Honest news ??

Is there any site I can go to to get news? Just news, not opinions or left or right angles just old fashioned news? I dont need help making a decision, or how to vote or believe. I just miss seeing whats going on around me. My Folks and Grand Parents always caught the news while in the house. Guess I picked it up from them. I just cant seem to find news, just news. Al,
I don't think there is any more. With the invention of 24 hour news programs they have to do something more than news to get ratings and that drags everyone into the competition. Just plain old news doesn't cut it anymore. You end up having to hear news from more than one source and using your own values and knowledge to sort it out.

To frame an answer in as non-political of a manner as possible, I'll say this. News actually does exist.

The problem is so many stations now are spinning their stories extremely far in one direction. That causes the few who are actually reporting real news to appear to be going further in the other direction, when they really aren't.

In other words, when 10 stations are reporting X and 2 are reporting X plus, and often Y and Z, you should probably pay attention to the two stations, and take what's coming from the 10 with a grain of salt.

Typically what the 2 are reporting is actually what's really happening. As such, they aren't reporting stuff that later requires a retraction, that never comes, as the others often do, because the other stations rely on people believing their lies and half truths to sway opinions in the direction they want.
The news used to be a 15-minute program with no commercials and a "trusted" newscaster like Walter Cronkite, Huntley and Brinkley, or Mike Wallace. Now, it is an overproduced bloated program that lasts for hours (at least here) with commercials and editorials, and political bias.

Gone are the "good old days" when the news was accurate and believable. I suppose the improvements in communication have a lot to do with the volume of the news. Unfortunately, I also do not know of anyplace where you can get accurate, reliable, and unbiased news. Sad.

Currently, the news starts on TV around 4am on some stations and 5 am on others. It usually runs until 10am. Then there are the morning news/talk programs like "Good Morning (fill in your own city)." Along with that are folks that will sit and watch every minute of it as though they would miss something important otherwise.
Local news on radio or their web site, major news Zero Hedge. Markley, VanCamp & Robbins are on our local radio station and can be entertaining. imo
If you want news related to agriculture and the effects of politics on agriculture, Tune into RFDTV and the Market Day Reports.--------------Loren
Well in mho I listen to a lot of talk radio and it just boggles my mind how far this craziness has gone. Now on Utube just start with the in s and continue. Next News Network.
One America News Network (OANN), also referred to as One America News (OAN), is an American right-wing[1][2] to radical right wing[3] pay television news channel launched on July 4, 2013, owned by Herring Networks, Inc. The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates a news bureau in Washington, D.C.[4] and New York City.
Originally launched with the intention of targeting a conservative and center-right audience,[5][6] OAN states a goal of delivering credible national and international news coverage throughout the day while its prime time political talk shows illustrate a conservative perspective.[7][8][9] The channel is pro-nnalert.[7][10] Both Vanity Fair and The Independent in London have said that the channel promotes falsehoods and conspiracy theories.[8][11]

Wikipedia,,,,,, gm
Wife and I had the news of some sort or the weather channel on more than anything else for background on the tv for 15 years.

I don?t think I?ve had more than 10 minutes at a time on even local news in the past 6 years since the news turned into ?the agenda?, and weather turned into ?energy politics.?

They just want to sell advertising and the worse the info is the more controversial and the more certain segments of the population tune in. So they have to get more and more worse and worse hype to keep the viewers they have to sell their advertising space.

News has left the airwaves.


I?ve tried hard to be non political and no key words in my comment, this is how I see things and my view.
Centre news, these are usually pretty good.

Be aware a lot of folks on a steady diet of far right or left news get pretty worked up about centre positions on issues. Not sure how the centre got to be such a controversial location.
It's hard to tell whether one source is leaning too far in one direction. I've found it best to soak up some info from a lot of places d sort of average it out to make up my own mind. Granted, it's really hard to listen to those that are far from my personal view, but it does help me to understand what's happening.

So far I have not thrown anything at the tv or radio.
I'll take a different position from being friends with a news editor.

