Wanna buy a ranch ....

Crazy Horse

Well-known Member
I saw a posting for farmland for sale up here (in Manitoba actually) ..... so 26,850 acres (10,480 hectares) for a cool $56.5 million CDN. So a little Googling brought me to some ranchland for sale in the USA ... here are the top ten. I suspect this is ranch land as opposed to farmland. The Canadian one is definitely farm (crop) land and is four family farm parcels selling together under one listing.
Biggest ranches for sale in USA
By combining 4 farms they are trying to attract investor money rather then trying to sell to a family farmer.
6500 acres per family would be unheard of here in the states for crop land.
To much broken up and rented land.

As far as that cattle land you linked to in the western USA.
You got to watch that to see how much landed you are really buying.
A lot of it is you are only buying the right to lease the land and the water rights.
You do not get a deed to the land.
Then you got to consider how many acres it takes to support a cow.
2000 acres back east would be 100,000 acres in some places out west when you figure in carrying capacity.

Margareta and Anthony sure don't look like your average multi-millionaires. I'll bet that they pay their bills on time and rarely fire an employee.
How many acres does Ted Turner have in the West for his bison? I remember seeing a show on tv about the land he owns.
Kent, when you marry into the Walton family, you're not only rich but also a bit of a bully ..... see the link below for more details on that. While Kronke has lots of land (well, only 40 miles by 20 miles which really is a pi$$ drop in the global land bucket), he's got a looooooong way to go to even get to shine the net worth shoes of the likes of Bezos, Gates, Arnault and others like them for wealth. Even with owning 5 professional sport team franchises, there are several guys in that category alone that have more walkin' around money than he does. Nevertheless, am I envious? You bet !!! I wonder if he has any vintage tractors .... LOL !!!
Kronke the bully ...
There are huge tracts of Scully land in our area, too. This article written in 1950 details how William Scully (an Irishman) acquired land in the USA during the late 19th century, focusing in particular on Marion County, Kansas. This land is still owned by Scully Partners and although tenants can own the buildings and fences the land itself is leased.
Scully land
That size family farm is not unusual on the Northern Plains. Either side of the border. We talk quarters up here.
I don't know were you are from but I'm assuming Louisiana? 6,500 acre farms are not unheard of. Lots of guys around here that have been farming that much for 30 years. In fact they are getting to be common. Maybe not in your neighborhood but like the other guy said northern plains.
OWNED!!!!! OWNED!!! OWNED!!!! We own over 8,000 acres of farmland ourselves. Sorry to be rude but to say 6,500 acres is unheard of is just plain erroneous. The US is a lot bigger place then LA and with way different types of farming.

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