Some Big Firewood


Well-known Member
Just to show that we do grow a few big trees here I will post this pic from 1984 when we took down some big ones. There was some concern the trees were dying out in the centre and might fall on the church or the house next door. I think they were either black poplar or cotton wood. Likely close to 80 years old by the age of the town. It does not show the size of the stump the chain saw is sitting on but it had to be 4 foot diameter. It was not the greatest firewood but it was free. I still have one of the blocks in my workshop as a stand for my anvil. That wood will last fine if it is kept dry indoors.
Yup. Doing it righ,one branch at a time.
Many years ago down in our woods I took
down two red oaks that had died years
before so there were no limbs. Both of them
were better than 38 inches across. The
earth truly MOVED when they hit the ground!
I an sitting here 4:15 in the morning. Just
plane woke up.
Having maturing trees around the place and working them before they become a problem, I work alone and have to do a lot of thinking before taking any
action...protecting me and buildings and such. Totally agree on one branch at a time and most of the time parts of the branch, one at a time to get it down.
What gets me is standing on the ground and looking at a tree is one thing. As in the picture, having it on the ground and standing next to it, where you can
see just how big it is, and HOW MUCH IT WEIGHS is quite another.

There is a guy on another forum, Sawyer Rob or something of the sort that has a section of a tree on a trailer. Must be 5' in diameter and who knows how
long as it's an end view, but he seems to be a do it yourselfer and one can imagine he brought it down alone. Very scary and very impressive.

And then there are the professional woodsmen (lumberjacks) who chop down the big ones, like the TV series. Thanks but no thanks. They can have their
All I see is a trip to ER.
I know a farmer building a pole barn, cut a the top of post off while standing on ladder.
He broke both ankles.

I'm in favor of removing trees close to any building.
I'm cheap, but I will hire a professional with a bucket truck to remove my trees that close to a building. Or to remove a widow maker. A tree with dead branches is a widow maker.
(quoted from post at 05:57:17 01/14/20) Rusty,
All I see is a trip to ER.

I'm cheap, but I will hire a professional with a bucket truck to remove my trees that close to a building. Or to remove a widow maker. A tree with dead branches
is a widow maker.
ake Down A Tree[/url]

I took down a Hemlock that was about 22 inches last fall. It was close to the house and power lines. I did it pretty much the same as you did Rusty. It came down about a foot from where I wanted it to though. When I worked for a tree service the guys were always saying "don't cut the corner!!" However, if it gets too much dead in it, it can be hard to control.
Those blocks are pretty big all right and that is where an experienced climber is needed. I have seen it done quite a few times in recent years, larger trees, near structures, overhead wires or just do darned big, felling is not the best method or even possible. One down the lane here, they used a crane, tree service outfit did the work, 48" butt log. They chipped a lot of good limbs that I would have taken but I did get all the big logs. My friend had a large oak taken down by a single climber for under $2K, well worth it.

Some I have done are very tricky, but at this stage I know what ones to avoid, let the expert deal with it.
I would burn all of that poplar or whatever, once dry, makes heat, so what, all burns and if you have a huge pile, why would anyone balk at that. I burn just about anything here, pine included and never have any creosote issues, just need to know what you are doing, season well, mix, use as kindling etc.

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