Question about Modern View ....

Crazy Horse

Well-known Member
For whatever reason (maybe something to do with Cookies or whatever other reason), I have struggled with posting on Classic view for some time. I would get a notice that i was not logged in (but I was) or that my YT name was registered to another user (which it isn't). So I could get by that by backing up and going forward (using back/forward arrows) and then my post or reply to a post would work. Now even that system has bogged down and Classic does not let me post.

So I can use Modern ..... this post is made using Modern. I don't like it as much but that's another topic. What I am wondering about is ...

1) ... say "Billy" makes a post and gets several replies. I see one of the replies that I want to reply to, it's made by "Freddy". So Freddy replies to Billy and I (Crazy Horse) want to reply to Freddy. OK, so that works, but my reply isn't next to Freddy in the reply lineup (like in Classic and their indentation system). How does anyone know who I am replying to? Do I meed to mention his name, or perhaps leave his whole reply in place when I reply?

2) If I'm in Modern and want to post a direct link to say an article or a video, etc. Where is that located for me to use in Modern (rather than putting it in my post and expecting someone to cut and paste)?
(quoted from post at 09:50:37 12/14/19) For whatever reason (maybe something to do with Cookies or whatever other reason), I have struggled with posting on Classic view for some time. I would get a notice that i was not logged in (but I was) or that my YT name was registered to another user (which it isn't). So I could get by that by backing up and going forward (using back/forward arrows) and then my post or reply to a post would work. Now even that system has bogged down and Classic does not let me post.

So I can use Modern ..... this post is made using Modern. I don't like it as much but that's another topic. What I am wondering about is ...

1) ... say "Billy" makes a post and gets several replies. I see one of the replies that I want to reply to, it's made by "Freddy". So Freddy replies to Billy and I (Crazy Horse) want to reply to Freddy. OK, so that works, but my reply isn't next to Freddy in the reply lineup (like in Classic and their indentation system). How does anyone know who I am replying to? Do I meed to mention his name, or perhaps leave his whole reply in place when I reply?

2) If I'm in Modern and want to post a direct link to say an article or a video, etc. Where is that located for me to use in Modern (rather than putting it in my post and expecting someone to cut and paste)?

Click quote instead of reply in modern and it will put the post you are replying to in a box above what you type.

Like I did here.
(quoted from post at 07:50:37 12/14/19) For whatever reason (maybe something to do with Cookies or whatever other reason), I have struggled with posting on Classic view for some time. I would get a notice that i was not logged in (but I was) or that my YT name was registered to another user (which it isn't). So I could get by that by backing up and going forward (using back/forward arrows) and then my post or reply to a post would work. Now even that system has bogged down and Classic does not let me post.

So I can use Modern ..... this post is made using Modern. I don't like it as much but that's another topic. What I am wondering about is ...

1) ... say "Billy" makes a post and gets several replies. I see one of the replies that I want to reply to, it's made by "Freddy". So Freddy replies to Billy and I (Crazy Horse) want to reply to Freddy. OK, so that works, but my reply isn't next to Freddy in the reply lineup (like in Classic and their indentation system). How does anyone know who I am replying to? Do I meed to mention his name, or perhaps leave his whole reply in place when I reply?

2) If I'm in Modern and want to post a direct link to say an article or a video, etc. Where is that located for me to use in Modern (rather than putting it in my post and expecting someone to cut and paste)?
n every post on modern view there are 2 tabs. REPLY and QUOTE If you want to comment on strictly Fredies post click QUOTE instead of reply. As far as creating a link, I have no idea, I still don't know how to do that.
(quoted from post at 07:50:37 12/14/19) For whatever reason (maybe something to do with Cookies or whatever other reason), I have struggled with posting on Classic view for some time.ll
I usually leave the person's name in the quote when I am replying so it indicates who I'm talking to. Like this one.
I use, and prefer modern view. Only problem I have with it is that I can't post a good "clickable" link there. Have to go back to classic view to do that. I can't edit posts in either version though. And there are times I would like to.
When you log into classic it warns you that cookies must be enabled with what browser program you are using.P.S.This is the first time I ever logged into or posted via classic.

In modern,you have to guote or mention the person you are replying to.
(quoted from post at 16:05:42 12/14/19) If you would post this down on Site Comments forum, Chris will give you the real
answers to your question.--------------------Loren

ACGuy ..... yes, I did that some time back .... ie. my problem with posting on Classic and running into those roadblocks. He said there might be an issue at this end, I remember "cookies" being mentioned, etc. Whatever, he didn't solve anything for me, it ended up being a sort of "fend for yourself" situation. I solved it until just this week with that going back and forth until the post worked.