Generally if 10 are reporting something and 2 are reporting extra information. The 2 outliers are almost always wrong. Some news agencies are very loose about reporting rumours etc without the usually journalistic standards. Its hard for the 10 to complete with that as extra info drives clicks/audience even if its shown later to be wrong.

Every so often those 2 outliers will be right, and they break stories earlier because they don't wait for proper confirmations etc.

It's like having an overly sensitive smoke detector, you will get earlier notification of a fire, at the cost of a ton of false alarms.
This is just news about one tough farmer.
I don't know if i could stand the pain.

And Wiki can be edited by anyone - so some raving left wing looney decided that OANN wasn't in line with his views and posted that.
PBS, which to some may be to the left a bit. I think they make an effort to have pundits from both sides present their perspectives.
Walter Cronkite? He was trusted by the uninformed but an admitted socialist that tried to influence through soft propaganda.

FBI documents, obtained through a Freedom of Information Act by Yahoo news, evidence that legendary CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite collaborated with anti-Vietnam War activists in the 1960s, going so far as to offer advice on how to raise the public profile of protests and even promising that CBS News would rent a helicopter to take abundant Senator Edmund Muskie to and from the site of an anti-war rally.
Al, I hear you there's so much darn fake news out there nowadays grrrrrrrrrrrrrr I try to get a balance of radio and internet and broadcast and cable TV but that's takes too long lol

God Bless America, keep her great strong and safe

John T
I understand what you are saying, and agree with you, to a point.

That said I understand the concept your conveying, but view it a little differently, and still think the numbers are reversed as I first stated.

As far as the X vs X plus, I think what you are calling the plus is just the spin I see some putting on X to make it fit their agenda. To me, the plus is actually putting X into context, rather than reporting only the parts that fit a certain agenda.

The fact 10 are reporting nothing but X gives the information creedence it wouldn't have otherwise. As a result, when 2 report X again, and add the plus by putting it into context, it gives the impression you expressed that the 2 are the outlyers, rather than being more or less centered.

There is an old saying that if you repeat a lie enough times, it'll be thought of as the truth.

Having 10 repeat lies, and half truths enough eventually gives that lie the feel of truth to many. That makes it far easier to point to the 2 and say they are the ones lying, just as your analysis suggests happening.

When you control the media, you can control the narrative. When you control the narrative, you control public opinion. When you control public opinion, you control society.

Personally, when I watch ten stations parrot exactly the same thing, it tends to make me view things one way. When I watch two others that tell me the same thing, then add in info the others left out that puts the information into a perspective 180 degree from what the others did, it makes me question the ten, not the two.

Sadly, too long many wouldn't question the ten, for the reasons I stated.... Fortunately, many are finally waking up, and starting to question....and that typically results in people asking questions like the one that started this thread.
The world is a much different place than it was when we were kids.

Or maybe I'm just more aware of it now.

But as I see it, there is no way to have completely neutral news reporting.

For 2 reasons, there are no neutral reporters, and there are no neutral viewers.

The news media outlets have to have viewers.

The viewers are going to gravitate toward whatever side they view as having the correct message, which will leave a hole in the middle with only a scant few undecided. They will quickly see the direction they want to go, and leave.

As it is now, sadly there is only one side being reported. That is the side that makes the most money, excludes the fewest special interest groups, and says what the godless masses want to hear.

It's coming! Are you ready?
If you now think Fox (Faux) news is too left leaning, OAN is your kinda news:

