More loader pictures

Seems like there have been alot of loader
pictures lately. I saw this TD-6 outside
an abandoned coal mine in New Mexico.
Never seen anything like it myself.

EEEAKK!! I almost fell into the pit! :) Blast I had to do a 180 flip on your photo. Now they loaded. When you run them through the photo program they usually correct themselves.



You were in Madrid pronounced with a long a just 5 mile north of us on NM 14. Always wondered if they made more than one of those or used up all the iron in NM on that one. Madrid is a interesting place once abandoned then they made a movie there and it became what it is now.
The vertical roller track hold the bucket to a near straight up and down motion. Bucyrus engineers must have played with models for a while figuring the geometry of the thing. The design also keeps the arms inside the track width making it as a whole narrower than other designs. It looks to be a trip bucket as the tag chain and spring absorb full dump impact. We had a TD18A with A Bucyrus Cable operated 12 foot blade, nasty thing that. Jim
You are correct. We stopped in to listen to some music and have a cold beverage. We ran away from home this Christmas. Headed to the Grand Canyon and then over to Central California to meet our son and then back to Oregon. Didn?t know there were YTers so close.

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