Hurricane headed for Old

I just finished raking the hay and will bale it a bit latter today. Last I heard it was going to go south east of me so not a good chance of much rain but it would be nice if we did get some rain it is getting dry here
Weather channel says some areas down there are getting 12-15-and more inches. Some might get a total of 20 plus. Very slow moving storm at 4-5 mph. Going to dump a lot of rain. That might fill your swimming pool wouldn't it?
Both my small lakes are ok as for how much water in in them but the garden is getting to the point I will be watering it if we do not get some rain
Well right now it would be good to get some rain. I just finished the first cutting of hay and have it in the barn so rain would be good for a 2nd cutting but I have another problem the barn is full
But a pond is filled by run off and a lake has an inlet and outlet be it a spring or creek and both my lakes have inlets and outlets so by Webster they are lakes look it up

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