Any of you offer advice on dealing with sciatica issues?


Well-known Member
I am off to see doctor Monday. It has been real bad, left leg and hip. Yes it is from back issues going back many years. But it has been real bad as of late. Yes I have lower back problems from injuries. Oh I had to request this doctor I used in the past. One of the new local ones was not much help. Thanks all
Maybe try a chiropractor. Find one that someone you know recommends as they are not all alike. They can fix a lot of back problems as I end up messing up my back on occasion and end up going to one. Don't know if they can help your situation but they don't cost much to find out.
I'm sure glad you posted with the hip and back problems. My left hip has been a problem for years, X rays, MRI all point to nerve in spine. I am thinking trying an inversion table as omahagreg suggested. I had one guy say it would help but would like more opinions.
I once had a sharp that would radiate in my butt and shoot down my leg. My wife found this wrap that you put on below the knee. It has a bulge on the side that put pressure on the side of the leg and it pressed against the nerve in my leg and that stopped the pain. And I only wore it for a short time,less than a week. Mark.
I had that sciatica from the hip down the left leg for over twenty years, for the most part wasted a lot of money on chiropractors and then it just went away about ten years ago. The problem I have now for five years is the bottom of my back starts hurting and the next step can be lots of pressure/pain/intense burning and numbness down both legs. Doesn't happen all the time but it's a S.O.B. when it does, yesterday was the worst ever. I've had the x-rays and MRIs, two bad discs in my back and two more in my neck, doctor claims I can get by with therapy which I've done several times in five years, it's no better and I get pizzed and quit. Thinking about bypassing the doctor and going to the Rockford spine center for a 2nd opinion.
I'm 75 and during the last 25 years have had serious back and sciatic problems. I've had probably every treatment known to man, including surgery. None of the treatments fixed much. However, I stumbled upon a near fix. I think it is a yoga exercise but it seems to work. First thing every morning lay on your back and with arms lift each leg tight to your chest; left then right then both. Pull them up tight, hold a while. Kind of happy with the results.
I myself have had problems over the years and always went to chiropractors. My wife had problems and had a hip replaced and didn't want to go the chiropractors and the medical doctors didn't help. Someone suggested a Acupuncture and she went and walked in there with a lot of pain. A half hour later she walked out and she had no pain at all. She also had arthritis in her back for 4o years and this doctor has all but eliminated the pain from that. She had to go quite often for the first month but now it's only once a month/ He told me he couldn't help me. At least he was honest and didn't bleed me for all the money he could have.
I was taking cortisone shots for a number of years and they were getting less effective. I was referred to this chiropractor by a guy with similar problems. One consult and treatment followed by another treatment 2 weeks later and 2 years later in June I'm fine. I've referred several others to her, yes, she is a female, with similar results. She put me on a yoga program and I exercise and stretch every morning. But you gotta push yourself to do them right.
I am going through it right now , same pain points as you describe. Two things that really help , sleep on your side with a pillow between your knees , this lines up your hips and I find it relieves the pain. The chiropractor I used to go to also suggested laying flat on the floor with both legs up on a chair so the calves of your legs are flat to the chair. This also relieves pain and helps recouperation. I haven't had sciatica for some time , usually takes me a few weeks to get over it.
last month i just had my 5th surgery on my spine--had recurring leg pain and it stemmed from the lumbar region where nerves are compressed and pinched. all 5 lumbar have been affected at one time or another and have rods and screws in L-4-5-S--get about 18 months in between each surgery
My neighbor, the really really good back surgeon, told
me not to come see him until and unless I had no other
option except surgery.

After an unsuccessful year with one physical therapist,
I got good results with a different physical therapist
whose primary responsibility was university football
players. He had a technique to relax the muscles
that were pulling the vertebrae out of position.

I still do some of the exercises he taught me.

Take your muscle relaxers if prescribed, and your
anti-inflammatory medications.

