The hauling schedule

Only once. About 10 years ago I had a dirt scoop hauled from near Lincoln, NE to the Twin Cities. Guy was coming with another load and had room. The whole deal went very well.
I have advertised there a couple of times. Was going empty to pick up a tractor or some such and ran an ad to haul one way.
Never got any replies.
I've used it 2 real good haulers 1 low life crook go with your gut no up front money.I shouldve known had a contract written up too was only worth the paper it was written on..what State are you in.
I did once many years ago, good experience, no problems. I would be careful, ask for references ect..
If it will run and drive you might come out way cheaper to drive it down to Tijuana and then haul it your self across to Arizona and up, shouldnt be over about 50 miles, Mr. Chief will know if it is legal to drive the tractor that far in California.
I've used it a couple of times. One was very smooth and went well. The last time it seemed the responses wanted to deadhead to the load and come back with it for the round trip price. Just couldn't afford that.
As a past motor carrier don't pay up front. Anybody worth their salt should be able to load and deliver then get paid. IF they are that distrusting don't use them. And if they are that distrusting of you pay them when they arrive before unloading. Most CED's are to be done that way. When you arrive they pay then unload. I never worried about it. I figured if they could afford a 50-200,000.00 piece of equipment, and not the freight they were broke before they started. I also got to be a fair judge of character by talking to them on the phone when checking on the delivery time and day. Never had a problem getting a good check from anybody. Do make sure they have liability and cargo insurance if they don't and something happens your out both the money and the item. If you get a DOT number and go to you can look them up for all that or have then send you a copy of their insurance.
I have hauled for people but don't really do it anymore. My son and I decided it isn't worth the bother and risk. I have been ripped off twice by haulers on this site. One picked up a tractor in Florida and was supposed to bring it to Minnesota. He took it to his home in Michigan and said come and get it if you want it. Biggest jerk I ever met. Other one strung me along for weeks with every sob story you can imagine. I finally sent him gas money because he seemed very legit. Never got the tractor hauled or my money. I don't buy anything I am not willing to go get myself.
Thanks guys . I?ve already got a quote from freight star on brining it out of ca to Utah for me . So when the time comes I?ll probably have them do it a lot less chance of getting scammed

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