When I was young

JL Ray

There are some interesting smells that make me remember when I was young. The smell after a spring rain, the smell of bailing hay, the smell of freashly turned over earth. Yummie. Tonight it was the smell of the neighbors corn picker going through the field. Every time I get these smells I smile. What is it that makes you remember?
The smell of dust, diesel, and manure in the neighbors covered shed for the barn cleaner. I took care of some cows for the new owner when I was in college and it was exactly the same smell - 20 years later and a different tractor.

The smell of gunpowder after a covey of quail flushed and my father just fired 3 shots from a old A5 Browning 16 gauge and there are 3 birds on the ground. What I would
give to relive those times.
A barn full of fresh second cutting alfalfa is my favorite farm smell. A farrowing house may not be the best smell, but the sound of a barn full of sows nursing more then makes up for the smell.

Growing up I never noticed the smell of hogs on our clothes at school or church, but classmates could. Years later I can tell from ten feet away if a coworker was in his livestock barn before work and if it was a cattle barn, hog barn or a poultry house.
The cotton seed oil mill on the south side of town. The hum of the mill and the smell of fresh cottonseed cake. Beat the smell of dead crickets and toads under the street lights.
Or the smell when u shove a tube down a bloated cow! The worst smell ever was a chicken built a nest on the combine chopper and months later grabbing a egg and it explodes! Yes explodes loudly! A close second was we had a cow that was pregnant with twins and had the one just fine. About a week later she swelled real big. Vet found a dead calf in her and had to cut it out with a rope saw. My dad and uncle both left, I was about 10 and no way was I going to miss the action
First, the paint burning off of the manifold our new 57 Ford 640 that I sitting over now in the garage. Second, a hot engine smell of a 69 Honda CB 750 which I really wanted. I am sitting over a 74 model that has the smell. Third, the smell of new paint and carpet in the new college dorm at Western Kentucky University in the fall of 66.
My grandparents had a cabinet in their basement. It was where they kept all of their laundry
soaps. Grandma always used different soaps than my mom did so the smell when she opened
that cabinet was distinct to me. I played my toy tractors in that room with my brother when we
were little and staying over at Grandmas. I inherited that old metal cabinet after they passed. It?s
in my basement now. I keep old computer parts in it. Every time I open that old cabinet it takes me
back to Grandmas house as a kid for just a few seconds.
My dad laying on the couch on Sunday mornings reading True Detective magazines and farting to his hearts content.
The smell of a coal forge,grinding disc and welding rods burning.
The summer I turned four, we moved into town and I could not cross the street on my tricycle. Next door, the side walk ended at the black smith shop. The only time they ran me off, was when he fired up the Lincoln welder.
Got a NASTY smell, yesterday, when I unfolded a cheap plastic Harbor Freight tarp, that a
mouse had nested in, and eaten big holes in. Really fresh. Might just pitch it.
As I type this I’m having 300 acres of land spread with 4 tons per acre of turkey litter. It’s good stuff but where the problem lies is my son’s house will be surrounded by it on all four sides. My house will be surrounded on two sides. Wanna take bets on how long it will be till my city born daughter in law talks to me again?
Cotton spray and the cotton gins around Palmer Texas. Brings back many memories. They are all gone now. But when I do smell it. It takes me back.
JF, that is so true!

Smells do hold a lot of memories.

Colors, not at all. Rarely can I recall what color someones clothes were, or a room in a house, or a car.

What really bothers me though, driving by a location every day for years, then one day a building gets torn down, and can't remember what was there...
Not sure why this holds any special memories, but I can vividly remember the smell of going to the bait store with my dad. The one with live minnows and the aerators running. Not a bad smell, just memorable.

I also remember the smell or the old formula brake fluid. First thing you used to smell when walking into a shop.

Paint cooking off a freshly overhauled engine. Success!
I worked in a factory when printed circuit boards were made by the thousands. When I had to work on some piece of equipment in the plating area it had a chemical smell I will not forget. If I go to a chrome plating shop now the same smell is in the building. After all those years it's the same smell. Seams like auto shops all smell the same. Stan
I had that just this morning. Little building next to the carwash in town. Just GONE! Can't even remember.
Great post, every year the smell of the Lilac's when flowering, reminds me of my dear Mother, as she so loved them. Also Dandelions, I would pick them for her, and she put them in a little vase, when cleaning out their home after she was gone, no one wanted it.... I did

The perfume that my first girlfriend wore. It is very rare to small it anymore but I smelled it yesterday.
(quoted from post at 16:52:29 10/25/18) the cool breeze into the bedroom window from an alfalfa field that was cut 2 hours ago. Jim

Janicholson! what are you doing still in bed when your neighbor got done mowing two hours ago???
2 smells always bring back memories for me the smell of my Grandmother's pantry, and that smell came back to me last month after picking apples and leaving them on the porch for a few day's. The other smell was more like Fixeruppers I grew up on a small lake that bordered the Connecticut State Prison farm and the smell of spreading cow manure on the corn and hay fields.
Thanks for the memory's guys, a lot of your posts brought up more for me. This was a good post. One I just discovered a few weeks ago. I somehow have become the holder of family history of which I have quite a few old family bibles. Some over 100 year old. Some in German. One was my grandmas on my dads side. It was to be buried with her but my sister made a mistake a picked up the wrong bible. I have it stored inside a large baggie. A few weeks ago I was looking at them and upon opening up grandma's bible, I could smell her house. I have not smelled that smell since 1976 but it was definably her house. I'm waiting for our family holiday get together to see if my siblings agree.
The smells emitted from the combination of wood smoke and curing tobacco in
the old style wood-fired, flue cured tobacco barns.
I miss the smell of diesel and the sound of a rattley idling Kenworth as we loaded out another truck full of cattle from the auction.
Growing up I spent time with my Dad as he mechaniced on farm equipment. The smell of the older dealerships...diesel fumes, oil,
grease. It brings back those memories.

The smell of a brand new pair of overalls.

The smell of my Grandma's on thanksgiving day.
The earthy smell out in the pasture when springtime hit South Dakota, the wildflowers blooming, the snowdrifts almost all melted, the seasonal streams running, grass shooting up and the redwing blackbirds singing like crazy. Later going down the road when the plum brush was in bloom....
Paint cooking on the radiators in the school, the first time they turned the heat on in the fall. Everything in the school was painted over the
The smell of freshly hauled Manure right from the barn after it had been inside all winter, mowed hay, honeysuckle in bloom on a warm summer night, and just plain ole country air, city folks just don't know what there missing.
(quoted from post at 16:17:02 10/25/18) There are some interesting smells that make me remember when I was young. The smell after a spring rain, the smell of bailing hay, the smell of freashly turned over earth. Yummie. Tonight it was the smell of the neighbors corn picker going through the field. Every time I get these smells I smile. What is it that makes you remember?

Was one of them smells dino poo?........Sorry couldn't pass that one up.


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