Things are Selling

Traditional Farmer

Well-known Member
Must be the mild Winter placed several ads lately.Old skid loader,garden tractor loader,Case garden tractors all priced reasonable but with some room to drop a few buck$. Multiple
prospective buyers on all three,all sold for asking price.Plus some parts sales,maybe the old stuff is coming back into style?
This is a good time of year to get stuff sold because people are starting to get excited about what they want to do this spring. And spring makes people optimistic about it and energetic enough to fix up stuff. I have to watch myself or I will buy myself work I don't need!
Sure do not want to turn this thread political , but fact is the economy is just booming. Not only are old things selling , everything is selling. Dollar wise my KUBOTA store was up 19 over 18 about 22% . I know things are not just running away with farmers but the house building and construction segments has came back strong and we are selling several big tractors to some farmers. Used KUBOTA have always sold strong but overall the used market is up. Things like squirt-boom forklifts and track skid steers are selling strong as well as mini excavators.
In the all Ag markets, I think things are a little different? Anyhow around here and more so north and west of me, there was a lot of difficult times, prevent plant acres, crops still in the fields from last year. I don?t think machinery sales are so good in those pockets. I hear tractor and Connie sales are way down, and used bigger machines are piling up.

I agree with you on the typical mid sized kibitz market, and the more hobby sized farm that things are booming.

And good small/ mid sized used stuff, that doesn?t use def fluid, is also a good hot market as TF is saying.

Might be careful tho if you look at the bigger Ag markets in most areas tho? I would not want to be an Ag dealer when I look at the piles of used stuff and year old new they are carrying on the lots.......

That is where a good store manager really shines. Sales should be making money in good times and parts/service will carry the store in bad. The crop still gets put in most of the time, even if it is with older equipment.
I just wished i could get two good cars sold . Not even a tire kicker . The one i have to go get a battery for since it drop kick me last Sunday and that is the only thing it needs , i have done fixed everything else and it is a nice car for it's age as it drives nice for a car ( i just have not liked any car since 1971 ) . I got it for my youngest daughter after the OTHER car i got here got totaled (not her fault ) that replacce d the other one that got totaled ( and again not her fault ) Both times she was setting at a light in traffic. This one is a 2005 Chrysler Sebring that we bought from the daughter of and elderly couple that could no longer drive , yea it has been BRUSED because the kept bumping into things but it has 32 and change on the clock . I went all over that car and fixed anything i saw before my Daughter took it . At the time she was working for Western Ohio Girl Scouts like the War Dept. over here doing the same thing . BUT on the west side . She was what they call a CME and she had S/E in. and S/W Ohio are to cover so the miles started to climb . And like any used car we started finding weak points . When something would happen it would go to then one Chrysler dealer down there and get repaired or if it was something that would make it home then she would come home for the weekend and i would fix it and go over the car Oil was changed every 3500 -4000 miles . A opening in GSWO opened up for the camp directors job and Beth applied and got it , well now she had to move to the Toledo office and work out of there BUT had to still run the WHOLE wester side of the state from the lake to the river . So the miles on the Sebring was still racking up . she called me one day to tell me she had just got a HUGE raise and she could now afford her new JEEP and she was coming home on Thrusday evening and she and i were going JEEP hunting . Friday morning she and i set out to find the JEEP . we hit every stinking Chrysler JEEP DODGE dealer between I 71 to the west and I 79 in the east and from the lake to I70 in the south And after all this running around the vary last deaqler ship on the way home late staurday after noon at a rinkydink hole in the wall she found her exact JEEP and no body around .SOOoo Monday morning she and i were there to open the place . After squezzzing every last penny i could squeeeezzzzzz out of them i said no deal come on beth lest go After they had washed waxed filled the tank and had the plates on it and started for the door , he said what IF i throw in the LIFE TIME Chrysler EXTENDED Warranty Then i said OK . They did not want her car as they only keep car on the lot less then three years old So that is why we brought it home and been tryen to sell it for three years now . War Dpet wants a New SUV and here again dealers don't want a car more then three years old unless you just want to GIVE it to them Her car has 102and change on it , i just did all four wheel brakes complete has two sets of tires well maintained and all recalls done Heater is fixed and we have been tryen to sell it now since last Sept and NO calls .None I see the same stuff everyday on Craigs list that some of it has been on there for well over a year Same with Face book Market place , if it goes away a couple months later it is back on . So it must be my neck of the woods where people are not buying .
I think tax return time is a good time to sell. I know they say the economy is booming. It seems on the news they said bankruptcy amoung farmers is at a high also.
People are out buying things, no doubt about that. About three ago I bought a Ford Focus Hatchback that gets a bad rap for transmission problems. Although Ford extended the drive train warranty, rebuilt and updated the transmission, I'm stuck with a car nobody wants...
NW of me the Red dealerships all turned into Titan, a few good more modest 3-5 location Red dealers remain.

