goody , several years back we got hammered with a summer storm that got us pretty good and we lost power around 7 in the evening . It was warm out so no big deal other then the fridge and freezer , wife was in a panic over the freezer thing only as we had just put half a cow and a pig in it a couple days before . Well people around me were standing out side looking at the poles as though that was the problem , the problem was the sub station about three miles away took a massive lighting strike and deep fried several main transformers along with lines down all around town . Well fort us we dug out the candles and filled the oil lamps and stopped openig the fridge . We still had water Check , we still had natural gas and matches Check we have the L P grill with full tanks so we are good . Our house was the only one that had any light showing and several of the neighbors came asking WHY we had lights on and they did not . The look on there faces was like total shock to find out that oh you can have light with out turning on a lamp hooked to the grid , you can cook with out the micro wave . Well two days into this and still no power my neigbor across the street and i fixed up and old 2500 watt junk genset and got it up and running and we SHARED it to run the fridge and freezers as we placed it on a kids wagon and would move it from his house to mine and i would run the frige and freezer for a couple hours and take it back over to his place and he would do the same. We did this for four days and saved almost everything . The next time we lost power a friend gave me a small 1700 watt gen that did not run and after a couple hour on a Sunday i had it running and it stays in my service truck , came home one evening and the power was out and the war Dept . was not home yet So ok fine no power lets see what i can do for supper , Everything was in the freezer so i moved my truck and ran and extention cord in the back window of the house and plugged the micro wave into it and fired it up and started to thaw out a pound of hamburger , Now that was about all that little thing would do to run the micro wave and my one next door neighbor who is NEVER sober comes over dragging a extension cord wanting to plug into my little gen to keep his beer cold . He really got mad at me for not letting him suck juice off my gen. and still to this day hardly talks to me , oh well .
And then there are those people who won't let power line contractors onto their property to trim trees adjacent to the power company's lines. Go figure! (My $0.02 worth. jal-SD)
OK JMOR ...... from now on, Louis and myself will only reply or comment to someone in the minority, never to someone in the majority. That's
how democracy works right? Sometimes I scratch my head ......
My son went to New York with a crew after a storm to help get power back on. Most people were awesome and brought out food cooked on the Bar b Q or sandwiches and drinks but they still had to have police with them for the odd crazy that couldn't put up with no power. There were a few negative issues but mainly very positive.
strong people make good times
good times make soft people
soft people make hard times
hard times make strong people

You know where we are now.
Haven't really had many power outages in my lifetime of 52 years. Typically, the most frequent intervals were a few hours. Only once can I recall when we had a power loss of around 24 hours. It was in the summer time when a tornado came through and took out a string of power poles a short mile in length. We hauled water to our cattle and fed them hay to make it through that stretch. My parents in an ice storm lost power for 4 days. They bought a large generator and would power it up for a few hours at a crack to start the heat in the house, bathe, wash clothes, cook, etc. They didn't run it 24/7. It wasn't that terribly cold outside either, which was fortunate. My in-laws would lose power for up to a week at a time during the intense winters we had in the early to mid 1970's. They didn't have a generator, but had a wood stove in the basement to keep warm and cook on. A few hours is not much of an inconvenience. I have a brother in law who works for a major power company. The aftermath of an ice storm we had 23 years ago, they brought in crews from all over to help rebuild after that event. It was around 2 months he worked 16 hours a day, then had 8 hours off. This schedule was 7 days a week for those two months. He has said he never wants to endure something like that again. His overtime that year was a major stimulant in buying a house a few months later. The service people the power companies have to make repairs are far fewer in numbers, as compared to 30 and 40 years ago. All part of being "efficient" and "profitable." We have fewer outages today, so the staff needs are not what they once were either.
(quoted from post at 12:12:32 04/06/18) OK JMOR ...... from now on, Louis and myself will only reply or comment to someone in the minority, never to someone in the majority. That's
how democracy works right? Sometimes I scratch my head ......
don't know where you live, but most of us live in a Republic! :)
Back in 1976 we had a heavy, wet snow on March 29. It was calm when it was snowing, then it got cold and 80 mph winds.

Took down EVERY power pole in 4 counties. We bought a generator. To make a long story short, we were without power for 28 days.

