Be careful!

jon f mn

Well-known Member


Did this this weekend while drilling the wagon parts. Was holding the piece in a vice grips and drilling when it got away from me. I keep the belts loose so they slip and I can hold it. I've done this for years, but as always it only takes once. Don't know why the belt didn't slip like it usually does, but that is no excuse. Once it grabbed it wrapped my hand right around the chuck before I was able to let go. The scuff is from the second time around when the vice grips hit me. Thought I was going to loose my hand. Luckily nothing broken or serious damage. Lesson learned.
That?s hurts broke my thumb that way one time . Was drilling holes in the frame of a Chevy pickup to put a gooseneck hitch In was using a half inch drill high motor I?m use to being able to stall my drills so I didn?t really have a hold of it well I it got away and broke my thumb and it hurt for over a year
Jon, wait till you are over 70. Blood would be spurting out. Seems like anything I do results in some kind of wound.
That is pretty basic metal drilling. If the bit binds, which it usually does at the break thru point, the work piece is either in a vise or it is becomes a rotary cutter. I have seen guys on TV shows holding metal with their hands while drilling it. Scary.
Sunday i was finishing up a holding fixture to hold a project i got conned into and i needed to trim a little off a piece of pipe and all thread . I had a cut off disc in the angle grinder and just as i touched the disc to the all thread the pin fell out of the hand grenade and the disc blew up with the bigger piece nailing me on the outside of the left wrist . It did a fantastic job lacing me open with nasty gash about two inches long or better . was a goodie as it did not start to bleed for a bit but when it did i left a trail of blood . Yep should have had gloves on since leather gloves don't bleed .Hit had enough to make the wrist swell and get stiff.
I do it that way also.
It is what I call "safe until it wasn't". We all do things that have the potential to hurt us, it is when we get hurt, that we realize just how dangerous it was. I still do it that way.
I have a place almost in that same spot on my left hand too, except I have no idea what I did to cause it. First I knew anything had happened was when I saw blood dripping off my fingertips. Seems the older I get, the thinner my hide gets.

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