X2 for the inversion table. Changed my life. Do NOT let anyone talk you into any surgery - sciatica is not something that is helped by surgery but surgeons have boat payments to make so they will do it. Chiropractic can help but do your homework. They are not all alike and some treat it very successfully and some just pop your joints.
I was discharged from the military in the late 70's for lower back pain and sciatica.
Could not lay on a creeper every day so I could not do my job.
I never could put my wallet in my back pocket.
Suffered with it all my life off and on.
Then I went to a general doctor a couple of years ago in severe pain.
Sent me for a MRI to prove I had a slipped disc in my lower back.
I kinda already knew that but you know how insurance is.

He was ready to send me on to a specialist when he said lets try this drug first.
He put me on Gabapentin and within a week I knew this was the magical drug I had been looking for all my adult life.
I do not take it all the time but keep a supply on hand.
When I feel a flare up coming on I take the drug for a few weeks and I am good until I move the wrong way and bring on the next flare up of pain.
I took that gabapentin for two or three years and didn't notice any improvement at all.
I tried DRX a couple of years ago. It's just a fancy name and machine for traction but it can work well. They put a kind of girdle around your hips and ribs. You lie on a table with a cable attached to each girdle and it stretches your spine. Pulls to a high limit then relaxes to a lower setting and alternates about every 20 seconds for 30 minutes.
Inversion table helped, but a tall blonde physical therapist fixed me. Deep tissue massage and do the exercises she shows you. I still sleep with a pillow between my knees. When I start to feel that tingling start down my leg I start doing those exercises she showed me. It's been 3 years since I've had a bad pain down my leg. PS. Dam Medicare doesn't pay for Physical Therapy.
Change pants
start wearing bib overalls
stop wearing a 38" belt with a 60" belly
the cut line of your belt is tearing you up
sometimes as simple as brand or fit of your jeans and where the belt cuts across the back

Easier said than done. Exercise and weight loss. My wife had a severe sciatica problem about three years ago. She went to PT and kept doing the exercises, and lost about 25 lbs and has had very few issues since then. I lost about 20 last year, and she has been doing all kinds of studying about diet, and has been working on me. There are many little things to do that can make it easier.
Yes to bib overhauls. Take that fat wallet out of your hip pocket and put it in your bib.
I contribute some of my left hip pain and sciatic to sitting on a wallet for over 60 years.
My back was really bad about 25 years ago including sciatica, went to doctors who found nothing wrong. However one doctor gave me a book "Treat Your Own Back" by Robin McKenzie, mostly exercises and advice. Between exercises and some trips to a good chiropractor after about six months I was okay. Since then if I feel it start to bother me I start doing the exercises and maybe once a year see the chiropractor, even went three years without seeing him. I build houses for living from digging to finish, including framing, roofing, sheetrock, so I use my back.
I too have your problem. Dr wanted to fuse L4 and L5 15 years ago. I discovered if I sleep on my stomach on a small pillow I'm not pinching the nerve in back that causes my hip pain and leg pain. I also rub CBD OILS on spine and hip. Take CBD GUMMIES. Dr gave me a steroid pack. Best thing is a steroid injection in spine.
Now I have to slow down and act my age, 70. Stay off bouncing lawn mowers.

Alternative, surgery which my 78 year old friend is scheduled to have on May 1.

Heating pads help.
I have had trouble with it off and on since mid 70"s . I have had 2 surgeries , injections in back, heat,electro stimulation, tracton and a ton pills. In 1993 doctors told me I would never see retirement because I would be in a wheelchair. Well I retired in 2010 and still going. I have good days and some bad but have learned how to live with the pain. They can't MRI or cat scan my lower back anymore because of all the scar tissue.
Work shoes with a wide soft heel.
Do not lift and twist! Lift, stand up, then turn! 2 x 2 therapy......
2 Barley noodle soup (without the noodles) when the work is done
to relax the nerves and two ibuprofen for the inflammation.
Wife had lower back discs sheared in an auto accident. Dr. fused up to #5 from the bottom, don't remember how many. Problem with that was you had a stiff rod connected to a rope if that makes sense. Junction of 5 to movable 6 and on was a constant source of problems.....besides having all her guts pulled out and laid on the operating table and a piece of bone taken from her hip to jam between the vertebra so that the body would fuse the bone segments together into a single mass.