The Green dealerships around here all turned into Kibble.

Neither seem to have store managers, they just raised shop rates 33-50%, tack on a parts stocking delivery fee of 25%, and wonder why business is slow.

Many of us farming are going to independent shops, parts from the internet, and the few remaining independent dealers left.

Green?s answer to that is to try to keep legislation that tractor owners can no longer work on their own tractors, it has to be dealer only and to eliminate independent dealerships. I believe Red is on board with that idea as well.

I can see why KUBOTA sales are fairly good......

Think about this.... Just look at what the guy that is a potential customer for your car has to look at. The ONLY way one sells an older car is PRICE, you just have to lowered the price if you have been trying to sell two years and it has not moved. Then we get to the all the things you have done to it , that in you mind makes it more valuable ,but in the real world adds no value because potential customers just do not believe a seller. Hope you get them sold but just trying to give you some insight as why they are not moving. Not the economy but the market.
(quoted from post at 10:27:07 01/31/20) Sure do not want to turn this thread political , but fact is the economy is just booming.

It's the other way around. Used equipment is selling because rural America has taken a gut-punch from an economy that has made the stock market rich on the backs of farmers and manufacturing workers who have seen terrible times for the last 3 years.

Economy booming? Not if you're trying to sell anything new and don't own a Ferrari dealership on Wall Street. Used equipment and parts machines are hot because it's all people can afford because of you know who's trade war.

I can't believe how many people buy into this media-hyped "booming economy" when it really only applies to hedge fund billionaires. The stock market doesn't mean squat to the real America because most of us don't make our livings from playing with our portfolios all day.

The economy is rapidly slowing and the yield curve is the wrong way, so I guess if you think you're on the gravy train now, enjoy it for however long your guy can convince you it lasts.

Famous Grouse, not everyone can benefit, there are no free rides, there are plenty of losers out there who have missed out and are either too clueless
or brainwashed by the so called elites to get with the program and benefit from the effects of deregulation and free enterprise. Jealousy and whining
about those who work harder and are smarter than oneself is not a recipe for success.
GROUSE- Change the channel of news you watch on TV. In spite of what they claim, nnalert can NOT walk
and chew gum at the same time. The USMCA should have been passed over a year ago. That would have lit a
fire under lots of US markets. China has NEVER played nice with others. About time somebody made them
play by the rules. They have NEVER been friends of the USA. US farmers could feed them better than they
could feed themselves.
SON worked for a big farm & construction equip. Company for 10 years. Had plenty of work a year ago,
most profitable year they EVER had, most of it going over-seas, orders just stopped 6 months ago. Instead
of working 60-70 hours a week now he was laid off for 6 weeks Nov & Dec. and some of Jan. Starts his NEW
job in 10 days.
Yes, some people working for the right companies are doing extremely good. The other companies, like
GM I'd be looking for a new job if I worked there.
It?s a little early here for things to pick up for selling as property taxes were due in January and although we are having an easy winter people start looking to buy stuff once they get their income tax money and spring is close. Sounds like you will have to hit a few auctions and restock your inventory.
Old equipment is selling because the new
stuff is JUNK. My customers want simple,
reliable equipment that can be repaired
quickly, and at a reasonable price. They
don't want complicated, electronic junk
that cost both arms and a leg for the
dealership to three weeks...

With that in mind, banks rarely loan to
buy used equipment, so those buying used
are paying cash.

A good economy is the reason they have the
cash to buy.

That one, simple, fact goes directly
against your assertion of the economy
being bad because...well you know...

Only those in debt up to their ears
because they have been conditioned to
think they deserve, and have to own the
latest and greatest of everything, and do
it on part time, minimum wage pay, or whatever, are
having a hard time.