nnalert= bad
nnalert= gods chosen people

Its RT News with an American facade and a healthy dose of blondes and conspiracies to keep you titillated and terrified
As usual, you make way too much sense! I get a kick out of your terminology...agenda, and energy politics. So much truth in that.
(quoted from post at 15:43:00 11/14/19) Is there any site I can go to to get news? Just news, not opinions or left or right angles just old fashioned news? I dont need help making a decision, or how to vote or believe. I just miss seeing whats going on around me. My Folks and Grand Parents always caught the news while in the house. Guess I picked it up from them. I just cant seem to find news, just news. Al,
News has never been unbiased. It's delivered by human beings with opinions, feelings, and objectives. For every person that says Walter Cronkite told the truth, you can find another person that calls him a left-wing socialist. It's always been that way. The six o'clock news has always been a business run for a profit. Those that remember it differently probably agreed with the anchor's position.
Back in the old days there were 3 network nightly broadcast 5 nights a week all three had basically the same political leanings so it just seemed like it was unbiased.Thinking back its unbelievable how little real journalist investigation was done on things like the JFK assassination and other major events, we were all pretty much spoon fed the Gov't line in those days.Now with the internet,cable news,etc there is a lot of information out there up to the individual to decide what is what but at least information is out there.
52 years ago when Ma came home from the doctor the news
(me) was biased. Pa had his bias and Ma had hers. 16 years
later when they were retirement age and still had farm labor it
was mostly good news ?cuz my bias didn?t count. Now it?s
history and I wouldn?t have changed it for the world.
Shut off your television.
Use internet sites for news and ONLY use those that allow reader commentary.
The people are still pretty smart - at least collectively they are.
It won't take you long, based on reader's comments, to sort out what is the truth and what is bunk. Upvote wise comments. Downvote crackpots - of all stripes.
The truth us out there if you care.
If you haven't become dead brained from too much time in front of the tv.

It's pretty tough these days. I read the headlines (online) and I look into the ones that seem too good or bad to be true. Usually I'm right when something sounds fishy in either direction. I also tend to look to a couple of conservative type radio hosts and see if they have some extra background info. Often there's a lot more to the story than the main stream news ever lets out.

PBS? Seriously? Same for BBC.

I stopped trusting the news about the 5th time I had a criminal case that was newsworthy and I'd spell the whole thing out and then see my case reported with facts omitted, apparently to tilt the story, or added (made up near as I could tell) to tilt it the way they wanted! Newsies are in business to sell information. Get used to it.
I listen to the first 15 minutes of World News in the evening, there are no commercials, just top headlines. PBS is a good option too.
I think it's always been that way. When I was a kid (pre-teen) my parents would regard the news as if there was some kind of law that it had to be true or it wasn't allowed on TV or the newspapers. Even then some things didn't seem right to me. Many years later I got heavily involved in club type road racing. I would read the news, the day after a race, and realize that nothing happened like reported (particularly involving myself. Once reported nearly killed when no such thing ever happened). After that I always doubted any reported news.
From the way Cronkite slanted the coverage of the Tet Offensive in 1968, claiming it was a major disaster for the United States when it was just the opposite, he has the blood of 56,000 American servicemen directly on his hands. General Giap, commander of the North Vietnamese Army said Cronkite's slanted coverage was enough to give the NVA the incentive to hang on for one more day, one more month, for 7 more years, when they were ready to call it quits after Tet.
Might as well search for an honest man while you are at it
I'm in Minnesota and receive a publication called "Thinking Minnesota" published by "Center of the American Experiment". It is published 4 times per year and is conservative leaning. Their articles are somewhat in depth and I generally read and like them. They also allow letters from readers and publish some. If you are conservative leaning, I recommend it. If you are abundant leaning, I still recommend it!

We do watch Lester Holt, have for awhile, think he is the lesser evil of the 3 networks, but is getting more abundant as the time moves on. One of my biggest gripes against TV news is the 1 minute or less articles versus 3 to 3 1/2 minutes of commercials. Commercials used to tell you something, but have degraded to the point that they are so stupid that I'm thankful for the ability to mute them easily.
We differ in opinion. If one looks at finances of NPR we (real people fund surprising amounts of it. Independent businesses (nothing wrong there) fund additional air time and programming. How can you change this? The answer is it is us. Ignoring it is telling me that listening to what you already believe is a sound policy. Jim
The difference between the internet and tv news is that one can find original thinkers, bloggers, writers, video makers, etc on the internet.
Like this board when a hard question is asked the combined wisdom from many sources generally gives a good answer.
Yes, you can find liars, hucksters, shamans, goofballs and tricksters on the internet.
So caveat lector.
But television news is all pablum. It is ALL produced by a very few individuals with unprecedented, concentrated power and fed to the masses. Their motive is not to inform the populace. Truth is not their objective.
Their sole motive and objective is profit.
To say CNN or Fox or NBC, CBS or public television, etc is better or less biased than another is a fallacy.
None of the big tv news places have your or my or the nation's best interests in mind.
None of them.
Jim brings up a good point, you should listen to what challenges your beliefs.