I see a post I made some time back about Classic vs Modern and some questions I had at that time. That post and all the answers are below in a cut and paste link (haven't figured out a direct link post yet).

I'm using Modern for all of this today since Classic no longer works for me. I'll have to learn how to use Modern by the looks of things, come experimental posting and replying will get me on track.
(quoted from post at 16:05:42 12/14/19) If you would post this down on Site Comments forum, Chris will give you the real
answers to your question.--------------------Loren

ACGuy ..... yes, I did that some time back .... ie. my problem with posting on Classic and running into those roadblocks. He said there might be an issue at this end, I remember "cookies" being mentioned, etc. Whatever, he didn't solve anything for me, it ended up being a sort of "fend for yourself" situation. I solved it until just this week with that going back and forth until the post worked.

I see a post I made some time back about Classic vs Modern and some questions I had at that time. That post and all the answers are below in a cut and paste link (haven't figured out a direct link post yet).

I'm using Modern for all of this today since Classic no longer works for me. I'll have to learn how to use Modern by the looks of things, come experimental posting and replying will get me on track.
Crazy Horse,

Answer to 1, is that the Modern View quotes whomever you are replying to... so that "quote" indicates whom you are replying to - or you can delete that quote (especially if it's a long post/reply to which you are now replying), and just type-in their handle...

So if replying to me in modern, you can just delete the quote of my wording... then just type:

Then type your reply note.

IF I remember right - to post a link in Modern View (say to Youtube):
Type your post
Hit the URL button icon/symbol
Copy and paste the URL from Youtube
Hit the URL button icon/symbol again at the end of your link...
I THINK this is the way to do it - but has been a while since I used Modern. I only learned it for a bit, at a time when it seemed I could not post photos from classic.

Like you, I MUCH prefer the way Classic View "flows", as it typically shows who is replying to whom (BUT that is IF respondents understand the correct person's reply button to click on.... some do NOT - they seem to always click on "reply" to the original poster rather than the reply button of the person to whom they actually want to reply to... this causes their replies to appear in a random location and one must try to deduce to whom they were replying).

That's my story... and I'm stickin' to it. GRIN
Can't help you except to emphasize that
you must have 'accept cookies' turned on
in your browser. Look around in your
settings or use your favorite search
engine to learn how to do it.
Adding modern view was the worst thing
to ever happen on this site.
(quoted from post at 12:27:55 12/14/19) CH,
Can't help you except to emphasize that
you must have 'accept cookies' turned on
in your browser. Look around in your
settings or use your favorite search
engine to learn how to do it.
Adding modern view was the worst thing
to ever happen on this site.

Yea like classic is the carburated forum and modern is the fuel injected forum.
One runs.
The other runs better.
But you still get to chose what you prefer.

For now.

Just making a reply using ONLY the REPLY button, to see if it shows your quote, Crazy Horse... because as I am typing this reply it shows in brackets that quote = "Crazy Horse" (so I want to see if that is still there - above my reply, after I hit submit).

Also trying a web link using the URL button before and after my Youtube link:

As SweetFeet posted. To post a direct link, copy the address from the address bar. Click the [u:acb1fa0081]URL[/u:acb1fa0081] button, paste the address you copied next to it (no space) and hit the url button again. I usually click preview at that time to see that it attached properly, then continue with the posting if I have more to enter.
Ahhh-hah! Guess it does NOT show in Classic View though. My bad!!
So I guess one should use the quote button.
(quoted from post at 12:41:45 12/14/19) Ahhh-hah! Guess it does NOT show in Classic View though. My bad!!
So I guess one should use the quote button.
Does not show who you replied to in modern either.

Even though it is in the box where you ad your reply, when you hit submit, that portion does not appear in the post.
(quoted from post at 16:41:45 12/14/19) Ahhh-hah! Guess it does NOT show in Classic View though. My bad!!
So I guess one should use the quote button.

Quote, unquote, reply, don't reply ..... ha, this whole thing is driving me crazy .... thus my user name. I think I'll eventually get it, I still prefer classic, I'm sure that I'm not the only one.
(quoted from post at 11:55:01 12/14/19)
(quoted from post at 16:41:45 12/14/19) Ahhh-hah! Guess it does NOT show in Classic View though. My bad!!
So I guess one should use the quote button.

Quote, unquote, reply, don't reply ..... ha, this whole thing is driving me crazy .... thus my user name. I think I'll eventually get it, I still prefer classic, I'm sure that I'm not the only one.
t is simply a matter of preferences & what one is accustomed to & not liking change. Some like whole milk, some 2%, some Scotch, some whiskey. I had carburetors for 70 why did they have to change things??!!!! I know, but you get the point.

