Finally getting soybeans out

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Finally got weather so I can get my beans out and the combiner came today. Thought it would be frozen enough, but guess not as there is mud all over. I hope he gets most of it out so he don't have to come back





Did manage to get stuck after dark tho, so had to get the 1030 out and give him a pull. No pics of the action tho.
I just cut the last few wet spots on Wednesday. Went out to chisel plow last night and could get in the ground but 4 inches of frost so I was afraid of breaking something. We have three inches of fresh snow. It sure is nice to finally be finished with harvest. Tom
It is interesting to read some of the dilemma some of you guys have to go threw just to get a crop harvested.

While we need it dry (late august to early September) to plant a crop it can be raining with standing water sitting between the rows and the harvest (late September to Christmas) never slows down. Good thing since winter is our wet season.
This is rented land. No, that junk is not mine, altho I suspect he calls it stuff. Lol
Looks like they are dry, what with all the dust combine is making. I didn't spray for volunteer corn this year either. There just is not a lot of money to be made with beans and every little bit of savings helps. As long as you don't get docked on price. Sure makes a field look rough though.
We had 4 inches of snow Friday evening.

It was minus 3 to minus 7 F this evening driving home.

I think we are just done.

We received a foot of snow last Thursday night and it has melted down to a couple of inches but it will be a while before the combines roll in a lot of places in this area.
Still got about 100 acres yet. Hope to finish by Turkey day yet. Cut a bunch on froze ground this past week. Got to get rid of some snow first.

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