Ticks, what do you do?

JL Ray

When I was a young man I wished I was a chick magnet, but somehow the big guy didn't hear me right and now I'm a tick magnet. It seems no mater where I go and with several people along with, I'm the one that the ticks get on. Do I have something going on in my system to attract them more than some one else? Is this possible? Been think about taking some of the dogs tick meds to see if it helps?
Read that vitamin B1 the mosquitoes hate. Might work for ticks. But
here is the video you don't want to watch. Ickky ticks.
I have 2 friends that take a garlic pill every morning and both swear that is why they do not get ticks.
Do you ever run low grade fever?

I've heard (could be a wives tale) ticks prefer dogs because they run a higher normal temperature than people.

One time I was on a camping trip and got sick, ran fever. Since I rode with other people, I had to just sit it out in camp.

I got several ticks on me, no one else said anything about them.

Could have been coincidence or location, but always wondered if there was a connection.
I use permethrin cream--doctor prescribed it and works very well--found out the next town use it on deer feeders to kill the deer tics
(quoted from post at 14:27:13 07/06/18) I use permethrin cream--doctor prescribed it and works very well--found out the next town use it on deer feeders to kill the deer tics

Permethrin? really?
That is a widely used insecticide for spraying or dusting inside and outside.
I know it is a contact bug killer but it must also be a repellent too.
Don?t know about the garlic pills keeping ticks off but I do know that garlic powder sprinkled in my dogs food keeps fleas off of them, used to work with a guy that took garlic pills and he said it kept the skeeters off of him...
they also use it on the anti tick cloths

Spray your clothes and their good for a certain number of washes

It's repels and kills the ticks
This dog could have used a repellant of some kind.
Well, we have a LOT of ticks here in SE Michigan this year. I spray my clothes AND myself with the highest DEET repellant available, IIRC 25% or 40% whenever I go out to work anywhere except my driveway. Also bought some TALSTAR to spray the yard. Bought some Permethrin to spray our everyday work clothes. Supposed to last through 6 washings. We use Advantix(?) on our dogs (GSPs) who run though the woods/fields daily. We give them a cursory check for ticks when they come in from a long day outside and rarely find any. But when we clean the bed they sleep in, we find a LOT of dead ticks, so the stuff DOES work.

In spite of all our prevention we do occasionally find a tick on ourselves. They're always dog ticks which don't transmit lyme disease but CAN transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia. Wife and I each had one last week that had started to attach but didn't get deep enough to start to blood feed. I hear it takes a while (10 minutes to hours) to start to feed.

Interestingly, we usually see only the adult ticks but 2 wks ago, I had one on my arm that only had 6 legs and doing some checking, I found it was a dog tick in the nymph stage. It was slightly smaller than an adult and research says the tick needs a blood meal at all of it's life cycle stages to move to the next.

Read a good tip recently: I put the ticks we find on us under a piece of clear tape on an index card. I figure if I start to get sick with symptoms of tick related disease, I can have them tested.

Anyway, ticks are another reason why I look forward to winter around here :D

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