Only way to learn is listen to things you do not know or believe.
I actually do listen to it.
I catch about 10-12 hrs of radio a week.
Probably an hour of NPR. If there is a station that normalizes all things immoral, "understands" the plight of the wicked, praises the Godless for their "courage" condemns my race and gender for the sins of my forebears, sympathizes with the likes of antifa, paints our immigration laws as criminal, supports voting rights for all and is generally hateful of western civilization that's the place to go. Oh, and they always speak in the same lilting manner as if they are artistes who are oohing and aahing over a new and very delectable crumpet.
Yes I do listen to them.
If only because Sun Tzu advised us to know our enemys.
CNN is better than they.
Lucianne.com , which is a collection of various articles from many different papers and publications posted by members, Americanthinker.com is also first rate.
Aint no honest news reporting. I dont pay much attention to news ,wife does.times i say mute tthat bs.
Seems that people think honest news is what they want to hear rather than actual facts backed up without a slant. Sad but people have been conditioned to looking for a so called truth they like for many decades. It goes back way before the Chevy Corvair, Ford Pinto, and fire bombed Chevy pickup gas tank in an incremental conditioning process to hide reality from our minds. Like a snow ball picks up a little more as it rolls along.
(quoted from post at 22:34:23 11/14/19) I actually do listen to it.
I catch about 10-12 hrs of radio a week.
Probably an hour of NPR. If there is a station that normalizes all things immoral, "understands" the plight of the wicked, praises the Godless for their "courage" condemns my race and gender for the sins of my forebears, sympathizes with the likes of antifa, paints our immigration laws as criminal, supports voting rights for all and is generally hateful of western civilization that's the place to go. Oh, and they always speak in the same lilting manner as if they are artistes who are oohing and aahing over a new and very delectable crumpet.
Yes I do listen to them.
If only because Sun Tzu advised us to know our enemys.
CNN is better than they.

Well said! Before I retired I used to listen to 2-3 hours of NPR every work day. Then I'd look into the stories and try to decipher what was really happening.
I understand what you're saying to a degree but it sounds too much like the people that believe conspiracy stuff.

My observations from listening to how it works day to day in their organization:

-Owners of the media outlet dictate broad editorial direction on key issues from upon high. Other non-key issues the owners don't interfere with the coverage except the staff are under pressure not to bring management attention to themselves from the ownership.
-Journalists always under severe time crunch.
-Under pressure to deliver content that subscribers crave.
-Under no circumstances run stories that annoy advertisers.

These main things lead to a few common issues:
-Journalists lacking time to adequately research issues. You see this more and more as expensive senior staff are replaced with younger or contract staff.
-Companies/organizations that produce easily used news releases tend to get their wording/message incorporated with little challenge as it helps the news industry work faster and cheaper.
-Journalists will often mistake giving equal coverage to two sides of an issue as being the same as fair and balanced reporting, there isn't always time for editors to educate reporters.
-No critical reporting on advertising clients. Depending on the field this may be individual clients or client who represents large blocks of advertisers which can really hamper reporting.

Public sponsored media that operates independently of government and advertising solves a ton of these issues and has in some cases resulted in successes like the BBC. Alternatively things like Russian media end up with a massive state influence at the upper levels preventing independent reporting on a wide swath of issues.
Perhaps these FBI documents do exist, however you must consider who was in charge of the FBI at that time. J. Edgar Hoover had smear campaigns against Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther King, among many others.
Today we see no direct facts! We do get bombarded with "I heard, she/he is said to have heard, I assume, it is implied, I postulate, it would appear to me that, etc." Not a direct fact or observer in sight! :x

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