A day time view


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I can't imagine working those dry fields. We just got another 3" of rain yesterday so we have mud again
Nope do not wanna take a chance of looking like someone who i cant say a little dirt never hurt anyone
I hear tell there’s such a thing as to much rain but we don’t know what it looks like we always seem to have just enough though and sometimes a little extra
Thanks for all those great pictures!!!!!!Sure wish I could stop in and visit that part of the country.I would buy some steaks ,could you toss them on a fire?
I am with you on the DRY sadly,, I would like to chisel my stubble ground,, its so dry here I would burn up my points way to fast if I could even get int he ground the 5-7" I like to do when doing that job,, glad you are able to at least get done what you need to,, these are from 2017 keep up the work looking Good

Yes a friends dad died of famer lung but i know lots of men that breathed dust their whole life and never died of it
Hopefully i can tie this up tonight get home and work my triticale field down get it drilled this week and then get started plowing in the next two weeks. I do like that big tractor there is a guy who has three or four of them a few he uses a few just sit
That ground that turns to soup around an irrigation leak is just about what it is like except it is the whole field. I'll take dry over whet anytime. Dry will scare you to death and wet will starve you to death. Mud makes so much nore work to do anything. Takes more fuel and wear and strain on equipment to accomplish the same job.
raise crops on less than 3" over 15 months and see how that works lol,, I do agree for sure when its too wet its bad,, many of us seldom have a wet problem long out here,, I know dozens of people who get more H20 in a week than I see in a year ,,, different areas different problems,,

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