No way is anybody going to touch my back. Being 6'5 and an injury when I was a teen, I have had back problems all my life. Best thing I have done for mine is to quit wearing heavy boots. Instead I wear soft shoes (Propet brand Scandia Strap M5015 are super HD shoes, but comfortable, quick in and out, lightweight, and soft to walk on). I'm in my 4th or 5th pair, changing them out every 2 years, needed or not, putting soft riding seats in all my tractors so that my spine takes no jar, and taking Aleve 12 hr. generic at night, with bedtime snack.

Yes sir you can farm without boots!
One thing that helps is if you are carrying a lot of weight or a beer gut get rid of it it will make a big difference.
My Dad (80) has had sciatica for years. Last year about this time he was getting much worse, and went from walking unassisted to using a walker in 2 months.

The chiropractor wasn't able to help anymore, various doctors, MRIs, etc. He wound up having surgery for what they thought was a slipped disk, but it turned out to be a blood clot pressing against the spinal cord.

He's doing much better now.
I had severe sciatica on and off for years. I couldn't walk without dropping to the ground because of the electric jolts down my leg, or at the least I'd have to crouch down on the floor when I felt a big attack coming to avoid uncontrollable falling. People looked at me funny :D Daughter was embarrassed to go to the store with me :D What didn't help was chiro. What made it worse was sitting in one spot not moving (driving) or standing in one spot. What helped was trigger point therapy, running and biking, or sitting in a saddle or a 55 gal barrel, inversion is great and I never bought an inversion table but just went to the playgrounds and hung upside down from the monkey bars, physical therapy where they just put big pressure on certain spots on hold it there helped greatly until I had to drive home and then it was back to pain because of the sitting, YMCA crazy aerobic classes where you use your body in ways you usually don't helped a lot, all that twisting and turning. inversion and trigger point therapy were my most helpful ones, I think.
Why do you think I didn't have my spine fused 15 years ago.

My stomach can't handle any over the counter anti inflammatory meds .

So I look for alternative meds like CBD.
You've got my sympathies,that's all I can say. I fell backwards on concrete on my tailbone when I was in high school,then hauled can milk and milked cows in a stanchion barn. There were times when I was in my 30s that I literally couldn't walk at times. Had to crawl on my hands and knees. I had sores from wearing a back brace.

I was in my recliner one time and felt a catch. I thought "I'm either gonna fix it or end up in a wheelchair." and I lifted and twisted. I felt two pops lower than I'd ever had my back crack before and that fixed it. It still goes out every now and then and it takes the wind right out of my sails when it does,but usually if I just lay down on the hard kitchen floor it'll pop back in in time.

I sure don't miss those "good old days".
I have a herniated disc doc went in and shaved part of the disc away to relieve pressure on the nerve two years ago it will act up a little from time to time but it always reflects on me doing to much good luck
I had severe back problems. The pain felt like a hot iron on my leg. I was dragging my leg when I walked. I tried a quackopractor but he made it worse. Finally had a scan and found it was a herniated disk. I got an inversion table and after a couple of sessions I could walk again. I have to be careful not to carry anything heavy.
Could be you have spinal stenosis pinching a nerve in the lumbar. Find a good neurosurgeon and find out where the problem is. RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) helped my wife. It was done by a pain management Dr., after she was diagnosed by the neurosurgeon.
I recommend yoga. My back is better now. It only took a few weeks to get into better shape.
Best thing I?ve found is a long hot bath 🛀 and abstain from laying on concrete and do as many pushups as possible
One year ago at age 66 I got up one morning with most intense pain in lower back at hip joint and down left leg . Saw local doctor, had x-rays, pain meds (didn't help) saw chiropractor ( didn't help). After a month of pain and little sleep I went to ER, had MRI. It showed bulging disc and bone spurs pressing on nerve. Saw neurosurgeon and had surgery. Result was immediate pain relief and none since. To add: I've always been very physically active ( lifetime dairy farm) eat right ( slim as a rail, not a pound overweight) never had a back injury and I'm always careful to use proper techniques in bending and lifting. Why did I develop the condition ? Just my time perhaps.

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