Too many people would overload their generator. Ours lasted through the outage and is still at the farm in Nebraska. DOUG
My parents were share croppers. So I know all about growing up poor. I am retired from the generator business. Several years ago East
Texas had a major ice storm. I spent eight days running all over getting systems back up. Until the power was restored. Never heard so
much crying in my life. The ones that had back up generators really caught it from those that didn't. People would flag me down because
they had no power.I would try to explain there was nothing I could do. One man stopped me and he had a gun in his truck. He never
pointed it at me but he was hinting what might happen. If I didn't restore his power. I turned him over to the local sheriff. People go
nuts when things are not normal.
It appears a lot of fine folks here think you are the windward end of a pastured plow horse in a blizzard. Maybe you should consider working less hard to prove them right?
Looks like we're both appropriately named Red, Crazy Horse would still be my preference though. I don't mind stepping up to the plate vs the majority, a lot of bullies take the other side very often. Ever read any John Steinbeck? Unlikely considering the name you gave yourself. Anyways, one of the characters in his book 'The Winter of our Discontent' had a great line in there which would apply. Something like ..... "Men that go to bullfights aren't really brave, but they wish they were". See if you can figure that one out, I can help if you want, don't be afraid to ask.
1964 there was an ice storm in the Northeast, we lost power for four days, not too bad. We lived in the livingroom on the floor next to the fireplace but still could cook because we has a gas range.

Did a lot of sleigh riding!
Doesn't really surprise me that people don't have candles or a coal oil lamp or some spare grub or water - it's called STUPID ! Must be somebody else's fault.
May 10, 2010; the great flood & tornadoes. No power for 3 weeks. Wasn't hard to get along.
We all know the real meaning of assume, and if you want to make such of yourself, well, you are quite good at it. Exceptionally so, I might add.
My moniker was given to me long ago. I grew up poor, incidentally, not in Kansas, so much of what Jeff Foxworthy said I could relate to. I've been to college. Long enough to earn an Army commission. I read quite a bit. Many authors, many varieties of subjects. History was my Major at Kansas State. As to Steinbeck, I preferred 'Bombs Away', but thank you for explaining to us all why you are a keyboard commando.
You're welcome Red ...... sarcastic to the very end I see, I guess I could expect that. By this time we'll be on page 2 or 3 so no need for anyone to seek any more attention with nasty comments since nobody will be reading this. I won't bother listing my academic credentials since it would be pretty much meaningless.
I'm sure they are. My father had a PhD and farmed his entire life thanks in large part to the great depression.
A man named Ron Willis used to list his credentials as GPS. When folks would ask, he'd reply Green Porch Swing. Said his grandfather's swing was where he learned all the important things in life. Every thing else was just letters.
You know Red, the more we pick away at each other back and forth, I would almost bet money that you are the guy who lives next door to me (ha)! Actually I live north of the 49th parallel so that's not likely. I must admit that I never heard of Steinbeck's "Bombs Away" ..... I must check it out. A lot of interesting critiques on that little book on some web surfing I did just now, most of the negative stuff said it was pretty much a propaganda effort for the USA bomber corps, yet there is a lot of positive stuff too from reader comments. Like anything, different strokes .......
It was propaganda. Every word was intended to help with recruiting men for the bombers. We were losing many good men in the air war since we were doing the day light raids while the Brits handled the night operations. They suffered a 44.4% death rate and an additional 8403 wounded plus 9838 captured.
On the American side, only about one in three men survived the war. It took a lot of convincing to get people to believe that the losses we suffered were worth it.
Contrast that to modern times where 5,000 lost in the fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan is considered unacceptable.
A bit late for this post, I see--but here goes. We recently had a good-size snowstorm here, so the news was non-stop snow coverage. The gist of it was:
It's snowing
Still snowing.
More snow on the way.
The news crews would go out on the mostly-deserted roads in the hopes of finding some news. They came upon a dad with his two little girls and ambushed them with a live feed back to the station and into our TV sets. They were heading to a local hill for some sledding. Mildly entertaining, but hardly news.

So the league of whiners Barnyard refers to falls in the same category. Some random people appearing in front of the camera so the station can fill the airwaves with something and pay for all that expensive equipment. What strikes me as ridiculous is his re-broadcasting this inanity (yes, inanity--look it up), in the hopes that those gathered here will agree with him and we can all bathe in a warm bath of self-satisfaction. Looks like the plan mostly worked.
(quoted from post at 09:45:10 04/06/18)
Sort of like folks that are overly picky about spelling when they aren't too good at it themselves? BTW what are 'Ban Manners'?(LOL)

Not too good at it myself? How would you know that? A spelling error is not when you spell the same words over and over again in every one of your post the same incorrect way! How is that an error? Please find where I continuously spell the same words wrong over and over again like a lot of guys do here! Picky at spelling? Actually I am not picky about spelling. You get your spelling picked on when you continuously go around and call other people stupid and then spell like that! That's what you call Hypocrisy! You get called out on it! :roll:

One has to wonder why posters leave the spelling as “hydalic” when the spell checker is telling them “ hydraulic “.

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