Those responsible enough to live within
their means, regardless of how much they
work, or make, are doing just fine, and
praying for at least several more good
I think you may have taken a sip of the wrong kool-aide. Many hundreds of low, middle and upper wage earner tax returns cross my desk every year. Everybody is working and smiling by comparison to just a few years ago. There are problems. Big business is more important to the current administration. Small businesses are hurting for health insurance unless one spouse gets a job that has it. They are also being muscled out of market share by larger businesses who have better advertising resources due to location and other factors. It is really hard to get your name out there with the internet. Phone books and local papers were a lot more equitable with ads. No one is really helping these people. Not even their own associations. Otherwise, things are looking good across the board. Only one UE compensation form last year and that guy is a real whiner so no surprise.
Most now days view cars as disposable items, because that's really all they are. One major repair, what most consider a fender bender, and the vehicle is totalled.

For example, I've seen cars driven into the salvage yard due to a transaxel leak. The repair would cost more than another used car of the same age.

Another example is a newer car that hit another newer car and pushed it into the rear of our '98 Suburban. The other two cars were totalled. Our Suburban was repaired for about $2600. Had we owned a newer car, or a Suburban with the plastic bumpers and 'crumple zones' rather than a full frame and a metal bumper, the damage to the rear would probably have totalled it as well.

With that in mind, bad as I hate to say it, if you want to sell a 'newer' vehicle, you're going have to all but give it away to get it sold. But, if you've got something older, and reliable, you can get a much better price because a buyer for those type vehicles cares about that kind of thing, and is willing to pay for it.
What I have are the lines from the tractor to the control valve for the tiller and the lines with quick disconnects back to hook up to the tiller.All together in one unit now.
Farm economy has very little effect in my area and most people I know are doing well.My step son has a excavating type business he is covered up in work has 5 or 6
crews going now 6 days a week.
That is a start, I have several Case tractors and want to dig them for different jobs. Are you interested in selling the lines?
I've had a vehicle for sale for 3 weeks now and haven't gotten a single phone call.....Its over $10,000 and I cant take trades or finance it which doesn't help things..
I would like to come by this spring when I head that way, I read you have about 150 garden tractors, pretty sure I need to do a little business with you with that type of selection, are you off the Lee highway or close to 81?
If you follow the trends as to what is selling for and why, follow Machinery Pete. He tracks most of the farm auctions in the Midwest and will give you a very good picture of what is going on. Low hour or well maintained pre- electronic tractors are bringing record prices. JD 4440, 4450, IH 1066, 56 series for example. You can work on these, parts are readily available and are very dependable power.
It's booming here and lots of blue collar type work going on. Craigs list has been good to me for the past few years when I started using it. Super buys and super equipment. Real estate around me is a seller's market. All these new folks need good and services to get established. Traffic on my country road is mind boggling. $2 gasoline doesn't hurt a thing........Propane is cheap too.
IMHO the farm economy is simply returning to normal pricing after some years of outstanding prices. Over production is a big problem that will continue to push prices down. It sounds like very few producers are looking to cut their output or significantly reduce their production costs.
I'd love to have you visit,I'm about 40 miles East of I81 when you take the US 33 East exit over to US 29 to Ruckersville.I'm 2 miles off US 29 plenty of room for a truck and trailer.Easier to take the Wyers Cave exit off I81 over to US 33 plus some pretty farm country that way.My garden tractors include Ford,MF,Simplicity/AC,Bush Hog,
Gravely,Ariens,Bolens,Troybilt etc.Runs from good complete to parts tractors although most are complete might be closer to 200.put my email up this time.
Higher dollar things are harder to sell.I gave up on that, with Bottom Feeder items they are cheap to buy and a large pool of people looking for inexpensive things.As old Bud Yingling used to say up at his junkyard he'd sold new equipment and dealt in junk and made way more money with junk.One of the best ways to move a tractor,vehicle,equipment I've found is
to be using it,people will think its a better machine than one that is just sitting not being used.
"[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]Economy booming?[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]"

Driving through town I see a lot of new commercial construction and HELP WANTED or NOW HIRING signs.

"[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]if you think you're on the gravy train now, enjoy it for however long your guy can convince you it lasts[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]"


Figure we're only one election away from social ism; that will definitely cure any booming economy.

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