Crazy Horse you are making a big complicated issue of nothing. Just pretend you are talking instead of typing.

Enter: Freddy, then what you wish to tell him.

or HEY Freddie, and what you wish to tell him

or YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO,,, Fredddie!!!!!!!!! if you think that he may be hard of hearing.
(quoted from post at 10:55:01 12/14/19)
Quote, unquote, reply, don't reply ..... ha, this whole thing is driving me crazy .... thus my user name. I think I'll eventually get it, I still prefer classic, I'm sure that I'm not the only one.

I didn't like Modern when I 1st started utilizing it. After several yrs I can hardly tolerate it to switch over to Classic to look for a post that was posted yesterday that may be 5 or 6 pages back on Classic but would be be on page 1 maybe 2 on Modern.
(quoted from post at 10:39:42 12/14/19)
Yep - Reply button will show whom you are replying to... just not the actual quote.

Actually, it will only do that the first time it comes up. When you come back later that part will be gone. Better to use the "quote" button. Then the original post will remain with your reply.

The reason modern view is so disjointed on this site is that they are running it and classic simultaneously and trying to sync the two.
That is their choice and their right to do so.
But as long as both formats exist, modern will never work the way it should.
Most other forums use modern view exclusively and they flow a lot more smoothly than this one does.
But...that is their choice. And we make do.
(quoted from post at 12:10:11 12/14/19)
The reason modern view is so disjointed on this site is that they are running it and classic simultaneously and trying to sync the two.
That is their choice and their right to do so.
But as long as both formats exist, modern will never work the way it should.
Most other forums use modern view exclusively and they flow a lot more smoothly than this one does.
But...that is their choice. And we make do.

Not sure what you mean. Modern seems to flow just fine for me. I rarely if ever have issues following the conversations. No more so than any other forum.
I use "classic", but I (almost) always quote a snippet of the post I'm replying to. That way it's fairly obvious in both classic and modern view which post I'm replying to.

As for the classic versus modern complaint, classic view is still around only because a lot of folks here prefer it. Our hosts would no doubt like to get rid of classic, but don't because of its popularity. At some point, though, classic simply isn't going to be supportable and they'll have to dump it.
I had the same problem posting on Classic view. I switched browsers from Google Chrome to Mozilla Firefox. That solved the problem.
(quoted from post at 14:44:25 12/14/19)

As for the classic versus modern complaint, classic view is still around only because a lot of folks here prefer it. Our hosts would no doubt like to get rid of classic, but don't because of its popularity. At some point, though, classic simply isn't going to be supportable and they'll have to dump it.

If you follow the posts in the "Site Comments" forum It sounds as though Kim prefers 18th century classic and Chris prefers modern. It also sounds like they are already using the digital equivalent of baling wire and duct tape to keep classic functional. I think he views it as sort of a challenge.
I am using Chrome and when I post I have to type in my
email address. If I let Chrome auto fill the email
address I get the "Not Logged In" message. Works every
time when I type it in. I can use auto fill in the
modern forum and it works. Hope this helps.
Let's hope that's on down the road. With Classic I can maintain continuity with postings and replies. With Modern it's just gobbledygook and you have to figure out what and why the posting....repy? To what/whom? Original posting? How long ago was the original posting? How old is the original posting? on and on.......For a time I had problems uploading to Classic but no longer.
I drank my first glass of Buttermilk this past week. Sweetie was making Buttermilk Pies and I bought a half gallon when she asked for a quart.....not too
bad...not what I expected......the pies are great and have no reference in taste to the original product.
(quoted from post at 10:30:10 12/15/19) Let's hope that's on down the road. With Classic I can maintain continuity with postings and replies. With Modern it's just gobbledygook and you have to figure out what and why the posting....repy? To what/whom? Original posting? How long ago was the original posting? How old is the original posting? on and on.......For a time I had problems uploading to Classic but no longer.

The time a post is made on Modern view is real simple. Look at the very top of the post you're reading & the time reply is made is right there in black & white. Unlike the way Classic puts the replies, Modern view places the replies in chronological order 1st to last. Threads that have been replied to on Modern view rise to the top of each forum unlike Classic view that may have a thread 5 or 6 pages down that's been recently replied to.

I hear you but I (sorta) remember where I replied to posts and even though I have to flip through several pages, the replies are in red and the post is
blue...easy to see. Thanks anyway. Maybe some day....when Classic crashes...if it does.

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