Pumpkin patch planting questions

My grandson has grown pumpkins and gourds for three years in the same spot to raise money to help pay for Boy Scouting activities. Is it OK to use the same area again or best to rotate? Or should we be adding something to enhance the soil. The soil has not been tested and he basically just put the seeds in the ground and weeds each year. (I'm no help with crops of any kind)

Last year his crop didn't produce well but the soil was saturated with moisture most of the year.

I could plow up a grassy area that been grass for years if that would be best route to go. Any advise for him or I would be much appreciated.

Without a soil test, and without knowing the type of soil, or where in the world the small plot is located, I will guess. Spreading 16-10-10 (You might not find that number, but the same proportion) fertilizer over the ground so the granuals average an inch apart (don't measure, just have space between the particles) then spading the plot to about 6 to 7 inches deep, will do it. Jim
Cucurbit family are prone to disease. Rotation
is a wise thing to do. If you have a different plot to
plant go for it.
Thanks Jim.

I guess I didn't give you much to go on did I... Your reply made me laugh and I needed that.

Being serious I really don't know what type of soil it is other than it's black. Size is about 4000 SF. I've tilled it with my WD45 in the past and tills up nice. Sits on a side hill that has a gradual slope with the patch being on a flatter area.

I'll go to the local co-op and see what they have close to the fertilizer you mentioned.

I'll fertilize then till. This area was not tilled last fall being too wet then late.

Thanks for your reply. I and others really do appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us on this site. It's amazing.

I'd rotate them and a cover crop in the late Fall/Winter.Also just as soon as the pumpkins are harvested it'd be good to disk up the field they are planted just to help break disease/pest cycle.
I have a couple acres of sandy soil I have been planting to pumpkins for close to twenty years. I harvest it as soon as I can in September, disk it up and plant rye cover as soon as the crop is harvested. Spray with Roundup the first of May. Run my digger through it a week or so later. Run a tiller through it a week or two later and Plant by June 1. Been using Strategy weed killer after planting. Side dress the rows a few weeks later with Fertilizer. Run tiller between the rows later in July and use Eco Weeder in the rows. Usually hit it once with Sevin for bug control. Usually have a good crop to sell in my stand every year. I do have a couple more acres I plant also but may rotate with Corn.

You said your ground was wet resulting in not so good a crop last year. I might add last year was a bad year for allot of us and pumpkins do not like wet cold ground which I also had in a couple other plots I have that didn't do well last year.

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