The General Washingtons Order on Profanity.


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In 1775 Washington was elected Commander in Chief of the Continental Army for what is known as the Revolutionary War. Washington was concerned about the profane language used by the Continental Army and how that would impact the war efforts. On August 3, 1776, George Washington issued the following General Orders to his officers from his headquarters in New York.

The General is sorry to be informed that the foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing, a vice hitherto little known in our American Army is growing into fashion. He hopes that the officers will, by example as well as influence, endeavor to check it and that both they and the men will reflect that we can little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our army if we insult it by our impiety and folly. Added to this it is a vice so mean and low without any temptation that every man of sense and character detests and despises it.

(Signed,) George Washington

Our agriculture teacher had a copy of the order hanging on the classroom wall. It was placed high enough so you had to stand on a chair to read it. If any student was heard using profanity he had to stand on a chair and read it out loud to the class.
I think back in the day I did as much swearing as any average Joe, but I make an effort these days to try not to swear at all. Mind you, a well-placed swear
word can do wonders at the right time and place. I watched a game on TV last night (Canadian Football League) where the one coach totally lost it on the
sidelines, reading his lips was not pleasant. Often thought that a lot of athletes must lose a certain amount of respect when a coach does that. The
occasional swear word was said at home when I grew up but nothing strong or vulgar, just some minor stuff. Never heard my dad say the F-bomb. I have a friend
whose neighbor has young kids, he says that strong and vulgar language is commonplace with those parents even with the kids present (although they don't swear).
personally I think humans put to much weight into words that's why we now have speech police think about it is just a bunch of letters put together us as humans over time have given weight and meaning the words, just my 2 cents
My father never swore around the house or
at work, my last foreman didn't hardly ever
swear and wouldn't use the f word and
didn't care to hear it from others, I don't
care much for it, but have used some
colorful language in the past. I tend to
think it takes more brains not to. Pretty
interesting what George had to say about
Thanks for posting a very informative note. If only we had more
statesman in this country. The elect is sure trying but the swamp is
sure fighting dirty.
Crazy Horse,

Our football coach never swore. It was when he mildly stated something, well, then you'd best pay attention. Same as my father. If he swore, it was rare. But if he was soft-spoken, well I'd let my brothers deal with that, I ran.

I guess its all in the area also,, I grew up and live in whats called the Energy Capitol of the World,, cussing here is more the norm for those I am around but we sure enough can curb it when we need too,, I myself do it a lot,, and my favorite one is one most I see here listed as the worst,, it just fits so many things for me,, but like I said I can talk with "safe words" too when the time arises easy enough,, I guess I worry about Me and what I do and know that I and I alone will have to answer for my misdoings,, I try my best not to pass judgement on someone else's behavior as to me its not any of my business,, again just me I know a good number of folks who think what they believe is the only right thing and that is 100% true but only for what is yours and yours alone,, not someone else, that's is for them to chose how they do things and talk in my eyes,, again these are just my opinions
Well stated-by George!

When I was in school any vulgarity was grounds for paddling and suspension.

If anyone dared to cuss at a teacher or staff, well, chances are they would never be in class again!

The only time it was somewhat tolerated was among a bunch of guys, PE class, wood shop, mechanics class... But even then you better keep a lid on it, if it was loud enough for the wrong teacher to hear it was "go to the office" time!
Everybody is so worried about the f word.
It's just a natural human function and
probably won't send a person to the hot
place. My spell check won't let me write the
name of the hot place. I guess Google think
it doesn't exist.
Using the Lord's name in vain just might
cause God to not help in war or in our life.
We will know on the Judgement Day.

It is funny you bring this up. My father never swore. I never picked it up. But a few minutes ago I was thinking about our new neighbors who just invited them to their wedding. He owns the local pizza place / bar, and we have known them both for ten years or better. She was his bar manager. There was a very profane guy that used to hang out there, and he made no allowance for the ladies working there, including the bride-to-be. One day I had enough and went into the kitchen to complain to the owner. He came right out and threw the guy out and he was never allowed back.
Wonder why up north it's called swearing
and down south it's called cussing? Noticed
that years ago with friends from up north.
RLP ..... sounds like you're maybe a church going/God fearing man. Next time you're in the pews, spout off a few F-bombs and try to explain that it's just a normal body function and that the big guy will take care of the consequences. I think it's a bit more than just a word for a normal body function.
I find the use of the F word by females is very disgusting ! And these days used far to 'regularly'. Personally, I think it shows a lack of 'vocabulary knowledge' or a decent and just as descriptive word. Well is there one ?
So, how did some words become vulgar while other words with EXACTLY the same meaning are perfectly acceptable? In many cases, it's the result of the Norman conquest of England in 1066. For centuries afterwards, the nobility spoke French while the commoners spoke English, which is largely a Germanic language. The words for bodily functions, excrement, etc. that had Saxon roots were used by the commoners and became vulgarities, while their French and Latin equivalents did not.
Speech is scary these days, It is ok to F bomb all over the place, if you are a cleb. But to use the N word can get you fired!!!!!!!!!! Makes one want to avoid any conversation. You cannot expect privacy anywhere! Someone will be recording everything, anywhere!
Curse words are one of the oldest forms of people feeling sensitive, offended, or butthurt. If people simply quit being sensitive to their feelers being hurt then they become normal words. Using or lack of has nothing to do with education, status, vocabulary or being holier than thou etc.

What is funny about the OP is for as long as I can remember, curse words are heavily used in all branches of the military. I am positive most men will leave their military careers with an "enhanced vocabulary"
My perception of God is that he is reasonable.
I'm sure glad that you're not God. If I said Adam had intercourse with Eve, no one would be offended, but if I used the F word, you and your self righteous religion police would attack me.
I am also saying that I hear people using God's name in vain and no one says anything. A Catholic priest came to look at a tractor that I had for sale. He used the Lord's name in vain numerous times. I couldn't believe it
Me in the religious police is not only funny, but it's hilarious. Actually, reading through the thread tells me that you are the first one that brought up the G-word, I just used the church scenario in my reply and personally, have no perception of him at all. One thing I will guarantee you though is that even with a good memory, I can't remember sitting in on a church service other than the occasional wedding or funeral so you're discussing that part of things with the wrong guy. I was just referring to the simple habit of using foul language.

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