Heart cath this morning. I have afib,and am short of breath all the time. Hope he can figure it out.
I have perpetual AFB and it hasn't killed me yet. Have a pacemaker. Take Eclogues blood thinner so shouldn't have a clotting problem.
Had several.No problem. Do listen to their advice on activity about taking care of site where cath was placed.
JWA , I had it done last Thursday , my Doc said I needed it , Did it through my right arm behind elbow , They got in there in 20 mins and did NOT find a thing !! Come to find out SOMEONE read the heart and lung scans wrong ! So all for nothing , the worst part for Me was the cronvirus nose swab !! Man clear up to the brain. !!
All is well , big black and blue on in side of arm
i had it an dicked around with heart doc who couldn't fix it. found one that could. if u want info send me a PM and your location. proceedure has been around since 1988 but few doctors can do it. called a cox maze 3. hasn't came back in 4yrs. recovery was much easier then open heart surgery.

I got a third degree block last Jan. 18th. They had a hard time to get the catheter in. I died in the ER, but they got a different cardiac doc in and he told me the following day that he had no problem getting it in. I got a pacemaker implanted a few days later. That device transmits data every night, and it told them that I have had four tachycardia events in two months. Since those can kill you they are going to implant a defibrillator. Whatever. Some people tell me that they want me around for awhile longer.
Hope they get things figured out and you feel better! It will be a month to the day tomorrow that I had a widow maker heart attack and survived. Lucky it happened when and where it did at work or I would not be here today. Blessed the good Lord was not done with me yet! Will keep you in prayers! Have a great week.
A local fellow who had an auto repair shop had a heart attack one day while working in his shop.

He did three things. He called 911, he took several aspirin, and he opened his acetylene welder and breathed pure oxygen out of the welder until the rescue unit arrived.

The rescue people said he saved himself with the oxygen.

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