Cattle dog mouser


My cattle dog was acting strange a few minutes ago. She was running around like she was onto something, worked her way behind the couch and came out with a mouse. Never had a dog that could catch a mouse much less a 50 pound blue healer. Time to put the traps out.
My Heeler will catch and torment them but she won't kill them. When she's finished with them they are still alive but not going anywhere, same with squirrels and rats around the buildings.
At one stage we were a two dog family - a mini-foxie inside and a kelpie outside.

The foxie was a dedicated mouser, down to the special bark which was the summons to lift whatever the mouse was holed up under. Any time, day or night.

She taught the kelpie to be an outside mouser as well
We had a cocker spaniel years ago that was a "moler"- would catch moles out in the field and bring them to the house.
My first border collie was with me one day as I moved stuff around and she knew there was a mouse under 1 box. When I moved that one she darted in and grabbed it. Looked at me with total confusion and spit out a toad. Took a while to wash out the taste so her eyes stopped watering and the drooling quit.
When I was a kid we had a couple of dachshunds, mother/daughter team.

They decided their goal was to rid the flower beds of all toads!

They would bite and sling and slobber and foam, but never gave up!
We had a blue heeler ? mix ? was an outside dog. When she was younger she kept the yard pretty well rid up of anything that came in. Saw lots of dead moles a few rats and even some small racoons.
I grew up with a mother daughter team. They were fun to watch. We had a long field road that ran through the fields, across railroad tracks and down to the meadow on the lake. About 3 times a summer they would have to go exploring around the banks of the RR tracks. It was funny to watch them confidently set out on the long short legged journey. If we?d follow them you?d see them in a burrow shoulder deep with their bellies riding in the dirt and rear feet spinning out dirt. The scene when they returned was always comical as they returned exhausted, tongues hanging, and full of dirt.
One summer we didn?t have pigs and the rats moved in. We set out to rid this scourge and that team was front and center. They can make short order of a rat and get to places the rats can?t hide.
My Hanging Tree/Border Collie was an avid
rodenteer. Mice,rats, coons! You name it she killed
them. Her pup is now 6 and is almost as good.
Coons are his speciality!
Out Jack Russel Bichon is one hell of a mouser. Inside the house and outside also. Loves to go after rabbits, squirrels, coons, you name it.
Just got a young Black lab/ Red healer mix, and he has gotten a couple mice before the other dog. They both go with me to do chores and are ready to go when I open the door to the chicken coop or the hog house, machine shed.

Have to get the Healer/Lab trained to leave the chickens alone. I was away from home doing some training and the wife did the chores and he went into the pen and got a hold of one, but wife was able to get him to release the bird.
If it has 4 legs, it's fair game for my Blue Heeler. Her favorite is Armadillos. Even got a
Porcupine..... that was a trip to the Vet.
Growing up our cocker was a rat killer. My brother went out to milk the cows and the dog had his nose behind a bale of hay. After the milking was done he went to feed the cows. Moving the bale of hay he saw the dog had the rat by the tail and had been holding on to it for one and a halve hour. That was the end of the rat.
In reference to your dog and chickens, our neighbor has several boxers. He also has ducks, geese, chickens, guineas, peacocks, turkeys - a real old McDonald's farm. One day I went over to chore and the yard was covered with feathers. Dead chickens littered the yard. Two of the dogs were playing tug of war with a goose. It was a bad day to be a duck. And the neighbor claims the dogs are friendly. :-(
I grew up with a wire haired terrier. He was smart enough to watch and learn what we didn't like. He'd get after a mouse, rat, woodchuck, coon. One time he herded a fawn home and looked like he was asking "What do I do with this?"
Growing up I had a black Lab that after he got sprayed once decided north Texas was not safe for skunks. Several times he could kill them without getting sprayed. Apparently they had to be on the ground to spray and he would get them in the air first. They would be dead before they touched the ground again.
I had a golden retriever chow mix was heck on coons if Wrigley got ahold of one it was dead.
we got him he was afraid of newspapers sticks so on so froth I got him so he would chase sticks and I could pet him with newspaper.
the dog groomer couldn't believe he was the same dog.
he hated thunder storms when we had one he would sleep next to my bed I would roll over and pet him so he knew everything was okay.

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