Cold Morning In Sask.


Well-known Member
Actually the whole day is cold. And its not unusual for January, never welcome as far as I'm concerned. That sunshine and blue sky looks nice but a strong North wind is blowing snow out in the open and at -5F degrees it is not a day to spend outside. Sundogs made for a nice picture about mid morning. Supposed to be colder the next few days.

Stay warm, I heard the next couple days could be the coldest temperatures in a few years, at least in my area in Pennsylvania.
We have been enduring your weather this past few
days except with snow. -11 Fahrenheit this morning
before sunrise and only 2 above Zero Fahrenheit
now, with strong winds and snowing. Your clear blue
skies look great.
Cold here too, 19 for the high.

Gonna get down to 8 tonight with 3-9 inches of
snow tomorrow, I'll take this any day over above
freezing and mud.
I used it about 2 weeks ago, when it was warmer and muddy out. No reason not to grill in the winter, now it's froze to the ground in kinda in my way!
It't supposed to get down to -27 tomorrow morning and Wednesday morning -30.
That is in central Minnesota. At least it's a dry cold! Thats what the old timers used to say here.
I have about 2 cords of fire wood in the basement so I'm good for a month.
Beautiful pic, rusty6.

Darn cold here too... but the colder it
is, it seems that is when sundogs are most
Well Rusty, its going to be cold down here in North Dakota too, and the "dogs" have been out here. The only thing I could think of was a picture of my little pop belly wood stove just keep me warm in my shack at the farm!


Same thing here, sure can't beat the nice heat from a wood fire! And no, I don't leave the door open with the cat there, that was for a quick pic only!
(quoted from post at 17:31:22 01/28/19)
<img src="">
Same thing here, sure can't beat the nice heat from a wood fire! And no, I don't leave the door open with the cat there, that was for a quick pic only!
Nice! I miss the wood heat but the gas heater manages to keep me warm. Always great to sit in front of the wood stove at my brother's place when its cold. Gets up to 80 degrees in the room if they let it. Plenty of free firewood in this farm and good exercise cutting it.
It sure is good excerise, I brought in wood Friday,
and again today, probably a cord in the basement,
plus I went tubing with my daughter Saturday and
Sunday, she just wanted to keep going, even with
the tow rope to bring us up I was beat, I feel like I
got run over by a football team! But it was worth it!
Even though we were going down backwards in the


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