Finally removed the iron from my foot


Well-known Member
About 6 months ago I got a iron sliver in my foot. It came from my garage when I walked in without out shoes. It didn't hurt much at the time, but as time went on it got worse. yesterday was the last straw. I had to walk on the side of my foot it hurt so bad. I squeezed my foot so hard a metal sliver came out. Foot sure feels good today. I have metal in my hand that shows up when an x ray is done, but it doesn't bother me. I'll bet there are others walking around with metal in their bodies. Son's almost showing time to do some mowing. Stan
Glad you had a good outcome.

I have a piece of metal in my right thumb. It doesn't bother, and I have no idea how it got there.
I've got a tiny piece of a chipping hammer in the back side of my middle left finger.

Been there 30+ years. It doesn't bother me, I can feel it from the outside but no pain.

Always wonder what would happen if I went in for an MRI.
Some times there can be medical reasons. That make it risky for a doctor to operate. My wife had such a reason. Better to let it work
itself out.
My neighbor’s brother has a bullet in his neck. Got it when he was a teenager, he’s in his mid-50’s now.
More than likely it would come flying out. They X-Ray prior to, just for that reason. I was asked if I work with steel during the process.
Glad it did not get infected. One our iron workers got a piece in his knee 2 weeks back, ended up in the hospital and is still recuperating at home.
I had to have an X-ray of my eyes before they would do an MRI on me because there was a chance I had metal in one of my eyes. It came out that I did not but it would not have surprised me if they had found some
Had my stomach xrayed some years ago and the X-ray gal asked me if I had ever been shot in my stomach with a B.B. gun and I said not that I was aware of!!!! She showed me and there it was!!!! We got to talking about it and come to the conclusion that it wa a lead pellet from a shotgun shell and probably got there from a pheasant that I had eaten sometime before!!!! Had another X-ray some later and it did not show up so must have pasted right on out!!!!
My oldest brother is a barber. He gets hair slivers if you can believe that. He says they work their way through his system and come out in other places. Never gave him a going over to find out with my own eyes,but that's his claim.
smashed my hand & had x-ray. No broken bones but 2 small pieces of metal in there that I didn't know about. Prolly still there? Never bothers me.
My sister stepped on a needle and couldn't get it out. She waited to go to the doctor and by the time she did it had moved up into her foot further.
Many years ago a neighboring farmer laid down on the couch to take a rest after lunch, he felt a bee sting him in the back, but never saw the bee,a month later he noticed a strange sore on his stomach, he opened up the sore and used tweezers to pull out a sewing needle, it had gone through his body with no pain.
I sometimes get a wood splinter like that. After a week or so it gets festered up enough I can stick a pin in it letting the splinter out. Then I have a piece of rock embedded in a finger that has never given me any problems. It's been there for 48 years. I had a rock chip come up and hit my finger and it bleed badly so not having first aid supplies I just put pressure on it with my hand for an hour or so when I could tend to it. I rinsed it off and dried it and put a bandaid on it and thought the lump would eventually do down. Decades later I had an injury on the same hand where it was x-rayed and the technician was stunned that I had a rock just under the skin.
I have a chip off of a wheel bearing race in my left bicep. It has been there probably 40+ years.
Randy, my daughter in law is a hair stylist. She says small hair slivers are an extreme menace. Everywhere!
I had a metal sliver from a stepladder go into my middle finger about thirty years ago. Right into a joint. Doc xrayed and dug, dug some more and xrayed again. He finally dug it out, and it left a knot that I can still feel today. It feels almost like a wart. Just another memory of work and another reason I'm retired.....
My neighbor’s brother has a bullet in his neck. Got it when he was a teenager, he’s in his mid-50’s now.

What we see in your posts when you use apostrophes. Mayne spell out those contractions? Or just Omit?
More than likely it would come flying out. They X-Ray prior to, just for that reason.

That might be an interesting way to get a metal sliver out easily, bet insurance would hate it "you had an MRI for WHAT?!"

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